Chapter 1465: Su Yan, Junyu 3

Junyu is very angry.

The more I think about it, the more angry.

Snorted, turned and ran.

Su Yan watched him go, but still didn't say anything, just stiffened, still eating the cakes every bite.

Junyu was not in a good mood and was swaying around.

It happened to see the two brothers Tang Wen and Tang Fei.

Two people hold fists with both hands

"Little Lord."

Junyu didn't bother to take care of it and went forward.

But listening to the two of them talking

"These hundreds of people really have their own tragic ways. But I think the worst is the one named Su Yan."

"Yes, for such a young girl, look at her relatives, one by one, watching her obediently, planning to squeeze her out so that she will die early and overtake her?"

Junyu was ready to leave, listening to what they said.

Went back again.

Standing in front of them, frowned

"Su Yan? What happened to her?"

The two brothers of Tang Wen and Tang Fei didn’t expect that the young master would care about this.

"That Su Yan, she has been talented since she was born, she never forgets, she is very talented in everything, and she has superb talent. However, her parents died early and she has been living with relatives.

Because she was not her own person, she might be considered a burden. Su Yan had not communicated with anyone before she was eight years old and was locked in a house. After she was eight years old, she was discovered by the patriarch of the Su family. This was released. "

After speaking, he paused, then said

"But it's just released, but she has never spoken to people, and she doesn't know how to communicate with people. She has always been an invisible person. She was taught by a master of various skills. She was eleven years old. She was finally discovered. The uncle was jealous, and pushed her into the snake cave on her 11th birthday. She did not die and came out alive. On the 12th birthday, the second uncle put her in a tiger cage. She was still alive."

Before Tang Wen finished speaking, Jun Yu didn't listen anymore, and ran back to find Su Yan.

Only this time, Su Yan was not there.

He thought about where she would go on weekdays. Should we have dinner after this order?

Thinking about it, he walked along to find someone to pick up the box lunch.

As a result, I saw that Su Yan fell to the ground, the food container was scattered all over the floor, and a lean man stood in front of him.

The lean man frowned and wiped the dirt on his body

"How do you look at the road? Not long eyes?"

Su Yan slowly stood up.

Before speaking, the thin man suddenly raised his hand, and a strong force condensed in his hand.

If this continues, it is estimated that Su Yan will be finished.

This time the Lord God selected and handed it over to Tang Yi and others.

They don't know what is true, good and beautiful, they only know that being strong is king.

So in terms of character, there are both good and bad.

Obviously, the lean man in front of him is the type who kills people by relying on his unique ability.

With a bang before the palm of his hand fell, the thin man was kicked three meters away, spat out a mouthful of blood, and fainted.

Jun Yu ran to Su Yan.

Looking at her uncertainly.

"You don't know to fight back?"

Su Yan licked his lips without speaking. "

Junyu looked at her, a little bored

"You don't call my name, do you?"

Su Yan swallowed and opened her mouth, a little hard.

"Fish Fish"

After she shouted, she shut her mouth.

She rarely speaks.

Speaking is also the most commonly used, rejection, or agreement, and one's own name.

Apart from this, it is rare to hear her say anything else.

It's not that there are few words, it is not.

She seldom communicates with others, so little that it is difficult for her to communicate with others.

It's not that she doesn't call his name.