Chapter 1327: Master autistic, normal point 9

Xuan Yunzhi licked the corner of his lips and blinked at him.

"My name is Xuan Yunzhi, you have to remember me."

She spoke to him in a tough way.

He is not allowed to have any rebuttals.

After speaking, no longer care about him who was stunned.

Turning and leaving for himself.

Si Yunxie stood at the top of the stairs, his white shirt lining him even more pale and sickly.

Raising his hand, he wiped off the lipstick on his thin lips, looking at the direction Xuan Yunzhi was leaving in darkness, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xuan Yunzhi walked out of the Starlight Nightclub.

A yellow and white cat suddenly broke out without knowing where it was and jumped into Xuan Yunzhi’s arms


Xuan Yunzhi followed its cat hair.

The distance from Xingguang Yehui to the house she was renting was not too far, and it took about fifteen minutes to walk.

At twelve o'clock, there were very few vehicles on the road.

She hugged DaZhuang and walked along the sidewalk.



The kitten meowed in cooperation.

Then their voices fell silent.

The kitten leaned on Xuan Yunzhi’s neck, her voice was tender and soft, a little aggrieved.

"Host, I see Gu Duo."

Xuan Yunzhi listened and looked at the kitten lying softly on her shoulder.


"Then it said some strange things to others."

"What are you talking about?"

"She said, someone from the Abyss Demon Territory has come, so be careful with the host."

"Abyss Demon Realm?"


The kitten answered honestly.

After speaking, Da Zhuang couldn't help saying

"Host, do you have a secret that I don't know?"

Xuan Yunzhi recovered, doubts

"Why do you ask?"

"Otherwise, why would the host get involved with the people on the Nine Heavens? The Abyss Demon Territory has come, and Gu Duo said that he should pay attention to it, indicating that they are here for you."

Nine Heavens, Abyss Demon Realm.

Two places with the same potential.

Send people to look for Xuan Yunzhi. Why?

Comrade Da Zhuang thought about it carefully, and that can only show that its host is very important.

The immature voice sounded again

"Thousands of worlds, the nine main gods, respect the king's arrival.

Abyss Demon Realm, six enchantresses, worship the monarch and evil as their masters. "

After a pause, said

"Host, you are so amazing, you provoke both of these at once."

Xuan Yunzhi didn't bother to pay attention to this series of associations.

Abyss Demon Realm.

For this place, it is also because of 001 that I have such a little impression.



"Abyss Demon Realm, what kind of existence is it?"

"Eh ten thousand years ago, the Abyss Demon Realm was the same as Jiuzhongtian, and there were a large number of worshippers who wanted to enter it. However, ten thousand years ago, the Nine Heavens and the Abyss Demon Realm didn’t know what they were fighting for. The nine main gods were half dead. Severely injured retreat and reshuffle the cards.

The demon of the abyss demon respects the monarch and evil, and is defeated and sealed. The entire area of ​​the Abyss Demon Territory was all imprisoned by King's Landing Tianzun with golden light. Completely disappeared. "

Xuan Yunzhi walked forward while hugging the kitten.

This is the first time she has heard this story.

A little curious

"That Demon Lord, why did he lose?"

"It is rumored that Junlin and Junxie were born at the same time in the beginning of Chaos. The two of them created the laws of heaven and earth, and they are above all things. They live with the sky and immortal."

Xuan Yunzhi could clearly hear the admiration in 001's tone when speaking this paragraph.

"Be the focus!"

"Uh, I don't know."