Chapter 1214 You have no choice

Name:Re: Evolution Online Author:
Chapter 1214 You have no choice

Lan Fen and Lan Deming were walking on the street with deep thoughts about their uncertain future. But before long, loud sirens started blaring off back in the castle.

The sudden noise jarred Lan Fen and Lan Deming from their thoughts, their heads snapping towards the direction of the castle.

The loud, piercing sound echoed through the streets, causing a stir among the citizens. People started to murmur and speculate, fear and curiosity mixing in their eyes.

Lan Fen's heart raced. Sirens in the castle typically signified a major incident or a high-level alert.

She exchanged a quick, concerned glance with Lan Deming. The siblings immediately knew that this was no ordinary event; something significant must have happened.

Without a word, they both quickened their pace back towards the castle, their minds racing with possibilities. Could it be an attack? Could some powerful creature that even Crawford couldn't handle have invaded the territory?

As they neared the castle, the chaos became more apparent. Guards were rushing about, orders were being shouted, and the general atmosphere was one of panic and confusion.

Lan Fen and Lan Deming blended into the chaos, trying to gather information from the snippets of conversation they overheard.

They managed to catch bits and pieces - something about an intruder, a breach in security, and the possibility of a high-value target. The details were sketchy, but it was enough to put them on high alert.

Lan Deming's expression hardened. "This could be our chance," he murmured to his sister, his voice barely audible over the din. "If Crawford is distracted, we might be able to find Alex or even gather more allies."

Lan Fen nodded, her mind working quickly. "Let's split up," she suggested. "You try to find out more about this intruder and the situation inside. I'll head to the lower dungeons. Alex should be there mostly."

However, the two had barely moved when suddenly they heard another rumor that was spreading wildly.

Crawford was dead?!!!

The rumor hit Lan Fen and Lan Deming like a thunderbolt. They froze in their tracks, exchanging glances that betrayed their emotions. The news seemed impossible, yet the sheer urgency and panic around them lent the rumor a frightening credibility.

"Crawford dead?" Lan Deming whispered, his voice a mix of shock and skepticism. "But who... how?"

Lan Fen's mind was racing. If the rumor was true, it would change everything. The power dynamics within the castle would be thrown into chaos. It could be the opportunity they needed to turn things around – or it could plunge them into even greater danger.New novel chapters are published at

"We need to confirm this," Lan Fen said decisively. "And we need to act quickly. If Crawford is truly gone, there will be a power vacuum. We can't let someone even worse take his place."

Lan Deming nodded, his strategist's mind already considering the implications. "I'll head to the command center," he said. "If there's any truth to this, that's where the information will be, and the responses will be coordinated from there."

As everyone hesitated, unsure of how to react, the woman with the pointed nose stepped forward, her voice sharp. "Who are you to make such demands? You come uninvited and expect us to bow to you?"

Both Lan Fen and Lan Deming immediately gawked at her. It seems that this woman had no brains whatsoever. She wasn't rude and nasty just to them but apparently to everyone?

The next instant, the child beside the cloaked figure giggled, a sound that sent shivers down everyone's spine.

"We do not expect you to understand, but soon, you will have no choice. The Alarastre clan does not ask for submission; we take it."

The arrogant words of the child were enough to provoke even some of the calmer men. Everyone here had survived through the apocalypse and become stronger. How could some stranger suddenly barge in and ask them to submit?

A few people were ready to draw their weapons when suddenly a powerful aura rippled from the small child. "Enough of this nonsense. I am tired. I wish to take a look around my new castle and rest. Don't stand in my path."

Luna clearly had no reservations about playing the role of an entitled young miss. She waved her hand and pointed to three people, the mustache man, another tall guard, and lastly Lan Deming.

"You three will accompany me and fill me in on the details."

Lan Deming exchanged a quick look with Lan Fen, a silent communication passing between them. This was an unexpected development that could potentially work in their favor.

He nodded subtly to his sister, signaling his understanding and agreement to go along with them for now.

The mustache man and the tall guard hesitated for a moment, exchanging uncertain glances. The sudden turn of events and the display of power from the child had thrown them off balance.

However, recognizing the futility of resistance and perhaps sensing an opportunity to gain favor with the new power, they cautiously approached the newcomers.

Luna, flanked by her unexpected escorts, walked with an air of confidence and authority. Her gaze swept over the castle, taking in everything with amusement.

The little fox was thoroughly enjoying herself as she put on a show. The cloaked figure remained silent, a silent guardian shadowing her every step.

As they walked, the mustache man tried to engage Luna in conversation, offering information about the castle and its operations. Lan Deming remained mostly silent, observing Luna and the cloaked figure closely, trying to gauge their intentions and strength.

Luna listened, her expression one of bored indifference, occasionally asking a question or making a comment, most of which were relayed to her through Liam's mental commands.

The tour continued, with Luna inspecting various parts of the castle, especially the treasuries.

Finally, they reached the private chambers that were once Crawford's. Luna entered, and with a wave of her hand, she dismissed everyone, except for her bodyguard who remained with her.