Chapter 281: Miss Gu Shen

Name:Ranger King of Azeroth Author:
Chapter 281 Miss Ancient God

Silvermoon City, as Charlemagne said, completely became the center of joy during the three-day celebration.

But Turayang, Lothar, Magni, Kurdran and others followed Charlemagne back to the Far Traveling Village, and began to ask him about the specific matters that he planned to do to the Amani troll.

"Are you really planning to wipe out the Amani trolls?"

In the face of Lothar's inquiry, Charlemagne nodded solemnly, "These forest trolls who have been following the wind have threatened the high elves for thousands of years, and it is time to clean up the mange in this Eversong Forest. "

Lord Kurdran of the Wildhammer agreed with Charlemagne's determination, "That's right! Those forest trolls are not only insidious and cunning, but they will also take advantage of our weakness to make trouble. The forest troll tribes that joined the tribe this time are A proof."

Like the high elves, the Wildhammer dwarves have been harassed by the evil branch and the deadwood clan trolls for more than a hundred years. If you say that the hatred of the forest trolls in the alliance today, it is estimated that apart from the high elves, the Wildhammer dwarves and Stowe are the first. Mgard was in second place.

Although Lothar has nothing to do with the forest trolls, the Kingdom of Stormwind has been facing the threat of the Gurubashi jungle trolls in Stranglethorn Valley in the south. They also don't like these ugly hunchbacks.

The war between the Stormwind Kingdom and the jungle trolls back then, if it weren't for the sudden invasion of the orcs, I don't know when it would have ended.

But in fact, trolls, like humans, like to fight in their nests.

After the blood ring orcs withdrew from Stranglethorn Vale, the entire jungle trolls had split into various small clans to fight each other in the huge Stranglethorn Vale jungle.

Skullsplitter, Bloodscrew, Broken Spear, Hakkari, Darkspear, and their suzerain clan Gurubashi, except for Gurubash who occupies the jungle troll capital and Hakkari who temporarily ally with them, the entire Stranglethorn Vale has The city was in chaos, and small tribes like Darkspear were in danger of being exterminated almost at any time.

Lothar looked up after thinking for a while and said, "Although Stormwind City, which is still being rebuilt, cannot send troops to support you, if you need my personal help, please let me know at any time."

After the duel between Lothar and Orgrim, he had already seen that Charlemagne secretly rescued him. Although he felt a little unacceptable at the time, he only felt the benefits of being alive when he was assisting King Varian recently.

This little king is still very immature in many aspects. If he is allowed to fall into the siege of those greedy nobles like this, the revival of the Stormwind Kingdom does not know when it will wait.

With Lothar, the Dinghaishenzhen who once served as the regent, ordinary medium-sized nobles did not dare to talk nonsense in front of him. As for the big nobles, Lothar has already recruited Bolvar, the young head of the Duke of Fordragon's family, for Varian. It should only be a matter of time before the situation in the Stormwind Kingdom is stabilized.

All this is thanks to Charlemagne's life-saving grace. Lothar has always wanted to find a chance to repay this great favor.

Turayang also looked at Charlemagne seriously at this time and said, "Although you can't use the alliance army to help you at will, but like Chief Lothar, I am willing to personally assist you in eliminating the Amani troll."

The support of his friends warmed Charlemagne's heart, and then he patted the shoulders of Turayan and Lothar on the left and right and said, "Thank you, the number of Amani trolls is now very scarce after the reduction of the war, as long as you take them carefully." They shouldn't be a problem."

"But before going to war, I still want to find a final insurance. I want to ask Anduin and Turalyon to run with me."

Lothar and Turayang nodded without hesitation and said, "No problem, just tell me what you want to do!"


West side of Tirisfal Glades, outside Tyr's Tomb.

Charlemagne and Aurelia, who revisited the old place, looked at the familiar small lake in front of them with emotion. It has been more than ten years since they came here to take away the Silver Hand and Tyre. This beautiful small lake Nothing has changed.

Still so peaceful, and still so...disgusting.

Turayang, who possessed the power of the Holy Light, instinctively showed an expression of disgust towards the lake, "What does this feel like? Such a strong evil breath..."

Lothar frowned unhappily, "I didn't expect there to be such a place in the mountainous area west of Lordaeron. No wonder there are no residents at the foot of this vast mountainous area."

Charlemagne, who came back to his senses, looked at the few people behind him and smiled, "There is a powerful evil being sealed here, we will inevitably fight him after we enter the tomb, please be mentally prepared. "

That’s right, this time Charlemagne returned to the Tomb of Tire to take out the two artifacts buried in the tomb.

Yes, two, Charlemagne finally remembered after these years of memories, the sword of the dark empire he thought of was not in the tomb at this time, it was the members of the Twilight's Hammer who wanted it to absorb Zakaz brought in by the negative energy.

At this time, this magic sword with self-awareness that can choose its master is still looking for a new master for itself. No one has seen it since the death of her previous master... or servant, the Dark Iron Queen Modgud whereabouts.

But... Now the sword of the Dark Empire has fallen into the hands of Charlemagne after many twists and turns.

This guy Xalatas took advantage of the orc invasion and also got involved, and he chose Cho'gall as his next servant.

It's a pity that Cho'gall's true believer is C'Thun, so he has no interest in the already crippled Xalatas, no matter how it tempts Cho'gall.

During the Battle of Quel'Thalas, Cho'gall threw the Dark Empire sword at Xiao En who was pursuing him like a hidden weapon in a hurry while escaping. En was taken aback, as Cho'gall had fled with Gul'dan by the time he dodged.

Von der Lore identified it after the war. This scimitar-shaped weapon contains a powerful and dark soul. Although the soul has been damaged, it is best not to listen to its nonsense.

Charlemagne asked for it from Kael'thas's collection out of curiosity, and after some communication, he found out... Isn't this what the pastors said about the little sister Xalatas?

What I saw in the game were the changed appearances of various artifacts. This was the first time I saw the original Xalatas Charlemagne. He became very interested in this talking ancient **** lady.

Although this does not mean that he will be tempted by this weapon, he does know a lot of ancient secrets from Xalatas.

For example...there were more than five ancient gods who came to Azeroth, but most of them perished by devouring each other on the way.

The four most powerful ancient gods who survived in the end are the familiar N'Zoth, Y'Shaarj, C'Thun, and Yogg-Saron, and Xal'atath barely counts as the fifth.

Charlemagne also learned from Xalatas that there was actually an ancient **** who survived back then, but later the unlucky boy was captured by curious titans and sent to an ancient titan research institute for experiments.

Xal'atath: "I seems to call itself G'huun."
