Chapter 88: Sanctum XIII

Name:RE: Monarch Author:
Chapter 88: Sanctum XIII

Was it responsibility? Duty?

Come on, Saladius said, looking more than a little annoyed. Wheres that killer instinct from before? Get off your ass and try again.

The goal of this particular exercise was using short bursts of mana to deflect projectiles. It was an undeniably useful skill. Id seen it a few times in the enclave, but almost always from high-level magicians, and Id assumed it was something beyond the scope of what I could do, like creating a forcefield, the category of spells simply beyond my mana capacity.

As it turned out, the deflection had nothing to do with mana. It was just a question of timing. And the timing was a complete pain in the ass. I staggered to my feet.

Are you sure theres nothing more productive we could be doing? I asked. Considering how little time we have at our disposal.

Saladius crossed his arms. Oh? Is this your way of telling me how much better you are than the rest of us demis?

No, its just

The elder stretched, and a knee-high wave of air came crashing towards me, biting into the ground, kicking up sand. I leapt over it, arm up protectively, blinking furiously to clear the sand, only to find that Elder Saladius was gone.

Its hard to say what tipped me off. It was like the feeling you get when a stranger is looking at you from across the street, a whispering of paranoia across the neck. A phantom touch.

I jerked backwards. The attack missed me by a millimeter, the edge of Saladiuss fist sliding past my face close enough that I could see the pores before the motion blurred and I back-stepped, scowling.

Really? Throwing sand? Isnt that kind of a cheap shot?

The elder grinned. Nope. That though, thats a cheap shot. He pointed behind me.

The wave of sand had reversed course and crashed into the back of my knees. I fell again. I was becoming far, far more familiar with the fine detail of the desert ground than I would have liked. The wave reached Saladius, and he batted it away like an errant fly. How had he done that? Curving projectiles to course correct was necessary, vital even. But the general laws of motion still applied. You couldnt cast a fireball and make it zig-zag.

Or at least, thats what I thought.

Air was supposed to be Saladiuss weaker element, since void magicians awakened to void first. But his mastery was staggering. Comparing him to Nethtari and Kilvius, hells even Ralakos, the difference in mastery was unbelievable. He was older, yes. If I had to guess, thirty to forty years older than Ralakos. But he didnt move like an old man. He moved like a demon.

I raised my head up from the awkward cushion of sand to look at him and felt a jolt of alarm. He plunged straight towards me, legs unmoving, as if he was flying. It was like being caught in the path of a runaway horse.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

I rolled out of the way and received a cuff on the back of my head for the attempt, then popped back up. How?

Saladius smiled widely. I was briefly gripped by the thought that I preferred him when he was constantly sulking and sullen. He was still floating an inch above the ground. I studied him closely. He was moving slowly, his feet shifting reflexively to minute changes in weight. I mentally replayed the moments preceding the smack to my head.

Thats not flight, I observed. When Ozra had flown, it was as if he commanded the natural forces of gravity himself. This was something subtler. Redirecting Momentum? It reminded me of the night of my awakening. How the wind had raged against my back pushing me forwards, legs barely able to keep up.

His smile disappeared, leaving a lingering scowl. Fine, ruin my fun. No, its not flight. True flight exists, but its a mana hog, fiendishly difficult to master, and has left more than a few naturally talented of our ilk splattered across the rocks for petty hubris. He slowly shifted across the sand and around me in a slow semi-circle, allowing me to study the construction. This, is much more practical.

I studied in silence for a few minutes. Surprisingly, Saladius stayed silent, allowing me to take in the complexity of what hed done. It almost looked like a platform, only less corporeal. Tiny grains of sand floated up from the desert floor and ejected to all surrounding sides.

Since he didnt seem to be rushing to offer any advice on execution, I started with the obvious: casting an aegis facing straight downward, facing the sand, but I was unused to maintaining a shield untethered to my arm, and it obliterated under my feet, nearly toppling me again. Saladius howled with laughter and I felt my cheeks grow red.

I glared. Well? Are you going to tell me how its done, or just poke fun at me until I figure it out?

You didnt fall for the how do I fly bit, so I had to change tact. Saladius snorted. Though, shield on the ground, thats a new one.

I stared at him until it seemed he was finally done laughing.

This is really something you should have learned earlier. He indicated the platform beneath his feet. Not this, exactly, but something like it. Cant speak to the state of the enclave, but I cant imagine theres a lack of at least semi-competent air magicians.

There were. I frowned, thinking back. The problem was, they all wanted me to start slow. Breathing exercises. Alignment with my element. Worse, they always wanted me to start in the same place, essentially offering me a feather when what I really wanted was a hammer, a way to achieve even a fraction of the power Id achieved that first night. There was likely a part of me that had avoided the secondary element as a matter of course, as it was too raw, electing instead to build on my knowledge and ability with the flame.

I awakened recently

Lie. Saladiuss smile disappeared instantly. Lie again and Ill have nothing more to do with you.

Shit. How was he reading me? Okay I said, slowly, I awakened some time ago. Decided to focus my efforts elsewhere. Mostly on the demon-flame. It seemed more relevant and logical to do so.

Mostly true. Wrong, but true.

I ignored his blas tone. Its the fulcrum of what I need to succeed. Its stronger both offensively and defensively, better projectiles, better shields. And as my first element, its meant to be naturally stronger.

Rendering that second element youve established practically useless.

