Chapter 1314: Lord of the Demon Cult, don't blacken 97

The black and heavy clouds, just after a few breaths, directly turned the sky into a dim black color.

The black cloud pressed down over the city, the dark cloud shrouded, and that density blocked all the rays of light.

Just letting people watch, my heart palpitates and panic, as if the sky is about to fall.

Yuan Ze, who was holding the winning ticket, suddenly changed his face.

He clasped his hands together, and the golden light of the rosary was so strong that it instantly approached Gu Duo.

A puff of blood came out of her mouth.

Gu Duo looked up and saw that Xuan Yunzhi did not know when he appeared next to her.

After that, she saw Xuan Yunzhi frowning and reaching out to wipe the blood from Bone's lips.

But the red light blocked the touch of the two.

Xuan Yunzhi tried hard to touch Gu Duo, the red light did not restrict his actions, but there was a layer of red light between the two.

Obviously standing in the same place, Xuan Yunzhi's hair was protected.

Gu Duo's mouth was full of blood, weak and pale and scary.

Then, listen to Gu Duo's weak voice

"Sister, why do you think he has to use his ribs to cast this hairpin for you as a weapon?"

Because he is immortal and lives with the sky, but he is afraid that something will happen to you, so he used his twelfth rib to cast the weeping red hairpin. If one day can't protect you in time, this hairpin will protect you well.

But this **** hairpin really follows the owner's temperament, so unique.

Whenever you are in danger, just protect your master and leave others alone.

Look, it's like the scene just now, Xuan Yunzhi wanted to touch her but couldn't.


Because in the eyes of this hairpin, Gu Duo is now a dangerous object that is about to die, can the person it protects be touched?

Of course not! !

The dark clouds in the sky are more dense.

Looking at that look, it seems that ink will drip out of the sky in the next second.

The bones are getting more and more empty, more and more empty.

But looking at the pit that was about to be filled, there was no movement.

In the next second, Gu Duo closed his eyes weakly.

At almost the same time, Xuan Yunzhi hugged Gu Duo and blocked her behind him.


The holy golden light collided with the terrifying red light.

The red light instantly turned into a pitch black color, just like the color of the day.

Yuan Ze saw this scene, only to feel shocked.

He frowned, desperately bursting out all the energy, when the golden light was shining, the earth was sinking.

Everything around is vibrating.

But because of Xuan Yunzhi's move, the clouds in the sky seemed to have a breakthrough.

Like misty smoke, it slowly moved down from the sky to form a rotating line, and then slowly poured into the hairpin.

When the two sides confronted each other, no one was allowed.

Until, the surging cloud was frozen.

The sunken ground no longer trembles.

The holy golden light seemed to be restrained by an invisible force.

Xuan Yunzhi looked around, wondering what was going on all of a sudden.

Gu Duo blinked.

Smiled weakly,

"Sister, look back."

Xuan Yunzhi looked back.

In a black mist, a person walked out.

Wearing a black robe, long dark hair scattered, that pale face is scary, but it is so beautiful that it is suffocating.

The corners of the thin lips made a smile, very lazy.

She naturally recognized this person as Si Yunxie.

However, Xuan Yunzhi was stunned for a moment when he met those blood-red eyes.

Then, everything in her body was frozen at this moment.