Chapter 1150: The enchanting shadow later strikes 40

Xuan Yunzhi held his chin with one hand and thought for a while

"No answer"


Lin Hong didn't expect that she would refuse, then she frowned when she didn't know what she thought of

"Don't tell me, it's because of your boyfriend who has been hiding in St. Ann's Hospital."

Xuan Yunzhi smiled and shook his head

"It has something to do with him, but it doesn't matter much. I only make movies and TV series. I don't want other peripheral interviews and advertisements."

Anyway, Huo Yuan has promised to give her the best resources, so there is no need for her to shoot advertisements to increase her popularity and obtain better resources.

This way, there is still more time to stay with Si Yunxie, so that every time she leaves, the person will put on an expression wishing to swallow her.

Put her in St. Ann's Hospital, and the nanny car left.

Xuan Yunzhi walked to St. Ann's Hospital, feeling that the current life was a rare and comfortable life.

Although I am busy every day, I feel relaxed in my heart.

Don't care about 001 in the Secretary's house, which eliminates a big trouble for her.

Such a beanie, full of curiosity in his eyes, can't wait to take her to run the whole world.

Xuan Yunzhi felt angry when he thought of this.

This is simply another trouble that cannot be solved after Si Yunxie.

Especially since 001 has human emotions, speaking and doing things are not as capable and precise as before, but instead have more useless emotions.

For example, acting like a baby, selling stupidly, and also like watching an idol drama, crying to the plot in the TV drama, a piece of chocolate can run behind other people's ass.

The systems of other people's homes are as shrewd as the bones, and her home is only 6k pure and silly.

If you know that there will be so many useless emotions to add feelings to it, you should reject this wrong decision in the first place.

But what she didn't know was that her silly Baitian system was in trouble that night.

As night fell, 001 was still lying in bed obediently preparing to sleep.

Put on your rabbit Keith pajamas, wear a nightcap, turn off the light, go to bed, cover the quilt, and close your eyes.


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah"

I wanted to overturn the entire roof and the horrified shrill sound was firmly covered by a tender white hand.

Then, Yun Duo’s innocent and cute face appeared in front of Xuan Dazhuang’s eyes with a smile like a flower, and the words spoken in a sharp tone.

"Scream again and break your neck."

Then, she successfully closed her mouth with tears in her eyes.

Yun Duo was still wearing that bright red dress, holding her beloved doll in her hand, got out of the bed, and turned on the light.

Xuan Dazhuang leaned against the corner of the bed, his dark eyes looked at the clouds

"You, you, what are you doing?"

The voice was a little higher, not because I was afraid of clouds. I was really frightened by something like this in my quilt when I slept.

Yun Duo sat on the ground, looked at Xuan Dazhuang, and licked the corners of his lips.

"Anything to eat?"

Her voice restored the sweetness of a girl.

Xuan Dazhuang grunted

"not for you."

Clouds show dense white teeth

"If you don't give it to me, I will eat you."

Listening to this terrifying smelly system, Xuan Dazhuang finally jumped out of the bed between snacks and life-saving, and pulled out a huge basket from the bed with snacks as high as a mountain.

He is reluctant and unwilling

"Give you"

Yun Duo glanced at the snacks, then at Xuan Dazhuang, his eyes narrowed, there was a moment of danger, and finally the corners of his lips split in a strange arc, muttering

"Your host really loves you."