Chapter 63: Enclave XXXIII

Name:RE: Monarch Author:
Chapter 63: Enclave XXXIII

I read quietly within my mothers quarters, as I often did when she was taken with sudden bouts of the consumption we eventually came to know as Nithias syndrome. It hadnt gotten serious yet, father still insisting it was nothing more than the occasional weakness of the body that had plagued her since childhood. Still, I had been practically raised on stories with protagonists who lost parents or parental figures to early tragedy, so some part of me was terrified that if I left her, even for a second, fate would take her from me as part of some overwrought inciting incident.

I couldnt know then, of course, that losing a parent to sickness doesnt motivate you to do much of anything. The opposite is more often true. When losing one of the precious few in the world who loves you unconditionally, the world itself loses much of its luster. You rally against the gods, against fate itself, and the things you used to enjoy lose their sheen, and the priorities you once held reorder themselves until the list is practically unrecognizable.

Not knowing any of that, I stuck to her side like glue, terrified that my life would take the same course as so many of the stories we had shared.

It was more difficult to delve into the serious, Neo-fable styled fiction Id grown so accustomed to while she was sick. So instead, I read light things. Biographies of famous figures. Comedies. Stories about characters who had little to worry about other than going to school and learning.

The closest Id come to reading a serious tale was the story I currently read. The Ghoul Charmer, an amusing, pulpy novel about a wandering bard that found himself in all manner of trouble. The bard had a chaotic and musing relationship with a patron god who treated him well and looked after him, so long as he followed the rules.

Do you dislike it? My mother asked, setting her book down on her simple white gown. Youre reading slower than usual.

Its not dislike, exactly, its just not really grabbing me. I closed my book, leaving my finger between the parchment to hold my place. Ildran always seems to have things magically work out for him. Either his god interferes or he acquires a new spell that is exactly what he needs to overcome his problems.

Youre unhappy that your lighthearted adventure story is lighthearted? Mother teased.

Thats reductive. I rolled my eyes. And its not about tone, more about substance. I just wanted something moreFollow current novels at

I felt father coming through slight vibrations in the floor before I saw him. He stepped into the room smoothly, holding something behind his back. The daisy looked comically small in his massive hand, smaller than a blade of grass.

He saw me, and the flower immediately disappeared within the gulf of a palm turned fist, a single crushed petal falling to the floor.

Good afternoon, my King. My mothers voice took on the smooth, measured nature it always did when she was talking to Gil.

Wife, Gil grunted. He was still focused on me. Why arent you in the practice yard with Sera?

I shuddered slightly. The last time Id sparred with Sera shed left so many bruises that I was unable to sleep in any other position than supine. Instinctively, I pulled my legs up in front of me as a sort of shield.

I was keeping mother company.

King Gil studied me, blank faced. Oh? And was she so lonely she asked you neglect your duties and attend her instead?

Gil please, mother started, her face the expression of queasy disquiet she often wore when conflict brewed between the two of us.

No. Im here because I wanted to read, I said. My chin jutted out slightly, a whisper of the defiance I felt already growing within me.

And what material are you teaching so studiously? Father held his hand out to mother. With pale fingers, she handed him the book, the arm of her dress slightly yellowed where it was pressed to her mouth during sudden fits of coughing.

I felt a vague sense of wrongness, almost a violation, as he leafed through the book. Father had never taken an interest in our reading before.

Go to the yard. His voice was stoic. Train with your sister.

Shooting an apologetic look to mother, I did as he asked. After exiting the room I paused, listening as their voices picked up in volume and tempo, then retreated to the yard.

King Gil summoned me a few days later. I hoped it was for something entirely unrelated, but that hope was dashed as soon as I entered his study. The Ghoul Charmer was splayed out spine-up on his desk. I felt immediately uncomfortable at the positioning of the book. Id done something similar in my childhood, and the librarian had lectured me for over an hour.

Father. I bowed in greeting.

Sit. I dont have much time. A scribe attended him, fussing with a massive stack of documents. My fathers face was uncharacteristically thoughtful, as if he was unsure of how to proceed. Finally, he reached out and seized the book, snapping it shut and pointing the outward edge at me much the same way as a man might brandish a knife. This trash. Is this the sort of thing the two of you always read?

