Chapter 1266: Lord of the Demon Cult, Don’t Be Dark 49

All of them looked disdainful and scolded a lot of irony.

Among them, standing behind Tang Yi, a fat man holding a golden axe sneered when he heard the babbling words from the other side.

"A bunch of miscellaneous things, let Grandpa teach you a lesson!"

The two parties quarreled violently.

Xuan Aotian narrowed his eyes with a warning sign

"Don't toast, not eat fine wine."

Tang Yi listened, smiling without saying a word.

After a long while, raise your eyes

"Since the leader has led everyone to come, I am afraid that he has already made up his mind to use force. If so, why not hurry up?"

Xuan Yunzhi looked at Tang Yi and smacked his lips.

This is the first time I don't know how good Si Yunxie's subordinate is.

Everything is covered, even the declaration of war can be said so calmly.

Xuan Aotian gave a cold snort and suddenly raised his hand.

With a heavy wave.

Everyone seems to have received a signal.

In the shouting, the battle has come.

Then, a melee, fighting, and smoke filled the open space.

Xuan Yunzhi lifted his internal force and flew to one side quickly.

Her internal strength is weak, although she has a professional close attack advantage, she still has to look at the situation before making a decision.

It's just that she wants to run, and some people want to start chaos on her.

Same as that Baoru.

"where do you want to go?!"

With a cold cry, Bao Ru's long sword came out of its sheath, reaching the center of Xuan Yunzhi's eyebrows.

She leaned her waist, turned over, leaped high, clutching Bao Ru's arm.

At this moment, beside, a cold sword suddenly approached.

A woman, under a veil, appeared before her.

Forcing Xuan Yunzhi to let go of the hands that clamped Bao Ru, he took two steps back.

Those cold eyes, with fierceness, approached Xuan Yunzhi.

Follow her and listen to her

"Don't forget, who you are."

Xuan Yunzhi chuckled lightly.

"It's not your turn to take care of my identity."

As soon as the words came out, the sharpness in those cold eyes became more intense.

"court death!"

When the voice fell, the two directly fought each other.

What Xuan Yunzhi will do is a killer move.

The opponent's internal strength is deeper than her, and the most life-saving way is to kill with one blow.

When she was thinking, she took out the dagger in her hand, borrowed light work, and instantly approached the masked woman.

The dagger slashed across her neck quickly, Xuan Yunzhi's speed made the person too late to escape.

I had to slap Xuan Yunzhi's shoulder with a palm, forcing her to stay away.

Xuan Yunzhi leaped back quickly, pain in his shoulder, but the expression on his face was not very nervous.

He looked up and found that the masked woman was still standing there.

There was a clear scratch on the neck, but there was no trace of blood.

Xuan Yunzhi thoughtfully.

Her profession is murder.

And it is the most labor-saving way to kill the opponent.

Because she has practiced countless times, every time she strokes the enemy's neck depth is enough for a fatal blow.

But obviously this time, there was a mistake.

The other person was still standing there, frowning, with an unbelievable look on his face.

Xuan Yunzhi drooped his eyebrows.

The other party raised his hand, took off the veil forcefully, word by word

"Xuan Yunzhi, I really underestimated you."

Following that, a small face with curved eyebrows in Willow Leaf appeared in her field of vision.

Xuan Yunzhi's memory quickly flashed, and he quickly understood what was going on before him.

Can call out her name correctly, a face exactly like the original, only the person who exchanged identities with her.

It is the lord of Baoyue Palace, Lengyue.