It was not that Fu Chuan was unaware of Yao Yi’s intentional approach recently, regardless, he let her approach without questioning or hindering her.

There was a small test recently, and only the top 100 students took it. It was a test jointly conducted by the first two classes. The questions were much more difficult than the usual monthly test.

After Yao Yi finished the exam, her self-confidence improved a lot. Unfortunately, Fu Chuan also did a lot of studying at home, and after the results came out, he still sat firmly in the top spot.

After mourning the results at home for a long time, Yao Yi turned around and went back to school to get closer to Fu Chuan again. She had to date Fu Chuan as soon as possible!

“Qin Li, you can read next month’s periodical first.” Yao Yi happened to bump into Qin Li while fetching water, so she told him simply.


“Isn’t it your turn to read first?” Qin Li fetched the water, turned his head and asked strangely, “What are you doing?”

Yao Yi lowered her head and glanced at the water glass with a guilty conscience: “I have something to do, I’m too busy.” She was going to be busy trying to figure out how to date Fu Chuan, so the mathematics journals should be put aside for now.

“Okay.” Of course Qin Li agreed, he wished he could read every issue first.

Fllkdt vbyv Zys Zk oyp ycswv vs ts cynj kdvs vbl nzyppassx yqvla qlvnbkdt oyvla, Ckd Nk nyzzle bla: “Tso kp uswa ralryayvksd qsa vbl xyvb nsxrlvkvksd? R pyo psxl pldksap sd vbl Rdvladlv pyukdt vbyv kv oyp ekqqknwzv vs ldvla vbl dyvksdyz vlyx.”

Jlnywpl vbkp nsxrlvkvksd elvlaxkdle Ckd Nk’p wdkhlapkvu nbsknl, bl bye clld hlau dlahswp ycswv kv. Gp y alpwzv, vbl xsal bl wdelapvsse, vbl xsal rydknjle bl qlzv, lhlausdl qlzv vbyv vbl nsxrlvkvksd oyp lmvalxlzu ekqqknwzv.

“Rv’p sjyu, R vbkdj ol nyd es kv.” Zys Zk zssjle yv vbl ynvwyz nsxrlvkvksd iwlpvksdp qasx ralhkswp ulyap yde qkdkpble vblx. Mbld pbl lhld tyhl Ckd Nk vbl iwlpvksdp, pbl qlzv kv oyp sjyu.

“Zsw esd’v dlle vs cl dlahswp, vblal pbswze cl ds sdl kd vbl nzypp obs nyd pwarypp usw.” Zys Zk nsxqsavle, yde yeele yqvla y xsxldv sq pkzldnl, “Xq nswapl lmnlrv xl.”

Ckd Nk oyp dsv ydtau obld pbl pyke vbyv. Zys Zk oyp vbl sdzu rlapsd obs nswze nsdhkdnl bkx vbyv pbl oyp clvvla kd xyvblxyvknp.

“Nys Tyd vyzjle vs xl y qlo eyup yts.” Ckd Nk blze vbl tzypp sq oyvla yde nsdvkdwle, “Tl pyke vbyv bl hyzwlp wp csvb hlau xwnb yde bsrlp vbyv ol nyd ynbklhl tsse alpwzvp.”

“Tl eked’v zssj qsa xl.” Zys Zk qasodle, “Tl eked’v vlzz xl yduvbkdt.”

“Nys Tyd pyke vbyv ol xktbv cl yczl vs calyj vbl pnbssz’p bkpvsaknyz alnsae.” Ckd Nk qlzv ydsvbla ralppwal sd bkx, “Tl bsrlp ol nyd xyjl kv lhld qwavbla.”

“Further?” Yao Yi just wanted to do more difficult problems.


Qin Li nodded, and tried to distribute some of the pressure to Yao Yi. Lao Han was so cunning that he didn’t even look for Yao Yi and just threw the pressure on him.

“I think what Lao Han means is that he wants us to go to IMO.” Qin Li felt that his hope was not very high. Although with so many masters in the country, Yao Yi still had some hope.

Up till now, he has not seen the apex apart from Yao Y. Yao Yi’s composition was not very good, so her language arts performance was not outstanding. But looking at her overall, Qin Li was actually suspicious.