I considered the question. It was likely hed already interrogated mother on the topic. My father disliked asking questions he didnt already know at least part of the answer to. I decided to go with a slightly embellished truth.

Something had spooked Guemon. Badly.

Just in case, I kept my arms out at my sides, hands in clear view and away from the pockets of my robe. I was thankful that I had decided to leave my sword at the house, though the cold lines of my dagger weighed heavily against my back.

I approached the guards at the front gate, fully prepared to be rebuffed, and have to argue and bully my way through.

The guards parted almost immediately. The gate slid open.

It threw me off momentarily. If Guemon was taking all these precautions, it was strange that I was not restrained purely on principle. But no. If anything, it almost as if he was expecting me. If this had happened last time I would have been concerned about walking into a trap. But after the asmodials, my perspective had shifted, warped almost. I hoped it was a trap. If my suspicions were wrong, and it did turn out to be Guemon at fault, that would only simplify things.

A man in red approached me. A human. He sauntered up to me with a disarming grin, not concerned at all with accosting a prince, lacking all the grim determination of the surrounding men. If anything, that general sense of apathy made him feel all the more dangerous.

Before he could pat me down, I pulled the sheathed dagger from my back, making sure to keep it sheath. The surrounding guards stiffened. From the corner of my eye, I saw a rooftop crossbowman take aim, settling the shaft of the weapon into the crook of his elbow.

Guemons men were not screwing around.

The man in red did not react. His hand never strayed close to his sword. Slowly and carefully, I tossed it underhanded to him. He caught it with a spinning flourishimmediately locating the weight of the blade and flipped it pommel up, flicking his thumb upwards against the cross-guard.

Lowhil. Well. He looked me up and down. How very metropolitan. When I didnt rise to the bait, he walked around me, but did not physically pat me down as I had expected. Anything else I need to be aware of?

No. I said, honestly.

If you say so. The man in red sounded disappointed. Then, he took me by the arm and lead me towards the house. Rather than walking straight in, he diverted us to a golden platform set off to the side. The way it pressed into the grass implied it was a recent addition.

I stepped on to the platform. The man in red opened a book, as if he was returning to some afternoon reading. Beneath my feet, the platform buzzed, and a wave of foreign mana passed through me. It crackled at the still unhealed wound in my chest.

The man in red whistled once, and made a signal behind his back. Then, just as casually as before, he opened the sides of my robe, revealing the newly placed inscription.

He clucked his tongue. Would you look at that? We match. He pulled down the neck of his shirt to reveal an inscription. It was different than mine, even at first glance. The only thing our two inscriptions had in common was the head as the focal point of the spell. His inscription was longer and winding. And I was pretty sure I picked out the individual words of demonic that related to fire and explosions.

It wasnt a suicide contingency. It was the closest a man could come to a guarantee that the person who killed him would die violently.

He released my robe and led me into the house.

What had once been a modest, stately home was now overrun with heavily armed and armored guests. A pack of them played stones at the kitchen table. One exited the bathroom. The wide halls felt packed and claustrophobic, and I was suddenly furious with Guemon. Even if he had nothing to do with the attack, the size of the group must have meant more than few of the men here had been pulled way from duties guarding the Enclave itself.

A number of Guemons doors were nailed shut and barricaded. Every window was closed off with wood, leaving small gaps that could been seen through but not into. For the first time, I felt a slight pang of worry. Some of these fortifications looked permanent.

They took me into a back room.

The sight was horrifying. My mind flickered back to the asmodials. It didnt last long, but the flash was enough to leave me panting and covered in sweat.

The rumors of Guemons illness were not exaggerated.

His violet skin had faded to a sickly lilac. A gelatinous amber ooze covered his mouth and nose, which he breathed through heavily. A series of tubes filtered dull blood into a gray receptacle, which was treated somehow, coming out bright red and returning to his arm.

Guemon wasnt just sick. He was dying.

His eyes opened, scanning the room with the sort of malaise that goes together with a late stage illness. He saw me, and his lips turned downward, some fire coming back into his face and making him slightly more recognizable.

Come to finish the job? He asked.