Chapter 1929: Blood Lust Creatures

Sam's sudden decision made everyone surprised.

No one understood why he is making everyone halt the work. He even made every one of the formation masters stand in line in front of him. His face is devoid of any emotion. It didn't take long for the young masters and Sandhya to come.

"What happened? Why are you stopping the work?"

"I saw something happen. I knew this would happen sooner or later, so I just wanted to give you all the lesson the first time it happened so that I don't have to repeat myself."

"What is it?"

Sandhya appeared to be a bit frustrated.

Sam looked at the half a dozen formation masters that were working in the area he pointed out.

"I will ask you guys, once and only once. One of you messed up with the formation in this area and you did it intentionally. You even tried to cover it up and thought that I wouldn't find out.

I want you to come forward and accept your mistake.

Before you guys deny it, let me tell you something, I know who messed up. Don't think I am bluffing. Sandhya knows that I already have surveillance in place."

As Sam spoke, everyone of the formation masters were stunned. They are all of different elements. The formation doesn't have any elemental effect. Except for the spatial element layer that was being done by the others, the rest of it I neutral energy constantly reinforced bit by bit.

So, it could be any one of them.

All of them exchanged glances.

Sam looked at them for a moment and sighed. No one is coming forward.

He took out his handgun and loaded it with a special bullet.

He aimed at a person and shot.


The bullet hit that guy's leg. He collapsed to the ground as he held the bleeding leg with both of his hands.

The next moment though the pain on that guy's face turned into horror. His leg started aging rapidly. He has been in this state for over hundreds of years, but at this moment, all the accumulated vitality is being sucked out of it.

Sam looked at the guy and asked.

"Who does this guy belong to? Which power?"

None of the young masters answered. They all had weird looks on their faces. Sandhya looked at Sam and whispered.

"He belongs to this city."

Sam was indeed a bit surprised. He looked at the clan leader who just arrived.

"Seems like you need to clean your house a bit. Find out which power he really belongs to."

He then looked at the rest of the formation masters and spoke.

"Just finish the formation properly. I don't want any upsets. Also take your positions as soon as the disaster starts. You don't have to do anything. You are just reinforced power transmitters to it. All the energy will be drawn from the environment. You are just acting as a transmission medium for that energy.

I don't want any hiccups."

He then turned to the clan leader once again and said.

"Send everyone into the estate. The formation around your estate building has some extra reinforcements."

"Yes Sir."

The clan leader made all the necessary arrangements as Sam instructed.

Everyone became extra vigilant.

When the masters checked, the formation is indeed tampered a bit. They became careful and suspicious of each other.

Sam didn't bother with inquiring further with the guy who messed up the formation. He became busy once again. After all, the time for the disaster is nearing.

And it didn't take long for that time to be over.

Sam got ready and sent all the beasts out. He is a bit nervous. After all, fear is in the unknown. He still didn't know what the disaster is going to be.

But there is one thing he is right about. The bloodlust.

That is the only thing special about this place and it turned out it is the one that's being used for the disaster.

Sam couldn't feel the bloodlust in the surroundings before, but now he could actually feel the bloodlust manifesting and the red colored aura became denser as it became denser and stronger. To the point that is visible to the naked eye.

And this didn't just happen outside the city. In fact, the situation inside the city is also the same. Sam watched as the bloodlust manifested and it is gathering at certain areas. It is gathering towards those areas and started taking different forms.

The same scene could be seen out of the city.

Sam watched as the red colored bloodlust manifesting into different figures. But his attention is grabbed by one particular spot. Most of the bloodlust aura is targeting at that one spot.

It wouldn't take a genius to figure out that the spot is where the god appears.

Sam took out his sword and got ready. The beasts are also ready to get into action.

"Yanwu, Raiju, Ape. You three are in charge inside the city. Rest focus on the outside. Hopper, restraints are your thing. Cooperate with the shadow mice and restrict the movements of whatever comes out of those areas. Whatever this aura throws out, it should be destroyed before it could do anything.

Be careful. Don't let it effect your state of mind."

Sam came out of the city and hovered in the air calmly.

As he watched the places where the aura gathered, started morphing into beasts. One of them is the closest to him and it turned into a giant wolf.

A wolf purely created out of bloodlust that manifested into a physical entity.

The Wolf looked like it wanted to destroy everything and anything that comes in its way. It is manifestation of not just bloodlust but destruction.

It lunged towards Sam who is hovering in the air. But before it could even reach him, Forest bear that was standing near him already slammed its claw against the wolf's head.

The wolf crashed into the ground. Some red smoke came out of its body and disappeared into the air. The rest of the body decreased in size with the crash. Sam looked at the massive wolf almost losing two thirds of its body.

He activated his energy vision to see if he could track the disappearance of the red aura. If it is just mixing with the environment around them of it is disappearing into void. But he couldn't. He would have to spread his soul and find that out.

For which this is not the time.

He shifted his attention to the other figures that are created out of this Blood Lust. There are many wolves. Wolves of many sizes. Apart from that there are a bunch of Vultures.

As he looked at them Sam felt like he knew who the god is.

With his limited knowledge of Greek mythology from back on earth, there is only one that could be related to bloodlust, wolves and vultures.

It is none other than the God of War of Olympus. Ares.

The humanoid figure is still manifesting and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that his guess is right.

There I sword along with its sheath hanging on his waist, while a long spear in his hands. A helmet and a battle armor along with a shield. This is the most basic depiction of Ares as far as he could remember.

And from his gaze, Sam felt even more sure. That craving for battle and destruction. It is not something just anyone could manifest.

Athena is also very known for her battle, but she enjoys the battle. Enjoys the profound nature of that battle, but this guy craves destruction. He likes to tear apart his enemies and enjoy that victory.

Sam wanted to make a move directly. But he decided to hold back a bit.

He watched the behavior of the creatures made purely from that bloodlust. While the god is still manifesting, he watched his beasts battle these creatures to understand their behavior. He figured that since the god is being made out the same way as these creatures, he should be able to figure out the situation a bit.

For the next two minutes, he indeed managed to figure out some clues. The wolves and vultures are being dominated by his beasts. Even though the creatures are not disappearing with a single hit, they are losing a lot of their strength with every hit.

Their size is decreasing and they are becoming easier targets.

But there is also something weird happening. Sam noticed that as the fight progressed the beasts are becoming more and more aggressive. It is very subtle and it would have gone unnoticed, but Sam is connected to them body and soul.

It would be impossible for him to notice those feelings of aggression.

He immediately connected to the Forest bear who is nearest to him.

Forest bear just slammed a wolf to the ground and destroyed it. The bloodlust dissipiated into thin air. At least that is what he looked like. But the next moment, Sam could feel that the bear is a little bit excited.

There is this increased urge to go and beat up another wolf that a few yards away.