It was not that there were no students in No. 1 High School who had skipped a grade and ended up in the junior class before. Qin Li felt that Yao Yi was very familiar with high school knowledge, and it would not be impossible to have skipped a grade before.

“What is IMO?” Yao Yi didn’t understand.

Qin Li paused for two seconds, and reorganized the language: “After entering the national team, they will pick out the six best students from among them to represent the country in the competition. This competition is called IMO.”

“Oh.” Yao Yi suddenly realized, “Are the problems even more difficult?”

“…You can say that.” Qin Li always believed that his interest in mathematics was pure, but now it seemed that he was still inferior to Yao Yi.

“Then go.” Yao Yi nodded firmly, as if she had already been selected.

“Do you two still want to come in, how long are you going to stand outside and talk?” The class president sat on the podium and called to the two people at the door.

In an instant, sporadic laughter came from the students.

Qin Li could only stop talking and walked into the classroom, followed by Yao Yi who was also holding a cup.


“Isn’t it cold outside?” Fu Chuan asked suddenly after Yao Yi sat down.

Yao Yi paused for a moment and replied, “It’s okay.”

Fu Chuan’s eyes darkened, he leaned back on the chair a little, and stopped doing his questions. Chewing on Yao Yi’s name several times in his heart, his eyes also fell on Qin Li who was sitting in another group.

He didn’t know if people who were addicted to mathematics all have this trait, but their hair grew upside down, or exploded. It was very messy. Yao Yi was like this, and so was Qin Li.

As he was thinking, Fu Chuan wanted to look at Yao Yi who was next to him again, but all he could see was darkness.

The teaching building was quiet for a second, and the next moment it burst into loud cheers.

Li Ge was the first to speak out in Class Zero: “The power is out!”

“I haven’t finished writing this question yet.” Yao Yi reached into the drawer to fumble around, and finally found her phone.

Yao Yi took it out and tried to turn on the flashlight, but Fu Chuan held down her hand: “Don’t take it out, the teacher will come over later.”

Of course teachers knew that students would bring phones into school. But knowing it was one thing, and seeing it with their own eyes was another.

Before Yao Yi could speak, the evening self-study teacher came over from the teacher’s planning room.

“Relax for a while, and the power will come back later.” The teacher stood outside the door after speaking, “Stand up and relax your muscles and bones.”


If these words were said in other classes, it would definitely cause a burst of complaints. However the students in class zero all had their own pressure on their shoulders, and they had reached the state of being intoxicated with learning.

All except for certain ‘out-of-group’ people.

“Teacher, I got the news that the school’s transformer was burned out, so we shouldn’t have to do evening self study today.” Li Ge said with a smile.

“It’s just you who has a lot of things to do!” The teacher was helpless. Although the school was run by the public, it could barely be said it belonged to Li Ge’s family in general. How could he always smash his father’s signboard?

Because of Li Ge’s interruption, the atmosphere in the class gradually became more relaxed. Many students got up to loosen their muscles and bones, and some even ran outside the classroom to get some fresh air.

At this time, the corridor was also full of students who came out to relax, some naughty ones even stood opposite and called out to their familiar friends.

“Play poker?” Han Jiaojiao suddenly turned around and proposed to Yao Yi.

Yao Yi looked around: “How can we play in such a dark place?”

Zhao Qian also turned around and disagreed: “Play? How about letting her play with Qin Li.”

It was not that they hadn’t played together before, however they were abused by Yao Yi… Their math scores were not bad, and their brains were not stupid, however they couldn’t beat Yao Yi and Qin Li.

At this time, Li Ge came to ask them to go out to play, and the other side of the school had already started singing. There was no one in Class Zero out there competing, so Li Ge immediately came to Han Jiaojiao for help.

“We don’t just know how to learn. Jiaojiao, torture them to death.” Li Ge was full of fighting spirit.


“Let’s go!” Zhao Qian was also very interested.

As soon as they left, the classroom seemed empty in an instant, and the teachers were all laughing outside watching the students suddenly go crazy.

Yao Yi poked her head out quietly to take a look. After seeing that almost everyone had gone out, she lowered her head and wanted to turn on the flashlight on her phone to continue her work.

