Chapter 1334: Master autistic, normal point 16

Chapter 1334 Young Master Autistic, Normal Point 16

"One more sip?"

He glanced at the water glass, then at the woman, opened his mouth obediently, and took two more sips.

After she listened carefully, she looked at him

"You came tonight to confirm that I am the person in your dreams?"

The handsome appearance, from the bones of a kind of unstained earthly cuteness

The inexplicable one gives birth to a desire for protection.


He responded softly.

"Then how do you confirm?"

She asked with a smile.

He is gentle and serious

"She always calls me a nickname that I have never heard of."

Xuan Yunzhi blurted out as soon as he finished speaking


Soft, soft voice.

She smiled and had bright eyes, just like in a dream.

And this call also shook his body.

There was a flash of light in his dark eyes.

I don't know if it was because of excitement or what, a blush flashed across his face, which was especially obvious on his pale face.

Xuan Yunzhi looked at him with a rare shyness.

There is a teasing thought.

She leaned over and hooked one of his cleverly placed fingers on the table, her voice soft and smiling


Then she watched, the blush on that pale face became more intense.

She laughed harder.

After a while, he blinked and finally stopped laughing.

"are you sure?"

He stared at her with deep and calm eyes.

He didn't say a word, but it looked like he obviously had an answer in his heart.

"Since the answer is confirmed, you can see that it's too early, shouldn't it be time to go back to sleep?"

Si Yunxie didn't say a word, and sat there motionless steadily.

She looked at him like this,

"If you want to come to me, come at any time, but this big evening, I am a single young woman, should you avoid suspicion?"

Hearing these words, he finally stood up, stopped saying a word, and walked out.

When he left, Xuan Yunzhi looked at the opened door for a moment in a daze.

This person really is.


The cat lying on the pillow called.

Xuan Yunzhi closed the door of the room.

Then walked to the bed, hugged 001, thoughtfully



"Si Yunxie in this life, we have only met once, and his memory has begun to show signs of recovery. It doesn't seem to be the same as before."

Most of the previous missions waited until the mission was about to end before all his memories would be restored.

What happened this time?

In her arms, a yellow and white kitten, flicking its tail

Milky milk

"Host, just now, his blackening value has increased by 5. The ultimate villain's blackening value is currently 91"

Xuan Yunzhi lowered his head and glanced at the drowsy 001 with his tail flicking.

"If his blackening value reaches 100, what will happen?"

"have no idea"

Probably my own system is really useless.

Every time she wanted to know some answer, she always got the three words "Don't know".

So that she increased the strength of holding 001.

A handful of cat hair holding it

"What do you know? Hmm?"

She asks three questions about this system.

I don't know what to ask.

Just look at her and make her angry.

001 wailing, milk is milky

"Host, this, this ultimate villain's blackening value is tailored for you when you complete a test mission. It was killed halfway through, I just don't know."