Chapter 1957 Formation Battle

1957  Formation Battle

Sam looked at the shocked judge and smirked.

"I know the rules. No matter what case it is. The culprit or suspect can always demand a trial by combat. Basically, as long as you are strong enough you can do whatever you want and get away with it. A trial method that hasn't been used in a long time, doesn't mean it couldn't be used now.

So, please I will be my own champion.

The plantiff can choose any champion, I can give him leeway to choose someone who is of middle-stage Divine Plane Initiation. I don't mind.

Duel time will be right here, right now.

It can be a battle to death or a knock out competition.

I am fine for a team battle.

Formation battle.

Inscription battle.

Whatever battle rules he wants to propose. I am open for it. Whoever wins the battle wins the case."

Sam's words reverberated throughout the court hall. No on expected him to be this brash. They already thought he was crazy when he picked a fight with the Zeus academy students, even that craziness is far behind compared to what he is doing now.

The trial by combats are indeed very things in the Academy realm and it has been a long time since the previous one. There is a reason for that. No matter what kind of grudge a person had before the trial, it would be solidified and becomes irreconcilable after the trial is over.

Particularly when big names like the academies are involved. It wouldn't end well no matter who wins and they will hold the grudge against the other party for a long long time. More clashes are guaranteed in the future.

The judge took a deep breath and looked at Sam.

"Do you really want to go down this way? The way you presented the challenge gives a lot of room for the Zeus academy to deal with you. And even if by chance you come out of this alive, you are going to have a hard time surviving in the Academic realm.

Are you sure you want to do this?"

"No problem. I considered everything here."

The judge was a bit stumped. He didn't expect such a confident approach from Sam. The whole vicinity here is full of Olympian academies. The only odd one out is the Gamblers academy. Even though Gambler Academy students are against the Olympians, even they avoid the trial by combat.

He called his assistant and whispered something.

The judge turned to Zeus academy students as well as Rain and said.

"Trial by combat is a scenario that ignores every other rule apart from the rules of the duel. And the current case allows this. It has to be extreme circumstances to reject the duel.

Since the other party gave you a lot of room, you would have to comply with the time and place. If you want to change the time and place, that guy can change the remaining factors. Think and make a decision quickly.

I don't have much time on hands."

Rain turned Irel nervously.

They all saw what Sam did to that senior.

No one is actually willing to fight with him right now. Even if they are confident that they are stronger, on the off chance if Sam pulls out some shit and make them lose, they will not only lose their own reputation, they will also have to bear the blame of ruining the academy reputation.

The seniors started discussing and suddenly Irel thought of something, she turned to one of the seniors and said.

"Juwa, how confident are you to win a battle against him?"

Juwa is a young man who looked weak and lean. He almost looked sickly for a Divine Plane cultivator.

"Irel, you are not kidding right? You know my combat strength. He would break me in half."

"Of course, I know that. But you are well versed in formations. And a formation battle doesn't necessarily have to be a battle of strength right? How about we propose a battle of pure skill…."

She went on to explain her plan.

Juwa heard the explanation and nodded.

"If that satisfies the definition of a formation battle, I am confident in my skills."

Irel stood up and raised her hand.

"We want a formation battle. But not a traditional battle. It would be a battle of skill. Our champion will create a layered formation in a certain amount of time and the other party can do the same. Then both of them will have to break the formation of their opponent. The fastest to crack the other's formation will win.

Does that satisfy the requirements of the battle?"

Sam looked at Irel and chuckled.

"Are you sure you want to go down this route? If we had a normal combat duel, you can at least blame luck or some other shit later. If you lose in this, you won't have anyone or anything else to blame. You would have to suck it up."

His words made Juwa feel offended, he almost wanted to yell out loud. But Irel stopped him and spoke up.

"Don't back out now. You said you are open for any form of duel. This is the duel between intellects. Are you afraid or are you just a dumb brute?"

"Please, don't try too hard. I said I will accept any duel. I just wanted to give you guys a friendly warning. Since you didn't take it, don't blame me for what is about to happen. If you champion gets some trauma because of it, you have only yourself to blame."

"Stop bluffing and accept the challenge if you are that confident."

"As you wish. I accept."

Judge stood up at this point and said.

"Okay, let's move to the arena. I will preside the duel."

After five minutes, all of them are standing at the arena. Sam and Juwa are standing inside the arena opposite to each other.

The judge picked two cubes that are made of special crystal glass. He placed them in two spots on the stage.

"These are just strong to enough to bear one strike from an Initial Stage Divine Plane cultivator. They would break for the second one.

Your job is to build a formation around them. You will have thirty minutes to do that. After those thirty minutes, you will try to crack or attack you opponent's formation. As long as you either remove the cube from its place and hold it, or break the cube while it is in the formation first, you will win.

Do you understand the rules?"

Both of them nodded.

"Your time starts now."

Juwa immediately made his move. He picked up a bunch of formation flags and hurriedly started laying down the required formations.

Sam on the other hand, just stood there leisurely as he looked at the people below the stage. He started observing the faces of the people from Zeus academy.

"Did you give up already?"

One of them asked with a smirk. But Sam didn't reply, he examined all of their faces carefully and started recalling if he had seen them before. From Karthikeya, he got some other information and it is regarding the Demi Gods he has come into contact with when he was going through hell training.

The guys that threw two hundred titans at him and watched him as they enjoyed.

It turned out they are also part of these academies. He just wanted to see if any of these seniors are part of that group of two hundred people. But they don't seem like it.

After making a mental note of all these people, Sam took out a scroll and started working on some calculations while he sat down. He seemed to have busied himself. Juwa on the other hand didn't care about what is happening around him and worked on the formation diligently.

He only looked at Sam when there were around ten minutes left and he was shocked to see that he hadn't started on anything at all.

Sam then looked at him and with a smirk slammed his foot on the stage. The stage morphed a bit and a few 'arms' popped out of the stone surface. It is the earth elemental manipulation.

The arms held the formation flags and started establishing the formation at a rapid pace. And within ten minutes, Sam managed to finish his formation exactly at the same time as Juwa.

Juwa's formation looked well fortified, with lightning energy creating a cage around it. On the other hand, Sam's formation is invisible. The cube appeared completely open for their taking.

"Now, you can go against each others formations."

Sam walked towards Juwa's formation and extended his hand a bit. The lighting crackled and a lightning snake jumped at him to attack him. He raised his eyebrows in amusement.

Juwa smiled at this with confidence before moving to Sam's formation. He tried to examine and see what kind of formation that Sam has used based on the energy flow.

But now matter what he tried, he could only see that there is a lot of energy, but he couldn't find anything related to its nature.