Chapter 1943: Apollo Descends

The puppets went on a bird subduing rampage.

The massive flock of birds reduced by half in nearly twenty minutes. The sudden surge of the ice attacks from the puppets is not only effective, but it was a visual spectacle to look at. They looked like some kind of fairies and the ice elemental energy that acted as a rope connecting the puppets to their control point appeared like star dust.

The citizens watched as Sam finishing all the birds off with his puppets.

His speed is way faster than the speed of the birds spawning from the mountains. This soon made the puppets number higher than the birds and then there are no extra birds. Only the ones coming from the burning mountains.

And of course, Sam is not going to wait and let them grow slowly once again.

The puppets immediately went back to their control points, where Sam placed the nodes and where these puppets were initially placed. The ice energy riled up more and more as all the puppets stretched their arms out and aimed at the mountain they are standing at.


With an explosive sound at that moment, a large beam of ice energy was shot out of the spot Sam was sitting at. It was aimed to the sky. There is obviously way too much water vapor in the atmosphere because of the sudden evaporation that has been happening for the past few days.

The clouds are high in the sky and they are not too far away.

Sam's frost beam was shot at the biggest cloud of them all.

At the same time, the puppets also shot out these explosive ice elemental energy beams on to the mountains they are standing at. These beams landed on the nearest area and put out the fire in that small space.

Then the ice started spreading as it slowly extinguished the fire around it. The air around the mountain started getting colder and the intensity of the heat in the whole valley cooled down by a large margin, in a very short frame of time.

The citizens felt like they just had an ice cream in the middle of a hot desert. Of course, they wouldn't understand that analogy, but the feeling is about the same. The valley started cooling down and some water drizzles are appearing out of thin air because of the overly humid air.

The mountains that were on fire soon turned to the snowy mountains they were before and more.

But in the sky, the sun is still getting hotter and hotter with every passing second, but this time, it didn't have any effect on the mountains. After a certain amount, Sam finally stopped shooting the laser beam as it started snowing from the clouds.

There are a bunch of frozen water puddles outside the formation and the valley became a large ice skating rink.

The whole valley turned more beautiful than ever before.

The Ice elemental sphere around Sam didn't change or falter. Except the beams from him and the puppets stopped completely.

They all stayed still as if waiting for the sun god's next move.

But for the rest of the afternoon, they didn't see anything at all.

The sun just became brighter and the tried to raise the valley temperature more. For some reason, it didn't work. No matter how hot the sun appeared, it didn't manage to penetrate the premises of the valley and disturb the newly formed ice.

The valley members finally heaved a sigh of relief after a long time.

They could finally breath easy.

And most of them wished that sun would never shed a warm light on them ever again. Who would have thought that some warm light could be so traumatizing.

That night passed uneventfully.

The citizens all looked outside of the valley and Sam. The brightly glowing lines and sphere are ice elemental energy are like twinkling lights in the dark. They contrasted well with the dark valley and they complimented the cold atmosphere.

Sam's ice energy sphere gave off this cold and blue colored glow all over the city giving this calm and cool aura. They felt safe, relieved and relaxed for the first time in the past few days.

But as the time passed and they saw the night darken more and then lighten soon, they had this trepidation in their hearts. All of them tried their best to ignore that and count on Sam to save them.

That still didn't stop the increasing tensions as dawn broke open and soon the sun rose in the sky.

The sun rise on that day, would be the brightest they had ever seen in their lives before and they truly believed that they would never see that even in their future. The sun came out blazing. It almost looked like the planet has moved closer to the sun by many times.

The ice that was frozen solid the whole night instantly showed a hit of precipitation.

Sam who sat there in that meditative pose the whole exuded a blast of ice energy and froze those small water drops that appeared at different corners of the valley and the mountains. A frost cloud was formed on top of the valley as it contended with the heat trying to penetrate into the valley.

The clash of heat and cold might not be very apparent to the citizens' senses, but they could visualize it and it made them shudder. The heat and cold are so intense that even at their cultivation, it seems like they wouldn't be able to endure the clash.

After an hour, they finally noticed one change in the way the attacks happened.

The sun shot out a bright beam and it penetrated the cloud.

The beam entered the valley and landed in a specific area.

The ice turned into a pool of water and evaporated, but the moment it spread outside the range of the beam, it turned into water and then ice before it hit the floor.

The light beam created a flaming body and everyone saw it turning into a large humanoid figure. It seems like the finale for the disasters is here.

Sam still had his eyes closed. But he could still 'see' the humanoid figure of the majestic god appearing out of that light.

Apollo stood there in his form with a bow in his hands. He had the regal aura of the sun god and the arrogance of an Olympian apparent in his eyes. He didn't have a crown or something similar, but he had something that looked like a headband around his forehead.

He didn't speak like the other gods, instead he directly started acting. He took held out the bow and aimed at Sam who is in the middle of the city and the formations surrounding it. An appeared in his hands out of thin air as he held the string of the bow.

The arrow is purely made of fire elemental energy and as he pulled the string which is also purely made of energy, the arrow started glowing intensely along with the bow.


As soon as he released the arrow an explosive sound occurred. The arrow shot through the air and created a large crater as it zoomed towards the formation.


Another explosion occurred as the arrow landed squarely on the formation.

But to the surprise of apollo, the arrow didn't do much to the formation, at least that is what he thought initially. But only Sam and the formation masters responsible for the formations knew what exactly happened to those formations.

A few layers have been destroyed. It is just that there are still way too many layers on it, that it is almost impossible to discern for the outsider like Apollo.

It was only visible from inside.

Apollo didn't show any reaction though, he just took out another arrow and shot it with same intensity. And it was aimed at the same spot. Sam. And it landed on the same spot, the formation.


Another explosion and a few more layers of the formation destroyed easily.

Apollo shot the third arrow. He is very relaxed and didn't mind the repetition, but this time, a frown appeared on his face, because the energy around Sam churned a bit.

At the same time, the flaming effect that was being left behind by the arrow suddenly reduced by a very large margin. The crater didn't appear like before and the surrounding cold area reduced the intensity and explosiveness of the flames on the arrow.

When it hit the formation finally, unlike before several layers were not destroyed, instead only one layer was destroyed and the rest were perfectly in shape.

Apollo looked at Sam with that deep frown and he aimed his bow for the fourth shot.

This time, the ice energy riled up even more and the arrow's tip barely touched the formation. Apollo's anger was triggered. He felt insulted and riled his fire elemental energy.

At the same time, Sam also riled his energy up. This has been dragged long enough. He wants to end it in one last shot.