Chapter 1297: Lord of the Demon Cult, don’t darken 80

"Are you planning to use this glass mirror to kill me?"

Leng Yue looked up and looked at her

"It is your blessing to die under the martial arts treasure glass mirror."

After speaking, he stopped talking nonsense with Xuan Yunzhi, his eyes became more and more sullen.


After speaking, she held the Liuli Jing tightly and raised her hand.

Holding the handle of the glass mirror with both hands, he cut it down fiercely.

A red light radiated from the mirror, and the red light connected to the ground, and flew violently towards Xuan Yunzhi who was standing in the distance.

Just watching, where the red light passes, the ground cracks open, and it is even possible to clearly see how the ground is divided into two.

The red light was fast and fierce.

But it is not inevitable.

However, her figure was about to move, and suddenly a huge ‘*’ appeared in front of her and enveloped her, making her unable to move.

She gritted her teeth and watched the red light rolling over her. She could only stare at the veins and spit out a mouthful of blood.


Then, with a thud, he fell to the ground with a crash and smashed into the pit created by the red light.

The dust rose from the sky, drowning her in it.

On the opposite side, Leng Yue saw Xuan Yunzhi fall to the ground, with a grinning smile on his face, but the glass mirror was shaking with red light, as if sucking something.

Leng Yue's face turned pale, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Kneeled on the ground.

The glass mirror in his hand was unstable and fell to the ground.

Almost the moment it fell to the ground, the blood on the ground was instantly sucked by the glass mirror.

Leng Yue gave a smile that I didn't know if it was happy or sad

Weak voice

"This mirror is indeed powerful, but it hurts the enemy and self."

Liuli Jing exerted its immense power by sucking blood, but it was totally indifferent to us.

No wonder, no wonder, this thing is regarded as a treasure by the demon cult.

It is too evil.

When I was talking, there was a voice next to me


The monk in Tsing Yi, holding a rosary in his hand, has no sadness or joy on his face.

"Donor, you are obsessed."

Leng Yue wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and raised her head

"Thank you, Master."

Tsing Yi monk shook his head

"It has nothing to do with me, all this is your own choice."

Lengyue didn't agree and stood up from the ground

"The purpose of my life is to avenge Qiu Xuan and Baoyue Palace for everything. Thank you for your advice. Otherwise, if my internal strength is destroyed, I don't know when I can get revenge!"

Monk Tsing Yi closed his eyes, did not say more, just said a word


While the two were talking, a child ran from a distance.

She wears two buns, her complexion is innocent and cute.

It's just that in those eyes, there is cruelty and hostility.

She walked step by step, staring closely at Monk Tsing Yi.

The voice is immature, but it makes people shudder

"I told you about the old immortal things. If you dare to move her, I will let you go to dust."

Every word she said made her **** and hostile.

Monk Tsing Yi raised his head and looked at the child.

"Dare to ask the donor, who is it?"

Gu Duo gritted his teeth, one eye burst out with golden light,

"Your ancestor"

Monk Tsing Yi was indifferent, just looking at the golden light bursting from one eye of the child and was amazed.

On that day, he also saw it, and even sensed a touch of danger.

Therefore, he did not act on Xuan Yunzhi.

Moreover, he is not a person in this world, and if he does something with a person in this world, it will ruin the balance and order of this world.