If you really want to hurt them and kill them, I'm afraid they will be two corpses, or become the guardian beast's dinner, right?

That's it, what about him?

"Hoo, **** ho ho."

After the guardian beast left, the nearby beasts no longer threatened, and began to become active.

"The monster is here."

Zhao Xi saw with sharp eyes that a demon beast was flying towards them, so frightened that she hurriedly reminded the man.

She is still injured now, and she is not the opponent of those monsters at all. If they attack, she will really have to escape, and even the entrance to the Devil's Valley will not be touched.

How could she be willing?

"Come here, what are you afraid of?" The man rolled her eyes at her and stood up.

Can't beat the guardian beast, is he still afraid of these little monsters? It came just right, he was holding a sigh of anger, let's let these little monsters out.

"You step back, but don't let me kill the beast, but you died."


Zhao Xi raised his hand and pointed at him fiercely.

In the end, she didn't say anything unpleasant. After all, she had to rely on this man along the way.

Seeing that the man was already fighting the beast, she raised her hand to cover her chest, feeling a vague sense of unease in her heart, always feeling that she had forgotten something.

But even if she forgot, she wouldn't be able to remember it for a while.

What exactly is it?

"No, I have to get rid of the Gu."

No matter what she forgot, it doesn't matter, but Gu must be solved, otherwise, she will have to take this man out with her in the future, and she will have to be threatened by him at any time.

This feeling is not good.

However, how can it be so simple to get rid of the Gu. She thought that men would use the Gu on Qian Liuguang, but she did not carry the antidote to the poison with her.

Raising her hand and covering her forehead, she had to see if she could gather the medicinal herbs to relieve Gu.

As for the man, she can be said to be the medicinal herbs that he needed in the previous emergency. Presumably he would not suspect anything, because there are still many dangers along the way.

A few monsters, a fight, the man fought for three hours without stopping.

The demon beasts in the vortex of the devil's heart are much more difficult to deal with than the ones outside. After three hours, there are almost no intact skins on the man's body.

But men aren't vegetarians either, they count the time.

It was not even a quarter of an hour after killing several demon beasts, and it was time for him. The wounds on his body soon healed. Only the broken clothes and bloodstains proved that he had indeed fought a fight before.

"I don't feel hurt, it's fine... What's your situation?"

Before he could finish speaking, he glanced at Zhao Xi's face, which was still pale, as if the wound on his body was still there.

At this moment, Zhao Xi's face is very bad, not only because of the injury on his body, but also indignation in his heart. He wants to arrest An Jiuyue and kill him directly.

Why is the injury on her body still not healed? Isn't every corner of Wulong Mountain set up like this?

Suddenly, she remembered that the previous High Priest of Demon Heart seemed to have told her that on Demon Heart Island, Demon Heart wanted to kill and hurt people, so you must avoid them, because those injuries are not easy to heal.

So, the injury that An Jiuyue caused her will not heal for a while, right?

"Damn! An Jiuyue, I must kill you!"


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