Chapter 1220: Lord of the Demon Cult, don't darken 4

Holding the mysterious iron mirror in his hand, Xuan Yunzhi ran wildly.

001 some doubts

"Host, why are you leaving?"

Is it good to stay in Baoyue Palace?

Xuan Yunzhi walked along the line commanded by 001, saying

"Stay here for three months, I can't see the target of the strategy, it's just a waste of time."

In her eyes, this is meaningless.

001 listened, it seemed to understand but not to understand.

Follow Xuan Yunzhi's words

"Host, are you going to find the real Cold Moon?"

Xuan Yunzhi answered without blinking his eyelids

"Don't go"


001 is really curious.

"No reason."

Xuan Yunzhi answered coldly.

It is really difficult to have a system to fully understand her thoughts.

Too lazy to explain again.

Since learning from the previous plane, Xuan Yunzhi has become more vigilant.

This is a plane mission of two stars on the super hard plane.

If she doesn't care, she will have to pay a terrible price.

It's always right to be more familiar with the environment.

She lifted light work and ran at a fast speed.

Two hours later, he had already left Lengyue Palace to the foot of the mountain.

She looked at the long road left and right, her eyes drooping for a moment.

Holding the Xuan Tiejing, he looked at his face left and right.

Well, it looks really good.

You can make good use of it.

She was thoughtful.

Look left, look right, find a stone, and sit down.

Don't go anymore.

001 can't figure out what the host wants to do, but watching this sunny day, big drops of sweat drip from his cheeks, and the host's eyes are getting colder and colder and more and more impatient.

It's better to shut up honestly.

Until, there is a voice in the distance

"Drive! Drive!!"

A carriage came from a distance, and the horse was moving slowly. Probably the owner of the carriage was not in a hurry, and walked forward facing the sunny day.

When Xuan Yunzhi saw the carriage coming slowly, the impatience on his face was finally wiped out, and his eyes flickered slightly.

Stand up and walk slowly towards the middle of the road.

When the carriage approached slowly, she let out a cry of exclamation and fell to the ground at once.


The brows frowned slightly, adding a bit of fragility and pain to this delicate face.

Then, raising his head, he looked up like that and watched the carriage slowly approaching.

The horse, successfully, stopped a few meters away from her.

The man driving the carriage glanced at the person lying on the ground, and was impatiently trying to drive him away.

"Get out of the way! My heart, I'm"

Halfway through the words, he saw the delicate and delicate face, and the words stuck in his throat and blushed.

Then the guy coughed and his tone changed suddenly

"This girl, are you okay?"

It's no longer just cursing, and showing only the gentle politeness.

An unhappy voice came from the carriage

"what happened?"

Si hurriedly explained

"Master, a girl fell down accidentally."

I couldn't help but add another sentence after I finished speaking

"Perhaps, the horse ran too fast, and it frightened the girl.

Following that, one hand opened the curtain, revealing his head.

A fine-quality satin dress, perfectly wrapped up all the fat on the body, with fat head and big ears, a pair of triangular eyes squinted, shining brightly from time to time.

When the fat young master saw the weak and poor Xuan Yunzhi lying on the ground, his eyes suddenly brightened.

He jumped off the carriage, staggered, and walked up to Xuan Yunzhi regardless.