In my case, yes. I shrugged. There were exceptions. Using it as a delivery vector for alchemical mixtures, or for sparring, when I couldnt risk seriously injuring the other party.

I mean, why even bother? Its not as if theres a massive population of infernals and elves that would quite literally kill for a second awakening. His voice was derisive, but it was too late to back down.

I had my reasons, I said, more heatedly than I would have liked. And its not as if I ignored it entirely. Just in terms of basic utility, it already does what I need.

Sure, Maya said, turning her attention back to Jorra. Another?

Ha. And give you a chance to upset the draw? Gods no. Plus, I want to check on Bell.

Maya and I exchanged a knowing look. We fell in line after Jorra, trudging through the sand. My mana supply was only half recovered, and my body felt stiff and heavy. There was a bump as Maya leaned over and nudged me with her shoulder.

And to think, I was worried when neither of you were there this morning, She said.

We, uh, bonded over ancient history, I grinned. Something that felt very much like a foot kicked me in the back of the leg, though Saladius was on the other side of Maya. I took a step to keep my balance. He was well ahead of us. How had he heard me? Was it somehow possible to use air magic to listen in from the distance? Amplify?

Maya bumped me again.

Sorry, I said, all too aware of the fact that Saladius was apparently listening. I kept my explanation as generic as possible. We just cleared the air. Clarified things.

I had, perhaps, forgotten your ability to charm those who fall into your web, Maya smirked, looking over her shoulder at me.

Dont say it like that. Like Im a spider lying in wait. I groaned.

She began to list on her fingers. My family, Ralakos, the rangers, the half-demon queen of the enclave underworld, she threw the last one in almost casually, and her eyes went to my sword.

I coughed to hide a laugh. Oh yes. Persephone. Captured in my thrall. Definitely not worried about the problems she might cause in the future.

I have heard she is quite beautiful. Maya said, and there was that trace of something in her voice again, too subtle to identify.

Scary, I corrected. Shes scary. The sort of person whos used to getting what she wants and knows exactly how to get it.

That wasnt a denial, Maya observed.

I blew air up, stirring my bangs. For all the talk of spiders I sure felt like Id walked into a web. This tension hadnt been there when shed left. Where was it coming from? If shed known the old me, itd make more sense: general concern that Id be out drinking and whoring the nights away. But she didnt, so the line of questioning puzzled me. Maybe I just gave off airs.

Maya bumped me with her shoulder again. This time I bumped her back.

She is aesthetically beautiful, yes. But shes way out of my age range. Not to mention, I cant even imagine that right now. Anything along those lines. Gods, I dont even know what Im going to do with Lillian. Shed been so high on my list of priorities. Marrying her. Protecting her from my father. Making her my queen. Righting the wrongs of my past life. But as the list of things Id have to accomplish grew and grew, I found that she kept slipping down the ladder of priorities, until now, where she sat apart from the list entirely, a question mark scribbled next to her name.

I couldnt imagine bringing her into my world, where violence was constant and death was always a step away. And it would get worse before it got better.

Oh, Maya said, her response only slightly delayed. When I glanced over to her, her face was neutral, giving away nothing. Hopefully, that had satisfied whatever had stoked her curiosity. If there was anyone I needed to believe I was taking all this seriously, it was Maya.

We entered the hut, and Jorra went immediately to Bell, who was snoring quietly in her cot. He took the damp cloth from her forehead and tested her temperature with the back of his hand, then dipped the cloth again.

Elder Saladius leaned close to us, keeping his voice down. She is doing better. The fits last no longer than a week. After a few more, shell be right as rain.

I nodded. Hopefully, by that time, whoever had been tracking us would have followed the false trail Vogrin laid down out of the desert chamber, and we could continue on our way. In an ideal world, I would have spent a few months here with Saladius, honing the element I had mostly neglected. But nothing about this situation was ideal.

Alright. I am going clean to the best of my ability and turn in. Sleep well. Maya put her hand on my arm, then turned and bowed to Elder Saladius. Saladius nodded, and Maya left. Saladius turned to me.

I cant tell if youre actually an idiot, or smarter than you let on.

Completely unsure where that point was coming from, but not wanting to upset the uneasy balance wed finally achieved, I shrugged.


It took some time to fall asleep. As usual, the images tore at me. One scene in particular came to the surface. I was in Ralakoss study, in the midst of a discussion. It took me a moment to place it. It was the last time wed talked in the final loop, before Id made my deal with Ozra. The words were a dull roar at first, lips moving but nothing but static and white noise. Then slowly, things came in to focus.

Is this really necessary? Ralakos asked me. He was trying to hide it, but he looked unsettled, disturbed.

Yes. I could hear the distance in my voice. The apathy. The cold, ruthless calculation that had gripped me like a vice. Id told myself it was the end, but subconsciously, I still thought it wouldnt be over. That Id have another chance to do things right.

If there is any other way

There isnt, I snapped. Considering what Im sacrificing, Id think youd be slightly more cooperative.

I am grateful. But that does not change the fact that I dislike this course, Ralakos said, steepling his fingers. It doesnt feel right. Whatever hes done, he is still one of my men. So let me ask you once more. Are you certain?

I closed my eyes. Yes.


There was a feeling at my neck, a warmth that grew continually hotter until it burned.

I woke up and yanked the amulet away from my skin. There was no light coming from under the shutters. It was the middle of the night. I could only think of one reason why Vogrin would have woken me so harshly in the middle of the night.

The perimeter was breached.