Even with Wang's beautiful and gentle secretary, green pepper's mood is not good.

If he was normal, he would certainly not miss the slightest chance. He would keep a close eye on the Secretary's back and explore a hungry wolf

But now

He just wanted to cry, wail!

"Why should I be so impulsive?"

"This time it must have been a big trouble! General manager Wang is shocked

"Surely he will blame me? After all, the damned flattery and humiliation succeeded with rhythm. Everyone is blaming the shark up and down

"What a shame! I must kill you for revenge when I have a chance

"This is not the time for revenge. How can I think about solving this crisis?"

Think of this, green pepper instant answer.

Anyway, his cousin is also one of the company's top executives and founders.

He and Mr. Wang's "from birth to death" partner.

My cousin loves himself. After all, he grew up in the same pair of trousers, and he was a diehard when he was young

"My cousin will certainly help myself. After I went in, I sincerely admitted my mistake and apologized. Mr. Wang's anger disappeared, and naturally he would only blame me a few words!"

Green pepper touched some bald head, wiped off the sweat stains and laughed.

"As long as this crisis is over, I will keep a low profile for months. If I have a chance, I will continue to disgust with the force of super tube! You wait, little bastard! I will take revenge! You think you're going to hurt me? Hum! Think too much

Just thinking, the Secretary stopped and turned to say, "team leader Ma, here we are."

"Yes, thank you."

Green pepper looked at the Secretary greedily.

The Secretary nodded with a smile, but frowned slightly, which was really disgusting.

She went to her desk by the door and sat down, making fake notes.

Seeing the green pepper coming in, he raised his head and showed the color of disgust.

"What a disgusting man in the whole company


In the room.

When the green pepper went in, he kept his head down.

He was brewing his emotions. When he got close to Mr. Wang, he knelt on the ground immediately to beg for mercy and admit his mistake!

I apologize so humbly.

Mr. Wang must be soft hearted?

When I think about the relationship between my cousin and him, I will certainly forgive myself!


Green pepper thought that things could be solved so easily.

I almost didn't laugh.

But he resisted, deliberately showing a sad face.

He's already at his desk.

Getting ready to kneel

All of a sudden, a shout rang out: "you idiot, raise your head!"

The green pepper was shocked.

Is this a cousin's voice?

My cousin is here too!

Green pepper raised his head, and sure enough, cousin Ma Dongqiang stood next to Mr. Wang.

General Wang's expression is very cold, cousin is a pair of angry.

Green pepper face is a little empty, in fact, the heart is very surprised.

My cousin is here too!

Well, my cousin is helping me to say good words!

Isn't the crisis over?

So, he immediately put on a sad face: "cousin, Mr. Wang I know why you called me here! "


The next second.

He knelt down suddenly, tears streaming down on the spot: "I was wrong! I shouldn't abuse my power for a little selfish! Great loss to my company! I admit my mistake! I promise I won't do it again

"Mr. Wang, cousin, I'm really wrong!"

This time, green pepper is humble as mole ants.

Modern society kneels down.

It's a loss of dignity.

However, the imagined situation did not happen.

Cousin Ma Dongqiang said nothing, his face was still full of anger.

Wang Gang then finger gently taps the table top, the voice says coldly: "are you finished?"


The green pepper is full of question marks.

I'm so humble.

Even the great men cried!

You're just a word.

Am I done?

What do you think?

At present, the reaction of cousin and general manager Wang is too unexpected!

Green peppers didn't count.

What he couldn't imagine was

Wang Gang nodded his head and said, "it seems that you have finished. Now, go to the office to pack up your things and resign yourself. I will examine and approve your resignation report that afternoon. In person. "


The green pepper was struck by lightning.

His face was very pale!"Am I being resigned? no It's impossible! It can't be like this

Green pepper body suffered a huge blow, step back, sad looking at Wang Gang: "Mr. Wang, I have recognized the mistake..."

Wang Gang coldly interrupted: "if it's useful to admit mistakes, what else do you need the police and the law to do? This is not the first time you have done such a stupid thing. Before, I didn't care about giving Lao Ma a thin face, but today you are really too much. I have investigated the cause and effect of this matter... "

At this point, his face was slightly distorted, and it was obvious that he was pretending to be cold.

In fact, his heart was full of rage!

He growled, "you bastard! How can I suppress such a capable new man! Has there ever been such a great newcomer in the history of shark platform? If the operation is proper, such figures can become the platform of our sharks! What happened to you? Because the idea of a little retarded is so suppressed! In the end

"Now the whole network is suing US sharks! Just now, the top management unanimously agreed that this storm will cause our stock to fall by more than two percentage points! You big jerk! You made it all. Do you understand? "

Roar to the back, Wang Gang already facial expression ferocious.

He really wanted to kill.

Because of a fool!

The company's image of running for so long is gone.

What's more, it may affect the stock trend!

How damned this masky!

Green pepper people are going to be stupid.

He didn't expect that a mistake of his own had caused such a big lock reaction!

It's the most troublesome thing!

No wonder Wang always gets angry!

And anger is so terrible!

"Mr. Wang! I'm really wrong. Will you forgive me once? "

Green pepper is scared, but he still wants to stay in the company.

I'm kidding. Instead of being a white-collar shark, he can only move bricks to the construction site!

After all, super tube is the only white-collar job without diploma!

"Forgive you? You bastard, shut up! Don't be disgusted, Mr. Wang! "

Ma Dongqiang, who has been silent, also spoke.

Green pepper can't believe: "cousin..."

"Don't call me cousin! You dirty reptile

In an instant, the green pepper's face rose red and was about to spurt blood.

Even their own backers, cousins are like this?

What is the situation!

"Fool, do you know that I take care of you just because I received your mother's favor when I was a child? Do you think I like you so much

Ma Dongqiang gushes people, which is just too much.

Green pepper was shaking all over, and now he felt his soul was cut.

Such a small matter, my cousin seems to have changed.

Soul bash on yourself

What a pain!

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