But she only had two hands, so it was not very convenient to hold them.

Suddenly a pair of warm hands covered Yao Yi’s phone: “I’ll help you.”

Yao Yi was startled for a moment, but after a moment she saw that it was Fu Chuan and calmed down: “Thank you, don’t you need to do your homework?”

Fu Chuan chuckled: “No, just write your own.”

Hearing these words, Yao Yi was in a mixed mood. She thanked Fu Chuan for helping her hold the light, but also felt a little jealous that he could do better than herself in the exam without studying as much.

“Mhm.” After a muffled answer, Yao Yi really lowered her head to write.

Fu Chuan sat beside her, quietly lighting up the questions for her. Sometimes when Yao Yi finished writing one question and needed to write the next question, Fu Chuan would move the light for her.

Yao Yi wrote more and more vigorously, and finally almost forgot the existence of Fu Chuan who was next to her.

“Here, why not use the method taught by the teacher before?” Fu Chuan asked suddenly. He had already seen that Yao Yi’s questions were beyond the scope of high school, but he didn’t understand. After so many questions, this was the only one he could understand.

Yao Yi stopped writing and glanced at Fu Chuan in the dark.

Because Fu Chuan had held the light for Yao Yi, Fu Chuan was very close. She had to turn around slightly so as to not bump into him.

“It can’t be solved like that, it’s a trap.” Yao Yi decided to tell Fu Chuan after thinking about it. She was trying to please him, so Fu Chuan might be willing to date her.

This kind of knowledge that did not not belong to high school’s range of math could only be explained by explaining the theories and formulas that were needed to be used.

But today, Fu Chuan seemed to be a bit out of his mind, unable to react, and Yao Yi had to explain a theory they have not learned in class several times.

Although Yao Yi was confident that Fu Chuan’s mathematics was definitely not as good as her own, his comprehension ability was too poor. How did he get the same score as her in the mathematics test every time? Usually, he didn’t seem to be working so hard. She guessed that in order to keep the first place, he must be studying at night when he got home.

With a hint of doubt and sympathy in her eyes, Yao Yi continued to break it down and talk about it in detail.

Finally, Fu Chuan seemed to understand Yao Yi’s theory, and nodded to show that he understood.

Yao Yi breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and continued to explain the problem to him. All the while not noticing that the distance between the two was getting closer.

After talking a lot, Yao Yi stopped talking, leaving time for Fu Chuan to think, while she lowered her eyes and waited.

At this time, the singing outside became louder and louder. It seemed that a class was singing a classic song in chorus. The students of Class Zero standing in the corridor seemed to have been inspired to fight, and under the leadership of Han Jiaojiao, they actually started singing English songs.

“It doesn’t count! It doesn’t count!” The opposite party immediately interrupted, “If you have the ability, sing in Chinese!!!”

Yao Yi was attracted by the louder and louder voices outside, and wanted to poke her head out to take a look. However, she forgot that there was someone beside her, so she directly bumped into something soft.

After Yao Yi realized it, her vision was already dark, and she didn’t see anything, because the phone Fu Chuan was holding fell.

“Sorry.” In the darkness, Fu Chuan leaned over and picked up the lit up phone, turned it off, wiped it clean, and handed it to Yao Yi again, “It’s not broken.”

“Oh.” Yao Yi took it in a daze, and didn’t continue to turn on the flashlight.

Fu Chuan pretended nothing happened, suppressed his urge to caress his right cheek, and said softly, “I understand the question just now.”

Yao Yi pursed her lips and still didn’t suppress the feeling from just now. She felt a little uncomfortable: “Oh, you, as long as you understand.”

“Want to take a look outside?” Fu Chuan asked.

“Outside?” Yao Yi was still in a daze, and had already completely forgotten about the ‘grand event’ that happened outside.

“They’re competing, let’s go to get some air.” Fu Chuan didn’t know what he was talking about. It was also him who asked if it was cold outside before the power cut out.

Yao Yi nodded: “OK.”

The two stood up and walked out of the classroom together.

In a certain corner of the farthest group, a classmate who was also secretly using his phone to light up the calculations, straightened up and took a look at Yao Yi and the other person next to her who went out. He muttered with dissatisfaction: Her concentration is still not as strong as him!