Chapter 251: Come on, sir, the road has been reserved for you

Name:Ranger King of Azeroth Author:
Chapter 251 Come, sir, the road is reserved for you

Not to mention the stunned murmurs of Malfurion, Fandral and the others, Charlemagne took all of the ranger's bird companions back as soon as they saw the red dragon.

"Retreat, this place can no longer be defended. Fortunately, it took three days for Tulayang to bring troops over. Let's retreat to the Temple of the Sun now."

Following the order issued by Earl Theron, while the red dragon had just passed the long-distance flight and was resting, the rangers began to withdraw in an orderly manner from the giant gate of Salas to the Temple of the Sun behind it.

This temple has Sean's Tower of Morning Light, which can borrow the power of the Sunwell to form a protective shield to a certain extent. Although there is no guarantee that it can completely stop the red dragons, it can block and weaken their dragons in a short time. Information attacks should still be out of the question.

The same is true for Taquilin. With the help of the magic net structure that connects the Temple of the Moon and the Tower of the Morning Star in a line, Rommath should be able to block the energy attack of the Horde for a short time after activating the defensive barrier. Of course, Charlemagne does not think that Ogg Rym would be foolish enough to charge the high elf town head-on.

As the high elves withdrew from the giant gate of Salas, under the contact of the red dragoons, Zu'jin had already connected with his subordinates in Eversong Forest. Crossed the Salas Mountains to the south and reunited with the tribes.

Just as Charlemagne expected, even the gate made of reinforced concrete could not stop the extremely hot flames of the red dragon. Under the breath of the leading adult dragons, the iron blocks inside the gate were quickly burned , the originally solid gate was breached under the impact of the tribe.

During the march, Orgrim did not forget to ask Dakara about the situation inside Eversong Forest, "Overseer, are you sure the defense in the west is relatively weak?"

Under Zujin's introduction, Dakala had already gotten to know this powerful epic warrior, the great chief of the tribe, he bowed respectfully and said, "Dear chief, I am very sure that during the past few years when Chief Zujin was away, , Those long ears have managed the entire Taquilin in the central part and the Far Traveling Village in the eastern part like a monolith."

"Forcibly attacking the central and eastern regions is obviously not a good choice, and due to the lazy management of the Windrunner family in the western region, there are basically no defenses at all. This is the most suitable way to quickly reach Silvermoon City."

While talking, Orgrim has received information from the young dragon knight who is exploring the way. There is a fortress that looks very strong in front of him. Under the protection of the energy field emitted by a high tower, the red dragon's tentative dragon breath He was also blocked, and the young dragon knight hurriedly turned around and sent back the news before Sunstrider rushed over to intercept him.

"Sure enough, these high elves have been prepared for a long time. Could it be that they deliberately gave up the west is also premeditated?"

Orgrim touched his chin uncertainly, and he began to feel that something was wrong with this situation.


Zujin scoffed at this, "I don't think it was intentional to give up. The population of the high elves is not large, and it is impossible to achieve a complete and tight defense. Besides, those long ears are very useful to their Bandin Norrell enchantment." Confident, they probably think that it is impossible for the tribe to really break through that huge magic barrier."


Hearing that Gul'dan was interested here, he wanted to get more information about the enchantment from Zujin.

As a spellcaster, Gul'dan knew very well that these so-called enchantments basically needed a medium to trigger them. Even if there was a sunwell in Eversong Forest, it would be impossible to conjure enchantments out of thin air.

And these media usually have powerful magical power. If you can find a way to get them, maybe they can be of great use to your follow-up plans.

"Well, Bandin Norrell's enchantment is supported by the magic power of the sunwell. I have secretly observed it. Before it is fully activated, it is just a filter-type warning enchantment. My trolls will step into the enchantment. It was discovered, and I have never seen what it looks like in full operation."

"Oh? That's interesting... Great Chief, then let's pass through the weakly defended area in the west and enter the northern part of the forest as soon as possible. It is meaningless to fight a war of attrition with the high elves who rely on fortifications here."

Gul'dan's suggestion made Orgrim think about it for a while, and then he nodded and said, "Yes, but before that, I want to test the strength of these elf defenses so that I can have a preliminary understanding of Bandin Norrell."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and ordered to Chief Dragonmaw, "Zuluhed, let your red dragons attack that fortress together, try to break through the defensive barrier built by that tower, and I will send some troops to you."

"Your will, Warchief!"

Zuluhed almost sent out most of the troops of the Dragonmaw Clan this time. Under the watchful eyes of Orgrim, Zujin and others, the Red Dragon Knights in the sky went first, and the Dragonhowl orcs and eaters on the ground The demon followed suit and attacked the Temple of the Sun from the air and the ground at the same time.

Clans such as Xiezhi and Deadwood, who have not been in contact with the high elves for more than 2,000 years, also sought to fight together. After thinking about it for a while, Zujin agreed to their request. Anyway, reducing the army strength of these two big tribes will help him control the forest trolls .

He still remembers the cynicism and ridicule he suffered when he went to ask for help from these same races. It would be good to let these ignorant guys feel the military strength of the high elves. inability.

Charlemagne, Brother Lor'themar, and the three Windrunner sisters have all taken out their weapons and stood on the southern city wall. Even Talisa and the Nightborne were recruited by Charlemagne to join the defense team.

Under the barrier protection supported by the three eight-ring mages Sean, Lena, and Talisa, he believed that these red dragons would not be able to break through the defense for a while under the interception of the air force.

"Saradley, let your Sunstrider Wings step forward to intercept! Chief Ulan, I'm afraid this time the Tianjiao tribe will lose some giant eagles."

Ulan smiled and shook his head, "There is no loss in war, besides, Barley has always wanted to let his boys fight with the Red Dragon since he heard about the existence of the Red Dragon before coming here. It's right in his arms."

"Haha! Chief Barre is so proud! Then I won't say anything more. After the situation subsides, I will go to him to drink and apologize."

Charlemagne is really not sure about this air battle. After all, the dozen or so red dragons in the lead are all adult demigod-level red dragons. Although these reluctant dragons will definitely release water, how much... It's hard to say for sure.

And those ignorant young dragons were also spawned by Nekros, and there were nearly a hundred of them... I don’t know if it’s okay for the Red Dragon Queen to lay so many eggs? That male dragon named Taran won't be... ahem!

When the red dragons flew to the sky above the Temple of the Sun, Saladley and Monton, the young patriarch of the Tianhorn clan, respectively led their air troops to attack, and at this time the allied forces of orcs and trolls on the ground had also attacked. under the city wall.

The Battle of Quel'Thalas has not officially started until now.