Follow the target location on the map.

Chu Jing sneaked all the way and didn't disturb anyone in the palace.


He came to his destination and looked at a palace like a warehouse in front of him.

"This is the warehouse of the Taoshan shogunate?"

Chu Jing looked around and found that there were many guards around the palace, including high guards.

It must be an important place.

"How do you sneak in?"

Chu Jing moved around, observing the palace around, making plans to sneak into the palace.

All of a sudden.

There are many changes.

The guards, who were watching around, went in a certain direction.



"Why, what's the matter?"

Chu Jing showed an unexpected expression.

He's thinking about how to sneak in.

As a result, the guards left?

When the gate of the palace was opened, could he not sneak in at will?

"Is this a trap?"

If other silly players, they will steal the national treasure from the palace.

But Chu Jing didn't do it.

He crawled quietly in place, observing the situation around him.

After a few minutes, the departing guards did not return.

Chu Jing's alert heart began to relax.

"Maybe it's something. In a word, they are called to leave. Will they come back in a moment and a half?"

"Now the gate of the warehouse palace is open, and I can steal the national treasure if I go in at will."

"Is the main task so simple?"

Whether it's the killer Johnny's mission.

It's still the job of master Kim blacksmith.

It took Chu Jing a lot of time and energy.

It was the first time he had enjoyed such an easy task.

I'm a little happy.

"Let's go."

Without lifting the latent state, Chu Jing strode to the door and gently pushed it open.


There is a gap in the gate that can accommodate one person.

Without hesitation, Chu Jing strode into it.

The palace was surrounded by light candles.

Through the twilight line, we can see that some gold and silver jewelry are piled up in the warehouse.

This kind of precious treasure, like garbage general random accumulation around!

In an area near treasure.

There are crumbling gold coins piled up there.

It's a gold coin for Japanese clothing!

Chu Jing was shocked.

"This is "The Treasury?"

From the surrounding furnishings.

This place is undoubtedly the Treasury of the Taoshan shogunate!

Chu Jing saw this kind of situation for the first time, and could not help being distracted.

But soon.

He was steady, he said with a smile.

"The treasure of this country is not hidden in the Treasury. Where is it hidden?"

Light says, Chu Jing turns a head, looking at a corner.

There was a huge wooden box piled up.

His eyes were shining, and there seemed to be something important inside.

"Mission goal, national treasure."

Chu Jing smiles slightly, strides over, and is about to put this thing into the burden.

All of a sudden.


The entrance door closed gently.

All the candlelight around the National Treasury was annihilated.

The inside of the warehouse is dark!

Everything is quiet, as if nothing!

"Lying trough!"

Chu Jing, who was in the dark, felt numb on his scalp and bristled with sweat.

Suddenly, the door closed.

Did the candle go out?

What the hell is this?

Although it has the talent of eagle eye, it can only see far away, not at night.

Chu Jing still couldn't see through the thick darkness.

He can only force to keep shaking, forget the feeling of fear, listen carefully around.



It's a terrible silence.

"No? Is this a horror game? "

Chu shocked his mouth and Tucao, and waited for two minutes. He make complaints about his illness.

"The door and the candle were closed, maybe it was some kind of automatic mechanism?"

"Under the action of the organ, all this will happen?"

Although this reasoning is far fetched.

But Chu Jing couldn't think of a more suitable answer.

"Just don't scare yourself if you don't have anything to do."

With a long sigh of relief, Chu Jing didn't intend to light the light source, but directly put the treasure of the country into the burden!"Drop, get the treasure of Eagle empire

"It is detected that the treasure of the country has entered the burden, and the task of" recapturing the national treasure "has entered the next stage."

Please take the national treasure back to Smith and get the reward!

"It's done!"

Seeing the task prompt, Chu Jing grinned and felt very happy.

"It's time to go."

He did not forget that this was a dangerous place.

He turned quickly and went to the door.

Go to the door, about to push the door out.

A voice came from behind the brain.

"Well It turns out that your purpose of sneaking is to offer tribute to the eagle Empire, so adventurer, are you from the eagle Empire

"Lying trough!"

I thought that the sound of the ghost was so violent that my heart was shocked.

But soon, he thought, if it's a ghost, how can it suddenly talk to you?

Moreover, the sound in the dark gave Chu Jing a sense of familiarity.

He must have heard it somewhere.

"Who are you?"

Barely calm down, Chu Jing didn't push the door, but turned to look at the dark.

The door is closed, the fire is extinguished, and even the guards will leave.

Maybe it's no accident.

It's people in the dark?

Maybe, he found himself long ago?

So why can he do that?

A word came out of Chu's mind.

"The main fighters!"

The man in the dark, like Shan Bo ghost, must be the master of the imperial palace!

"Well, you foreign adventurer, you know a lot about it!"

The voice in the dark is a little bit abusive.

It was this abuse that made Chu Jing suddenly realize and exclaim: "you are Tokugawa kasun

"Yes, very smart."

In the light voice of words, all around the fire "Peng" suddenly lit up.

The light lit up the whole warehouse.

A piece of gold and silver jewelry, standing between a man, dressed luxuriantly, not angry from the power, head of the Tokugawa yashun ID, enough to blind anyone's eyes!

"It's Tokugawa kashun, the boss of the Taoshan shogunate! That is, the man who once assassinated Feng Chen Xiujun... "

Chu Jing stares at Tokugawa Jiashun, and finally puts down his heart.

It's not like being haunted. I'm scared.


If it's Tokugawa, it's better to be haunted!

Chu Jing's eyes glared again.

Not to mention that he helped Toshio Toyotomi.

Even if the Tokugawa kashun didn't know about it.

When you steal by yourself.

Is he enough to kill himself a thousand times?

Sure enough.

Shunmeimu of the Tokugawa family is cruel: "I know my identity, but I still don't kneel down. You thief, you are very bold!"

Chu Jing hugged his fist calmly and said, "see you, Daming!"

But Tokugawa said coldly, "I'm talking about kneeling. Don't you understand?"

Chu Jing didn't kneel down, but got up and said with a smile: "Daming, if I kneel down, will you let me go?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!