Chapter 1403: The Last Plane 5


Weeping blood Zhuzhan and whip intersect.

In an instant, the long whip penetrated into two parts, half of which broke on the ground.


001 successfully jumped into Xuan Yunzhi's arms.

But its host is angry right now.

Xuan Yunzhi walked towards Tang Yue step by step with coldness in his eyes.

Tang Min looked at Xuan Yunzhi's posture and wanted to stop him.

The result was still silent, Xuan Yunzhi glanced over

"Go away!"

As he said, Xuan Yunzhi raised his wrist, and the Weeping Blood Zhu Hairpin flew over at once.

She flicked her sleeves, and the weeping hairpin stopped in the air, expanding infinitely.

In the next second, a scepter that was half a person tall, with thick arms, and carved with a flower pattern appeared in front of everyone.

The black smoke flashed, and the Phoenix stood high in tears of blood.

She tilted her head, her tone was slow

"Seeing the scepter, like seeing your Lord. Did you forget these words?"

After that, all three of them knelt on the ground in the next second.

"See you"

Before she finished speaking, Tang Yue was knocked out by a force with a bang.

Throwing to the wall behind him.

He spouted a mouthful of blood and was seriously injured on the ground.

Xuan Yunzhi held the scepter in his hand and looked up and down.


Her eyebrows curled up.

"You still work."


001 lay in Xuan Yunzhi's arms, looking at the blood scepter shining brightly.

Xuan Yunzhi patted its head.

Run around.

Almost died without a whole body.

Tang Mindong knelt on the ground with a cry.

His face is dignified and humble, his hands clasped his fists

"Girl Yunzhi, please give Tangyue a life."

Xuan Yunzhi raised his eyes to look at the three people.

She stroked 001's cat hair slowly.

Tang Yue was already speechless at this time.

Probably the blow just broke the root.

He fell to the ground covered in blood.

She chuckled,

"I just said it very clearly. Kneeling three times and knocking down, let her go."

The scepter in his hand exudes a scarlet light.

It didn't hurt Xuan Yunzhi a bit.

After a stick of incense.

Boom boom boom boom.

The sound of kowtow sounded.

Tang Yue knelt down on the ground, with blood coming out of her head.

She has a weak voice, she can't see the look on her face when she lowers her head

"Please, girl forgive me."

With every knock, a voice rang.

Until the ninth ring, it knocked heavily on the ground.

Tang Yue spit out blood again.

Tang Min and Tang Lin have been standing in front of Tang Yue.

Both are demon agents, together for thousands of years.

No matter how cold and hard it is, friendship will come out of getting along with each other.

Tang Yue stood up tremblingly.

Xuan Yunzhi stood there looking at the three of them.

Playing with the scepter with his hands, it is probably a little fresh.

Light tone

"Next time, it won't be so foolish. Let's all go."

After the words fell, Tang Min and Tang Lin saluted and left with Tang Yue.

Xuan Yunzhi stood outside the study, looking at this weeping blood scepter.

Stuck in a certain memory.

Si Yunxie gave her this scepter forcibly.

She had never seen such an unreasonable person.

At that time, she still didn't know the origin of this scepter.

It just happened that one day I felt that I should also want a weapon in hand.

Just when looking up and down in the sky, the inexplicable Si Yunxie appeared in front of her.

I gave this scepter to her, and she didn't even have a chance to refuse it without saying a word.

"Why give me this?"

She was puzzled.

"Don't you want a weapon?"

"Then, me, me, but, why don't you ask me if I like it?"

"do not like?"

"Uh like it."

She does like it. It's not just simply like this scepter, but it may be more because of his giving it.