Chapter 1405: The Last Plane 7


When Xuan Yunzhi was about to step out of the yard, 001 suddenly ran out from nowhere.

Suddenly jumped onto Xuan Yunzhi's body

"Host, I'll go with you."

The sound of milk is milky.

The tail was wrapped around Xuan Yunzhi's arm, squatting firmly in her arms.

Xuan Yunzhi ran desperately, presumably using all his strength.

001 squatted firmly in her arms while commanding

"Host, another horse there!"

Xuan Yunzhi held the hairpin in one hand and cut the horse rope directly, turning on the horse.


The horse neighed and galloped, and ran forward quickly.

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and soon one person, one horse and one cat disappeared into the night.

When Xuan Yunzhi rushed to the Jiulu Villa, he saw the two parties standing in a stalemate in the streets.

Along the way, dead bodies all the way.

There are guards and there are masked men in black.

It's not an exaggeration to bleed into a river.

She frowned,

"001, where is Lu Ganxing?"

"Host, go through the alley behind the yard."

She drove the horse directly into the yard, galloping away.

When she rushed to the backyard alley, the two parties were in a stalemate and confrontation.

The man in black clearly has the upper hand.

Lu Ganxing's guards were mostly killed and injured, and only a few of them stood firm and stood there.

Lu Ganxing wore brocade silk and satin, covered in blood, and had multiple wounds all over his body.

He set the machete on the ground fiercely.

"Make way for someone to understand, who is the one who took my life?"

His voice was hoarse and unwilling, with quaint blood.

However, the person on the other side obviously didn't want to talk nonsense with Lu Gan.

The masked man in black draws out a long bow,

"Go to Die"

Two words were dropped, and the sharp arrow in his hand shot out.

The hairpin in Xuan Yunzhi's hand flew out instantly, and the Nali arrow was cut off on the spot.

She pulled on the rein and jumped, leaping across in front of Lu Ganxing.

Originally, Lu Ganxing was about to die, and Cheng Yaojin came out halfway.

The man in black narrowed his eyes and asked

"Who is here?!"

Xuan Yunzhi's eyes lightly swept across the crowds of people in black.

She rolled over and got off the horse.

Raising his hand, the Weeping Blood Zhuzhan turned at will, and followed her wrist up.

Weeping blood Zhuzhan with blood directly penetrated the hearts of dozens of people in black.

There was no noise, only the sound of falling to the ground.

All the assassins except the man in black who stood in the front questioning were killed by one blow.

The Weeping Blood Zhuzhan returned and fell into her hands again.

The man in black was wary and unbelievable.

She smiled.

Playing with hairpins

"Who instigated it? Tell me."

The tone was faint, it was not a questioning, as if it was okay to say or not to say it.

As soon as Xuan Yunzhi appeared, the situation suddenly turned over.

After Lu Ganxing was surprised, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Leaning on the corner of the wall, one hand pressed against his chest.

The black clothed man saw that the general situation was gone, and a light golden light appeared on the palm of his hand. The golden light was so shallow that it almost disappeared in a flash.

But struggling to attack Xuan Yunzhi.

Xuan Yunzhi moved his eyelids and was about to raise his hand.

001's tail is tied to Xuan Yunzhi's arm and pressed tightly, preventing her from lifting

"Host, you can no longer use that power, you will have an accident!"

001 is eager and eager.

Xuan Yunzhi glanced at it. Feeling 001 came to see her not to let her use her divine power.

She couldn't, the reaction was almost instantaneous.

The Weeping Blood Zhu Hairpin was suspended in mid-air and pierced straight towards the man in black.

The two confronting each other, the men in black, who came fiercely, seemed very strenuous in the next second.