Chapter 1113: Enchanting Shadow Strikes Later 3

After discussing with 001, she stuffed the food in her mouth bit by bit.

This vegetable tofu has no oily water at all, and eating two bites makes her feel nauseous.

But even so, she ate a bowl of tofu with vegetables and no leftovers of rice.

Xuan Yunzhi was selfish, indifferent and lawless.

If you have to pick an advantage, know the time and count one.

She can pick and choose in high-class places where she is in and out of gold and dirt, and she spends like dirt.

In such a messy place full of peculiar smells, you can eat the food without changing the color of the toilet next to it.

After dinner, there seems to be nothing else.

All that is left is waiting.

Waiting to be released in the afternoon.

Sitting on the edge of the bed with his head lowered until a sound rang

"No. 0"

There was a sound at the door.

She looked up, the female warden held the key of the room door in her hand and opened the iron door for her.

"Let's go, out of prison."

The female warden held a file in her hand and looked down at the string of names one by one.

Xuan Yunzhi lifted up his steps and walked out.

After following the female warden, she watched the female warden stop and shouted into an iron gate without going far.

"No. 5, 8 and 4, released from prison today."

The iron door opened, and a woman walked out of it.

The woman tidy up very cleanly, and her aura is full.

She was thin and gave people the feeling of being streamlined and capable.

If you are not wearing a prison uniform, it is easy to think that this is a capable woman in the workplace.

She glanced at the warden, and then at Xuan Yunzhi

"Let's go"

Speaking, the voice is too small and hoarse, with an inexplicable order, but it will not make people feel abrupt or disgusting, and will only follow her words.

When the female warden heard this, she just glanced at her and said nothing.

Then put the folder on his arm and walk forward.

Xuan Yunzhi walked along the road side by side with this capable and silent woman, and no one spoke aloud.

Before being released from prison, the female warden threw two keys over and looked down at the time

"Half an hour, find the corresponding number, bring good things, take a shower, leave the prison, and be a good person."

The female warden repeated mechanically.

Probably this has been said to countless people countless times, and he can recite it even with his eyes closed.

Xuan Yunzhi is holding the key ring, the number on it is her number, 0

Follow the rows of boxes to find them.

After finding it, open the box.

Inside, stockings, high heels, a shiny red gaudy miniskirt in a nightclub, a super red backpack, a mobile phone, two hundred dollars and a lipstick.

This is all her possessions.

Uh, she didn't say anything. She picked up the bag she had just sent, put everything in it, and walked to the bathing place.

There is no one at this spot in the bathing hall, and it is also a fixed time for people who have left the prison to clean up.

Not long after she walked in, another woman also walked in, busy herself.

Ten minutes later, Xuan Yunzhi put on the gaudy miniskirt, her hair was soggy, she didn't care much, showing a bright face.

Qin Mei's face is extremely eye-catching even without heavy makeup, big eyes, high nose, red lips, beautiful bumps, cups, hot body, and wearing such a miniskirt, it is not at first sight. What a serious woman.