Chapter 1136: The enchanting shadow later strikes 26

Si Yunxie stared at his eyelids, the depth in his eyes intensified, but his words were not rushed.

"go out"

The voice was low and very shocking.

After the attending doctor came back to his senses, he probably understood that the call just now was probably because the two people moved too far to press them.

The attending doctor opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but due to Si Yunxie's aura, he said nothing in the end and walked out of the intensive care unit.

Xuan Yunzhi tidied up her clothes, and she was panting.

The slanting sun came in, coating this face with a layer of light, and it looked even brighter.

She fainted with anger, and stood by the armrest of the chair for a while, because she lowered her head so that it was difficult to see the emotion on her face. Finally, she sat down with the chair and stayed for a while to feel better. .

This body is not weak.

At least it is much better than the previous one.

But he couldn't stand the toss of Xuan Yunzhi's high-intensity work.

Coupled with the two days of rolling the sheets every day, he changed his way to toss her, sleeping a few hours a day, and busying around the rest of the time, how can this body keep up?

The air was quiet for a long time, she stabilized her mood, and finally exited

"What do you want?"

Si Yunxie leaned on the side of the bed, his thin lips curled up slightly with a chill

"How about what?"

The voice is faint and low, not hurriedly or slowly.

She looked up and looked at him.

"I don't understand, what the **** are you angry about."

He seemed to be very angry with her, he didn't want to talk to her very much, he just wanted to change his way to the bed and toss her.

Since she came to him, Si Yunxie has said to her no more than ten sentences.

She clenched the corners of her dress, and if she said the first two times, she might have convinced herself that it was an illusion.

Today, the attitude towards her in this picture can be fully felt.

She bit her lip and looked at the man who said nothing,

Holding the handrail, standing up, blurted out a word

"You don't want to see me, then I won't come."

As soon as the voice fell, the sickly weakened man who had just been lying on the bed, his eyes sank, he walked off the bed abruptly, stood in front of her, and pressed the armrest of the chair.

In the long and narrow eyes, deep, dark, angry, gloomy and various emotions are rolling in them, like a storm that is about to come.

The corners of the white lips curled up, looking a little weird.

"Zhi'er is so capable, he can always provoke all my anger in one sentence."

The voice was hoarse and faint, making people a little bit timid.

He suppressed his anger, as if he couldn't control it at any time in the next second.

Xuan Yunzhi looked at him at each other, also exasperated.

This person is simply unreasonable.

He was obviously tossing her, as if he didn't want to talk to her and didn't want to see her.

Why is it her fault now?

She bit her mouth

"You are angry when you hear me, and you don't want to take care of me when you see me, then you can find someone who doesn't bother you."

Si Yunxie bullied herself up, put her arms around her waist, grabbed the person in his arms, and pulled her whole person up from the chair.

Unclear tone

"You are reasonable?"

Xuan Yun was unwilling to talk to him angrily, and turned to one side without speaking.

Si Yunxie squinted her eyes, pinched her chin and forced her to look at herself.

The tense and quiet atmosphere seemed to collapse in the next second.

A long time later, I suddenly heard Si Yunxie's profound and profound words

"I helped you accomplish your goal, didn't you even say thank you?"

Xuan Yunzhi was taken aback

"What's the meaning?"