Chapter 1940: Mountains on Fire

The fire burned everything and anything that's on the mountain.

The beasts that managed to hide away from the floods and survive the sudden heat rise were also engulfed in flames and the people in the valley could hear the screams of their agony. But that is just the start, they were more terrified by what happened next.

The beasts that died off only left behind their skeletons that are engulfed with flames and once all of their flesh is gone, these skeletons started moving.

These skeletons flew down to the formation and started attacking.

Much less citizens, even Sam didn't anticipate this change. These skeletons are very close to undead, in fact they should also be classified as a type of undead. But they are exactly not. Just like how some gods gave sentience to the trees and rocks, this god gave sentience to the skeletons of the beasts that are still burning.

These fiery undead skeletons of the beasts started attacking the formation crazily. They are a bit weaker than the beasts that came at them until then. But they are far greater in number.

When these skeletons started coming down in bulk, it looked like a lot of torches are lit up in the sky above the valley.

And these torches seemed never ending. Due to this, the cultivators of the city, finally started caving a bit. There was almost the first death of the city members. Almost.

Sam's beasts didn't let them die though.

Yanwu circled in between these flaming dead beasts smoothly and threw the cultivator back into the city. Of course, these dead beasts didn't take it lightly. They immediately change their attention to Yanwu from the formation.

Yanwu caught a hold of the nearest dead beast with his talons.

Golden flames burned from his body and engulfed the dead beasts. The golden flames consumed the original orange flames on its skeletons. Before the beast could even react, Yanwu devoured those flames and yanked the skeleton on to another skeleton like he is playing with a couple of ragdolls.

Then without wasting any time, Yanwu went back.

Sam looked at Yanwu questioningly. After all, it is very clear that Yanwu could have easily escaped if he wanted. The dead beasts might have come at him at once, but it is no challenge.

That means, the attack on that one skeleton is deliberate.

Even though Yanwu acted innocent in front of Sam, when he turned to his fellow beasts, his nose turned high. It seems like there is some internal competition brewing between them. And the next scene confirmed it.

When another cultivator was about to fall, Sky disappeared from the spot.

He reappeared amidst the chaos and caught a hold of the cultivator with his beak. The cultivator was thrown into the formation and Sky charged straight ahead after him. On his way, his wings glowed with wind energy and he cut through to skeletons in mid-air before entering the formation.

At least Yanwu was subtle, but Sky didn't even bother trying to guise it.

He just charged and destroyed two opponents before returning in the flash. Sam sighed at their antic. But didn't bother trying to stop them. They seemed to be enjoying a bit.

Seeing Yanwu and Sky already showing off in front of them, the remaining beasts of course didn't want to hold back.

They all keenly focused on what is happening outside. Luckily for them, more and more cultivators kept on falling. The beasts charged out to rescue them.

The beasts had a very simple model

For one cultivator only one beasts should go. Whoever moves first wins it. They shouldn't push each other off.

When the beast rescues the cultivator, they will throw the cultivator into the city.

Then, on their way back, they will destroy as many skeletons as possible. They wouldn't go out of their own way. They wouldn't actively fight.

Coming back should be the primary objective.

And any skeletons that got destroyed in the middle should be the collateral damage. The game went on while the cultivators and citizens watched this with a pitiful expression. They are experiencing the biggest disasters of their life.

Their saviors are just treating it like a game.

They felt a bit vexed, frustrated and depressed. But none of them didn't dare to go up to Sam or the beasts to talk to them about this. They didn't have the balls.

Sam observed the skeletal beasts carefully while his beasts are playing with them.

They are never ending and they kept on descending from the mountains. It seems like there are way too many beasts on the mountains. After that, he sent the puppets to the surrounding mountains to check up on them.

Then only he realized that the streak of these beasts would never end.

The flames of the mountains surrounding the city have long spread to the mountains neighbouring them. The beasts in those mountains are also experiencing the same thing and are turning into skeletal creatures engulfed in flames.

Sam presented this information to the young masters, Sandhya and the people in charge of the city.

After listening to the news, they looked at the screen and all of them focused on only one thing. Instead of the mountains that are already on fire, they looked at the mountains that are yet to be on fire. There are way too many of them.

All of them gulped nervously.

Sam knew that the disaster would take a long time, but if by any chance the next phase of the disaster didn't come until all the mountains were not fire, then Sam wouldn't be able to deal with this disaster without any damage.

The battle of attrition might be his forte, but he would definitely have some damage.

He finally had to take some initiative.

"Ape, Raiju, Forest. All three of you are in charge of going to the neighboring mountains. Lead the beasts out of the mountains and move them farther.

Yanwu and Sky. Both of you are in charge of setting fire to immediate neighbouring mountains as soon as the beasts were evacuated from there.

Explain to the beasts about what is happening. How the god has forsaken this land and how they are going to burn to death if they don't move away.

Yanwu and Sky, your flames shouldn't spread past the immediate neighboring mountains. We are setting them on fire so that these orange flames wouldn't have any fuel to spread further. Don't create a disaster of your own."

Once Sam passed the orders, the beasts stopped playing around.

They became serious and immediately made their move. Raiju, Ape and Forest bear jumped into action. Their working style is very simple.

First they will meet the habitat where one or more beasts are living.

They would show off their bloodline. Explain whatever it is happening on the mountains. If the beasts listened they helped them move their young cubs and accompanied them to the neighboring mountains.

But if the beasts didn't listen, they got the shit kicked out of them.

Raiju, Ape and forest. All three of them didn't have any time of patience to deal with the antics of these beasts and they just went all violent on them. Their logic is that simple.

A mini exodus began on those mountains.

All three of them worked on a single mountain together to finish its evacuation and handed it over to Yanwu and Sky. The major benefit for them is that because of the floods a lot of beasts already left the mountains.

Now the remaining ones also left.

As soon as one mountain got empty, Yanwu set it on fire. Sky intensified the flames and made it burn faster. Both of them turned all the vegetation into ashes in a couple of hours. Of course, they didn't just wait around until then.

They got an idea after they burned the first mountain.

Whenever the three beasts managed to convince some beasts on the mountain, Yanwu went there with sky to set that small area on fire. Looking at the intense golden flames burning on their mountain, the beasts also had an element of fear within them.

Indirectly they are helping the three beasts to evacuate faster and the burning of the mountains also went on faster.

On the fourth day of the disaster this is what Sam and his beasts did.

While they are burning the mountains to stop the possible spread of the orange flames, Sam worked on observing the orange flames. The flames are very intense. They are consuming all the vitality of the trees and other vegetation within as they propagated further.

These intense flames are then burning the mountain surface itself.

At first Sam almost thought he saw wrongly, but then he realized he didn't.

The mountains that are mineral rich and extremely resistant to extreme conditions were also set on fire and he understood the significance of it on the night of the fourth day.