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"No, Captain, you may have misunderstood, Chenglin won't be able to survive at the Broken Spirit Cliff..."

"If she can go on, she can still leave with Mingfu City?" Ye Chengzong didn't want to listen to him, so he asked him directly.

If the people on the side of Duanlingya treated Ye Chenglin very well, would she leave Mingfu City with her? Doesn't she know what kind of thing Mingfu City is?


Lao Jiang choked on his words.

What can he say, that Ye Chenglin can do anything for her own purpose?

She can even threaten the master with a pill. What else can't be done, and what can't she do?

Maybe he felt that he had completely offended his master, and there was no chance of turning over again, so he followed Mingfu City.

Instead of accomplishing nothing at Zhanyun Camp, why not go to Mingfu City to try your luck, maybe you can seize this opportunity and turn yourself over?

But he also dared not say this in front of his captain.

"Captain, you have asked them before, they won't..."

"It must be Qin Tingfeng, it must be him who is making trouble!"

Before Lao Jiang could finish speaking, Ye Chengzong interrupted him and said through gritted teeth.

He should have used his hands and feet to let Qin Tingfeng go to Duanlingya, and let Qin Yifeng go. Then, will his sister come back with Qin Yifeng now?

"That stinky boy, I knew he wasn't that honest. Chenglin must have been bullied by him and couldn't stay at the Broken Spirit Cliff, so she left with Mingfu City!"

he said categorically.

"No, Captain, that's really not the case."

Lao Jiang was frightened by the shocking imagination of his captain.

Said that Qin Tingfeng bullied Ye Chenglin? Who would believe this, just with Ye Chenglin's temperament, if Qin Tingfeng really bullied her, who would be wronged.

"Qin Tingfeng is just a child. How could he bully Chenglin? Besides, it's not Qin Tingfeng's decision to break the Lingya."

He said a little helplessly.

"Do you think Qin Tingfeng is better than Chenglin?"

Ye Chengzong looked at Lao Jiang with cold eyes and asked coldly.


Lao Jiang opened his mouth, how would he answer this?

"Captain, I didn't mean that, really not."

It's not that he thinks that Qin Tingfeng is better than Ye Chenglin, but it's a fact that everyone knows it. If you insist that Ye Chenglin is beautiful, kind, and good-natured, someone has to believe it!

"I just don't think Qin Tingfeng is bad for Chenglin. After all, so many people are watching. Even if Qin Tingfeng wants to deal with Chenglin, he doesn't have the ability, don't you think?"

Hearing this, Ye Chengzong took a deep breath again.

"Qin Tingfeng! I will never let him go!"


Lao Jiang was choked again.

He couldn't understand the trouble, Ye Chenglin ran away with someone, how could it be blamed on Qin Tingfeng's head?

"Captain, it was Cheng Lin's mistress who made her angry," he reminded.

Qin Tingfeng's two sisters and brothers are at most unlucky, and they have been implicated. How can they be targeted by Ye Chengzong? Is there any reason for this?


Ye Chengzong gritted his teeth.

"Master shouldn't have brought mistress to Huayan Jue Ding, causing Cheng Lin to suffer such a serious crime!"

Lao Jiang: "!!!"

What does this have to do with the mistress?

Did the mistress ask Ye Chenglin to target her? It was clearly Ye Chenglin herself!

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