Chapter 1302: Lord of the Demon Cult, don’t blacken it 85

Si Yunxie looked at her, his face was cold, and his lips were tightly pressed.

Long and narrow eyes looked at her deeply in darkness.

Xuan Yunzhi bit the corner of his lip and walked over

"I want to ask you something."

Then while speaking, he took his hand and walked to the room.

Si Yunxie looked at the woman's back and pursed his lips.

The cold expression on his face melted slightly.

It seems that what Tang Yi said is indeed true.

I went out for a walk and returned by myself.

While thinking, the well-knotted hand shook the white hand.

Let her pull herself forward.

When you get back to the room, close the door.

Then he pulled him to the table.

"You Sit First"

Tugged at his robe.

Si Yunxie raised his eyelids.

There is no emotion in the handsome appearance.

Sit on the chair in front of him.

Low and cold voice

"What's the matter?"

Xuan Yunzhi licked the corners of his lips, hiding his hands behind his back, and with a move of faith, weeping blood Zhuzhan appeared on his hands.

She held the hairpin and showed it to him

"Do you look familiar with this hairpin?"

With bright eyes, he asked seriously.

Si Yunxie glanced at the hairpin in her hand, then looked at her again, holding her wrist with a well-knotted hand, pulling the person into his arms.

She buckled her waist tightly, and circled people in front of her.

She did not resist, and sat on his lap following his strength.

He hooked his red lips, and kissed him on the cheek.

Then asked

"Do you look familiar with this hairpin?"

Probably she was pleased by her relative's obedient behavior.

The coldness at the ends of his eyebrows and eyes weakened slightly.

Glanced at the hairpin again, neither light nor heavy


Xuan Yunzhi's eyes lit up, and the smile on her red lips widened.

"Then where have you seen it?"

She wanted to know the answer very much.

Si Yunxie's eyelids moved, reducing the surge in his eyes

"I don't know"

She was taken aback, not giving up,

"Think about it again."

Seeing her so eagerly, he raised his eyes.

"Very important?"

His throat rolled up and down, his voice was low and cold.

"Of course!"

She did not hesitate.

Then looked at him blankly,

"Really, no impression?"

Si Yunxie's face was cold, and she looked at her quietly without speaking.

Xuan Yunzhi fell on his shoulder in frustration, and then stuck the hairpin in his hair bun.

"Forget it, if you don't have an impression, you don't have an impression."

She knew she was too impatient.

I just learned a lot of information and wanted an answer very much.

But Si Yunxie hadn't replied any memories he had ever had, how could he know what she was talking about.

In the past, every time she saw Si Yunxie recovering her memory, her heart trembled.

Because I always felt that every time Si Yunxie, who had recovered his memory, saw her eyes become more and more hot, and the strength to toss her on the bed became more and more fierce, she wished that she would never get out of bed and stay in bed forever.

But now, well, everything can't go well after all.

When she was thinking about something in a daze, a big hand fell on her chest very accurately.

The strength is a bit big, but compared to before, it is much softer.

Constantly kneading.

Xuan Yunzhi was stimulated by this, and recovered.

Seeing his expressionless eyes serious kneading movements, she reached out to stop

"What are you doing?"

She refused, but someone insisted on going his own way.

Asked coldly while rubbing it

"It still hurts?"

Xuan Yunzhi looked at his thin lips together.

Look at his kneading movement again.