Chapter 1353: Master autistic, normal point 35

Looking at Xuan Yunzhi, she didn't know what she wanted to do.

Until, the door was knocked again.

Xuan Yunzhi played with the monitor and finally laughed.

Stand up, walk over, and open the door.

Tang Min wore a black suit, neat and expensive, his dark eyes looked at Xuan Yunzhi, and he was silent for a long time.

He speaks

"Miss Xuan, don't come here unharmed."

At the beginning of the meeting, the courtesy were the same.

Xuan Yunzhi chuckled, holding the doorknob with one hand

"Don't come here unharmed? I almost died. Mr. Tang should be aware of it, right?"

She groaned with a smile on her face, but there was no smile in her eyes.

Damn, who can smile at someone who wants to kill him?

Tang Min's face is as before

"I didn't do this thing."

He didn't give more explanation, just said such a sentence.

Xuan Yunzhi leaned on the door of the room. After the two looked at each other for a long time, she gave up a way.

Tang Min walked into the room.

Qin Haotian's expression became anxious.

"President Tang, I did not say about this matter."

He eagerly wanted to explain that he did not betray Tang Min.

Tang Min stood in front of him and nodded

"I know."

After speaking, a hand knife knocked Qin Haotian faint.

Xuan Yunzhi stretched his hand over a chair and sat down

"You have something to tell me?"

She suddenly felt a little irritable.

Tang Min nodded and said seriously

"Miss Yunzhi, probably guessed something too, didn't she?"

Otherwise, how could she suddenly be so impatient?

She was silent and kept silent for a long time.

Tang Min is not like Tang Yi. His character is probably really suitable for being a businessman, using the simplest method to achieve the most effective communication.

Xuan Yunzhi raised his eyelids.

"Before you talk about your business, let's talk about other things."


"The original body was in the hospital a month ago. Was it your idea?"


"Does the failure of that truck have something to do with you this morning?"


She looked at Tang Min for a while, then glanced at Qin Haotian.

She actually underestimated Qin Haotian.

Is this person really going to kill her?

After a short silence, she leaned on the chair to make a sound

"I'm done asking."

Tang Min nodded, his face a little solemn.

"Miss Xuan, do you have a blackening value called the ultimate villain?"

She raised her eyes.

Tang Yue once asked this question.

"This question has something to do with your coming here today?"


He answered without hesitation.

Follow, just listen to him

"Presumably Xuan girl has already guessed some, I am from the Abyss Demon Realm"

He admitted his identity.

Follow again

"It's not just me, but you also know Tang Yue, maybe you also know Tang Yi."

She listened quietly, without speaking.

Tang Min continued

"Abyss Demon Territory is forbidden and sealed. We are here not to target you or to prevent you from completing the task, but to be alone."

Her eyelids twitched and her red lips confided

"Monster King"

Tang Min listened to her for a moment, then nodded


Xuan Yunzhi fixedly looked at him,

"It's Si Yunxie."

Tang Min was taken aback again.


He looked at Xuan Yunzhi, his eyes deep and complicated.

It's like looking through her, looking at other things.

Because of her answer, the conversation between the two people was much more efficient.

She shook her neck to loosen it

"So you came to me to tell me to stay away from him?"