Chapter 1115: Enchanting Shadow Attacks Later 5

With a creak, the gate of the women’s prison opened

Xuan Yunzhi stepped on the pair of hateful sky after hesitating for a long time.

Da Da Da, the high heels stepped on the ground, the waist of the water snake twisted with the movement, she stroked her hair, this move was really, too gorgeous.

Next to him, Lin Hong was wearing a white shirt and black trousers, her hair tied up, and she looked shrewd and capable.

Two people stood at the gate, forming a sharp contrast.

Finally, the two people who had been silent, Lin Hong took the lead in exporting

"Just now, thank you for saving me."

Xuan Yunzhi’s red lips split,

"You are welcome."

Lin Hong glanced at her.

"You can offer any conditions, as long as I can meet them."

Xuan Yunzhi stroked her hair and blinked at her

"Any conditions?"

She made no secret of her purpose.

Lin Hong nodded,

"As long as I can do it."

Xuan Yunzhi nodded and thought for a while

"I want to be an actor, one less agent, you can do it."

Lin Hong's eyes flashed through deep thought, and he thought about it for about a minute.

Speak out


Xuan Yunzhi raised his brows.

"You don't know anything about my information."

Lin Hong shook her head, put her hands in the pockets of her black pants,

"Give me your phone number and name, and I will contact you when I take care of my affairs."

When Lin Hong speaks, one word is a 卯.

Very powerful, at first glance it is a person who is accustomed to making decisions on weekdays.

"My name is Qin Mei, and my phone number is 156957"

Lin Hong noted that a red BMW appeared in front of the prison in a short while.

"Where are you going? Do you want to see you off?"

Xuan Yunzhi responded unceremoniously


As soon as he got in the car, the co-pilot of the car, a man in a black suit handed a folder to Lin Hong behind.

"Sister Hong, in the year you disappeared,"

At the beginning of the conversation, it was interrupted by Lin Hong

"Prepare an actor contract. I will sign with the sister Qin Mei next to me, and she will be brought by me personally."

The man in the suit was taken aback and nodded


While speaking, Lin Hong looked at Xuan Yunzhi next to him.

"Where does your home live? Take you back"

"Building No. 3 in the Garden District."

Xuan Yunzhi replied.

Lin Hong closed the document in his hand,

"Do you have any conditions that you want to charge, which should be written in the contract?"

Xuan Yunzhi shook his head


When Lin Hong listened to Xuan Yunzhi's words, she curled her lips and smiled.

"I like to communicate easily with smart people."

Xuan Yun Zhicong didn't know if he wasn't smart, but he communicated very freely, it was true.

Sending her to the door of her house, Lin Hong did not stay much longer and left.

It can be seen that Lin Hong has very urgent things to solve. At least, the enemy who wants her a finger must be pulled out and eradicated first.

According to Qin Mei's memory, Xuan Yunzhi walked along the stairs to the third floor.

Get the key to open the door.

He rushed towards his face, a smell of inferior cosmetics mixed with dust that hadn't dissipated yet.

She frowned.

This house is probably the only capital for Qin Mei to survive in this city.

It is also one of the few things that belongs to Qin Mei.

She took off her high heels, found a big box, threw all the cosmetics, imitation bags, and those vulgar clothes inside. After she cleaned it up, she sealed the box and threw it all out.

I bought a bottle of BA4 disinfectant and disinfected everything inside and outside the house.

Then he opened the window and sat in a chair with a sigh of relief.