Chapter 1207: The enchanting shadow later struck 97

Even the resurrection pill cannot be cured. After all, to eat the resurrection pill requires the system to ask for permission from the host. After death, the consciousness is gone, how can it be taken again?

But if the time to eat the resurrection pill and the air cannon sniping time are at the same time, you can survive.

In other words, at that time, Xuan Yunzhi was very likely to be aware of the huge crisis, and judged that she could not escape to survive, and directly ordered 001 to take the resurrection pills, so the moment she died, she had been resurrected again.

Because Si Yunxie's injuries were not serious, he went home after the bandaging examination.

When he got home, Xuan Yunzhi looked left and right, only to realize that he seemed to have left Xuan Dazhuang behind.

When I went upstairs, I saw that Xuan Dazhuang's hands were tied with gauze like a steamed bun.

Sitting on the ground eagerly, began to accuse its host

"You don't care about me!"

Xuan Yunzhi stepped forward and hugged Xuan Dazhuang, feeling a little sorry.

"I was too anxious for him at the time, and forgot about you for a while."

While speaking, he touched Xuan Dazhuang's head for comfort.

Xuan Dazhuang snorted, and said nothing.

After being smoothed twice, this mood is already better.

After all, he is a self-reliant system.

Xuan Yunzhi took a closer look at Xuan Dazhuang's hand.

Obviously, the person who bandaged is also a novice. The level of this bandage is really scary. The fingers are all wrapped in gauze.

"Who got it for you?"

A smile flashed in her eyes.

Xuan Dazhuang answered honestly

"Gu Duo"

Hearing this name, Xuan Yunzhi was stunned for a moment.

"She also followed you?"

Xuan Dazhuang nodded, then hummed twice

"Then asked me some weird questions."

"what is the problem?"

"Ask me how many missions I have done with you, and if I have encountered enemies with golden light on my body, it is very strange anyway."

Xuan Dazhuang thought about it carefully, and curled his lips.

While speaking, he suddenly said

"Oh right!"

He was startled, Xuan Yunzhi raised his eyes

"What's wrong?"

"Gu Duo's eyes can turn blood."

Xuan Yunzhi was taken aback for a moment.


Xuan Dazhuang nodded, a little solemn as he spoke

"It's like that, uh, the eyes will drip blood in the next second."

Xuan Yunzhi was disassembling Xuan Dazhuang's gauze hand. She always felt familiar with her **** eyes.

Have you seen it?

Then, a pair of narrow and **** eyes flashed across the memory.

She did not speak, unwrapped Xuan Dazhuang's gauze, and then re-wrapped him.

"It's done, go to bed and have a good rest."

Xuan Dazhuang was very good this time, nodded honestly, and crawled onto the bed.

Early the next morning,

Xuan Yunzhi received a call from Lin Hong.


She was eating breakfast at that time.

"Qin Mei"

"Hmm, what's up?"

"At the awards ceremony three days later, if nothing else, the trophy of the Golden Jade Shadow Queen is yours. Be prepared with the award speech."

Xuan Yunzhi was stunned for a moment.

Lin Hong on the other end of the phone looked at the phone and was still talking on the phone. Why didn't he respond?

When thinking about it, Xuan Yunzhi suddenly said

"you sure?"

Lin Hong helpless

"Are you happy or unhappy? The Golden Jade Shadow Queen's trophy is not what you dreamed of? Now you are not happy about it?"

Xuan Yunzhi frowned,

"Er not, I didn't expect to get it so early."

The voice on the other end of the phone rang

"Don't say that you didn't expect it, nor did I expect that after taking an actor for more than two years, he would get the highest award for an actor. If you say this, you will shock others' jaws."