Chapter 1927: Tale

News about Sam's musical concert was passed all over by the guards.

They thought it was weird that Sam is playing such peaceful music. Not because of the music itself, but Sam himself is known as the guardian who came to save them from these disasters.

When they encountered Sam doing all those weird calculations they just thought he is doing some serious stuff about the upcoming disasters and stuff. So, they were caught off guard when they noticed him playing his flute in the mountains.

Sam of course heard this when he came for a meal at the temple.

"Heard you were enjoying playing your flute?"

Priestess asked with a smile.

Sam just shrugged and said.

"I was doing some research."

"Even with music."

"I do everything." Sam casually said and Sandhya snorted from the side. Sam of course tried to ignore it, but the priestess seemed to be having fun with this weird tension between Sam and Sandhya, so she fueled the flames.

"Come on Sandhya, don't be so rude."

"I am not rude."

"Then what is with the snort? If I don't know any better, I would have assumed that you are showing your derision."

"Of course, I was trying to express that."

"Isn't that rude?"

"Should I care about the fragile ego of the guy who is boasting like that? Sorry."

She obviously still held a grudge from the past experience. Sam gave her a side eyed glance. If not for the delicious food and the hospitality provided by Priestess, he would have left this mountain just from Sandhya's annoyance.

He didn't even dislike her, but she is just a person Sam has no tolerance to. In front of those young masters she likes to act all high and mighty, but would you look at this behavior? She is just acting like some spoiled kid.

In a way it makes sense. Only her mother who is the strongest of the planet is above her. No one else dares to command her. Her own father doesn't even dare to talk back to her.

What could he expect from such person?

At least she is not loose with her hands and legs like those young masters. They would have tried to attack Sam or even try to humiliate him directly, she is only throwing some tantrums. This is still bearable for him.

He tried to ignore her and focused on the meal.

"How do you know that he is boasting? Maybe he does do everything. At least I feel like he does.

He is good with formations and inscriptions, he has multiple elemental control, he is good with artisanship is various fields, he is great in melee combat as you said and now he is doing music too. What else does he need to do?"

"He might do a lot, but that is not everything. He is just little better than most. There is no need to brag about it."

As the bickering between mother and daughter increased, Sam felt like he is out of place. They are arguing about his abilities right in front of him.

Sam looked at Priestess in askance.

"I am really sorry Sam, my daughter really doesn't know any manners."

"Why are you apologizing to him? You don't have to do it. Not on my behalf at least. If he really wants to get an apology then tell him to prove that he can do everything and I will do it."

Sam sighed and stood up to leave.

"See, he is just boasting."

Sam almost turned around and slapped her head off. He controlled his urge and left the place. He went for some peace and quite while he awaited the next disaster. These Greek gods are so much better than this grown up brat.

If he really reached his limit, he might as well leave.

Time passed and the next disaster vision came.

This time it is a relatively normal city with no special terrain around it. There are some forests, sea is a bit away from it, there is a river nearby. There is nothing special about this.

As he travelled to the city, Sam started thinking about who the next god might be. Until now, he fought with Poseidon, Hephaestus, Artemis, Hermes and Athena. That is five disasters and he has five more to go.

He doesn't know which Olympian god will be next, but he really wished he could finish this as soon as possible.

When he reached the city, he was dumbfounded.

Because even though this place looked like a normal city from vision and even from far away, as he got closer, he felt like he is walking through the streets of a war torn nation back on earth. There are a bunch of ruins on his way to the city. It is almost like there used to be a city there before.

He looked at Sandhya in askance and she said.

"There is indeed no significant natural ecosystem around, but this place is a bit significant historically. The city used to be ten times bigger and it was destroyed. The leader of the city was once very powerful. Even without the same level of resources as the Emerald city, he managed to make his own city much more powerful and rich.

Of course, along with his power, his vanity grew. No one knows how many concubines he had. And that resulted in many offspring.

Among there, a young man was very talented. The lawful wife obviously wanted to kill him to make her son the sole heir. The clan leader didn't care.

He just watched as his sons and daughters killed each other, while wives and concubines schemed behind each others backs. He was amused by it all.

Even when it came to this talented son of his, he stayed indifferent in the name of neutrality. But that kid wanted to be an explorer. He just wanted to wander the whole planet by himself.

When his mom found that his son was being schemed against, she immediately sent him away to be the wanderer he wanted to be. Until then she was very reluctant and didn't let him go. So, he was very delighted when he got the chance.

If only he wasn't that naïve. In the anger that the kid escaped, the wife killed the concubine in the cruelest way possible.

The son came back after a short trip and found the empty house. His mother died and he couldn't even find he ashes or the grave.

When asked around, it was found out that her body was thrown as food for some hounds the clan leader liked to groom.

The son went to his father and asked him for some justice and an explanation. But all he got was the indifference. He got pissed and gave his father an ultimatum. Give him justice or face the consequences.

The father broke his leg and threw him out of the city.

That day everyone witnessed as the son limped away into the forest and everyone saw the wife openly sending people to kill him.

But they never saw the assassins that went after him. Exactly after an year and a half, he came back.

He killed his way through the whole city.

All the guards, soldiers and lackeys his father hand, all of his half siblings that tried to stop him, his father's concubines, even the citizens who wanted to use the opportunity and him as a stepping stone. He killed everyone and destroyed the city the leader built with so much effort.

He met the clan leader in the battlefield and made him a cripple along with his wife. Then he tortured their first born son in the most horrific way humanely possible until the mother couldn't bear to see. Her cultivation was sealed, so she had to bang her head against the road until she lost her life to commit suicide.

The father on the other hand was left there in the city square with his cultivation destroyed, his body crippled for days to come.

He had to witness his large city being destroyed by his own son and his son selling the city away to a clan that was barely powerful enough and the new clan occupied city and built it anew.

He even stayed at the clan for years to come and nurtured some really powerful heirs within. After that clan had enough power to be the major faction in the planet, he stayed and helped them. Only on the day he left did he let his father come down from the pole he was tied to.

Legend has it that he dragged his father away from there into the forest. His father is almost at the end of his lifespan as his divine cultivation was destroyed. Only his divine body could only sustain him for so many years.

He should have died by now, but no one knows what happened to that son."

Sam heard the history of the city and was surprised. Not by the story.

He was surprised to see all the fucking ruins of the previous era still being there. The first he would have done is erase its traces when building a new city.