Chapter 2212 Disguise

Chapter 2212 Disguise

The managers all took a deep breath before they injected themselves with the special vial.

They all had similar expressions immediately. Even though this is the first time they are trying this in real life, they actually tried it before in the simulations. They knew full well, what the effects of this medicine are going to be.

And just like what they expected, they all hand this weird tingly feeling all over their body.

They couldn't understand where it is coming from, it is all over the place and nowhere at all. The next moment, on each of their bodies, there were some lumps forming. Their flesh is bubbling like some liquid on a stove.

Accompanying those bubbles is the severely itchy feeling. They could barely stop their urge to scratch their body all over some rough surface. Even a bed made of nails and spikes would look like a soft silk mattress to them.

They could only try and endure it.

Because they know the consequences of subjecting their bodies to any kind of external pressure at the moment. The bubbling increased as they gritted their teeth and waited for the process to be over.

After around three minutes that felt like three hours, they finally felt a sense of relief.

The bubbling died down slowly and their skin returned to normal. They sweated buckets by then and felt the effects of it. They hurriedly took out some drinks from their storage and rehydrated themselves.

This could be considered the first time their bodies actually underwent dehydration after they started cultivation seriously. Most of the time, spiritual energy will make sure that the body gets all the things it needs from the atmosphere.

But this is a special case.

Even though they could substitute the usage of water and other drinks with the spiritual energy, it is highly recommended to absorb as much liquid as possible.

After the process was finished, they came out of the dark room with no hesitation. They put away all of their weapons and changed into different set of clothes casually. There is no hurry or rush in their eyes.

It is almost like they are not the same people who were just now running away from the elders and instructors.

They acted like they have nowhere else to be.

After changing their attire, they walked out of the bar and started walking in different directions. By then, a few instructors were looking around hurriedly, their gazes swept past these eight people. However, none of them stopped them.

Icarus and Ivar were walking together for a few minutes, as they went past the Elder, that is extremely familiar with them. But he didn't stop them once again. They just walked away.

He is completely different from the person he initially was. He is a lot of bulkier, chubbier, shorter and even a bit balder, with different hair color.

And that is not even the best part.

"The best part is that he even disguised the nature of our energy. Unless we use it excessively we won't break it. The other's wouldn't be able to sense our energy unless we let them. It is impeccable. If only he could perfect it so that we can keep it as long as we can.

It will be gone after a few hours and we need to top ourselves up with another vial before that if we want to keep up the disguise. There are only ten of those vials too. I wonder why he became so stingy."

Lan complained as she grumbled.

"Stop complaining. We already have enough. Anyway, if everything goes well, we don't even need to use the second vial. If my guess is right, the Sanatan region should be burning up right now." Daksh who rarely spoke said.

And just like he assumed, at the moment the Sanatan region is in intense blaze. Not the actual flames, but the current state... it might as well be burning right now.

There is a massive meeting happening at one of the common buildings of the region. Yes, they did have a few common areas. Unlike the other regions that are constantly in a state of conflict and with little to no cooperation at all... Sanatan region is a bit more harmonious.

At least on the surface level, they have much deeper cooperation compared to even the likes of Olympian region and Norse region.

The common buildings like the one they are in right now is a result of such cooperation. This common is hosting one of the biggest meetings in the history of the academy realm. The meeting has all the Deans, Grand elders, Senior elders and some core instructors along with the student council heads of each grade.

On top of all of them, there is one person who does not fall into any of the above mentioned categories.

However, he is the main attraction of the meeting. It is none other than Virat.

He just finished demonstrating what he discovered and said.

"This chip... I don't know how they created it. I doubt that I will even be able to break it down its structure and understand how its made any time soon. It is too intricate.

But I do understand that they are sending all the information they are collecting to somewhere else and my best guess is Hub. The surveillance exceeded the stealth of any of our existing methods. We never even suspected it one bit.

This is one of the greatest failures of the academy realm.

We need to quickly understand why they are doing this and where they came from. The information they have collected... the secret meetings, plots, spies... everything is within their grasp. With this much information and if the man behind this knows how to use...

Tsk, I believe that he knows how to use it more than anyone else.

The academy realm will face the biggest crisis that it has ever faced. It could even be destroyed root and stem.