Chapter 123: Sanctum XLVII

Name:RE: Monarch Author:
Chapter 123: Sanctum XLVII

The responsibility I was trusting her with was enormous. Something many would consider to be cruel. But it was the only way.

You dont have to go through with it, I put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her to me gently. Just tell me now, if you cant.

No, Bell shook her head. It was my idea. I can do it. She turned her head up to look at me. But if theres any other way, please dont make me.

There were footsteps behind us, and I quickly covered the scrawled lines in the dirt with my foot. Bellarex stood quickly and left, tilting her face away from Maya as she left.

It is a mess out there. The Decarabia are all over the place. Theres no way were getting to The Heart without fighting our way through. Is everything alright? Maya watched Bellarex hurry by, then looked at me quizzically.

Shes fine, I said. Mayas eyebrow rose. Will be, anyway. It was an ordeal getting back to us, and she wasnt sure she was going to make it. Its only naturally for her to be shaken.

Mayas expression softened. I am glad shes safe. Perhaps it was wrong of me to ask you to go back. Premature.

I waited for the other shoe to fall.

Maya craned her neck, trying to catch sight of where the younger infernal had disappeared to. Anything off?This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

I feigned ignorance. With what?

Bell. The timing of her returning to us and amount of luck her story requires. Jorra is too overjoyed to notice, but Im guessing you that is why you pulled her away.

There are things Bells not telling, I hedged, but shes still with us. And thats what matters.

How familiar. Maya sounded distant. Youre not as clever as you think, Cairn. I know Jorra is wrong. You dont intend to surrender yourself to Thoth.

I tapped my cheek. Ive got a growing bruise that says otherwise.

Maya ignored me. But youre letting himletting usbelieve that you might, which, judging from recent history, means this is either all a misdirect or its intended to serve another purpose.

As usual, Maya saw straight through me. The cold, ebbing tiredness sunk deeper until my very bones seemed to ache. A hum emitted from my augury ring, and it let out a dull glow.

Maya stared down at hers. Shes hunting us, still.

I preferred not to lie to her. I was tired of lying. So, I gave her the only solace I could. Grunting, I reached in my jacket pocket, pulled out a wrinkled envelope, and handed it to her. She took it from me, puzzled.

What is this?

Instructions. For after the battle, if things dont go our way.

Mayas hand glowed green as she grasped my shoulder. No vein. Minor muscle damage. Youre good, Nilend.

A demon rushed towards us, draggy a bloody polearm. Jorra reacted before anyone else, lashing out with his whip and catching the demon around the neck. Its mouth opened in surprise for just a second. Then Jorra lashed it downward, hard, and it landed head first on a patch of frozen spikes.

Every demon near us was locked in combat. The pause wouldnt last long, but we had a moment to collect ourselves.

The flying one throwing artillery spells is a problem. Jorra said. The whip snapped back, coiling over his arm.

Kastramoth is in over his head, Maya squinted toward the center of the conflict, her face pained.

Not to be cold, but cant you just use the contract to resummon? Jorra asked.

Yes, but it wont be today. And we might need him today. Maya said.

We only had a split second to decide. Both of you, go save the moose. Ill help Bell.

On it. Signal if you need help. Jorra took a few short steps then sprinted away, Maya close behind him.

Bell was still chasing the artillery demon, using shoulders, heads, and backs as stepping stones. As impressively acrobatic as it was, it wasnt sustainable. She was slowing down, faltering, nearly losing her balance. The artillery demon was moving more cautiously than it had before.

Even while trying to keep to the path of least resistance, it took a great deal of effort to force my way through the center, fighting a never-ending current of teeth and claws.

In the end, they ended up coming to me. The artillery demon traded range and accuracy for safety, rising beyond the point where even the highest jump could possibly put Bell in striking range. Bell abandoned trying to hit him with her sword altogether and instead began to fling her engraved weighted rods charged with void. As skilled as she was, her aim was nowhere near as strong as her swordsmanship, and her target was both fast and airborne.

It struck me that, despite being surrounded by arguably stronger enemies, the demons attention had shifted almost entirely to Bell when she shifted strategy. Every spell he cast was aimed at keeping her away, knocking her off balance.

Does he use magic to fly?

The other one hadnt, but was far less mobile. There was something to that. Void had to be the key, but how could I help her land it? I looked for an opening. If I was better with air magic, it would have been a simple matter to lighten myself, ride an errant gust of wind into his blind spot and ground him with a cleave through his wings. But that was pure fancy. I needed to think realistically, use the tools at my disposal. My flash powder? No, the demon was literally eyeless, and I wasnt fool hardy enough to chalk that up to an aesthetic choice. Could I use the flame to scare him like Id done earlier, make him hesitate? Probably not. He seemed far more clever than the last demon and less likely to fall for it. I had a bag full of caustics and poisons, with no idea if any of them would be effective. Not to mention, he seemed to have an uncanny ability to dodge.

A memory scratched at my mind from when I was trapped in the runic desert chamber, tossing pebbles charged with mana to lure Saladiuss monsters away. I reached in my bag, rummaging until I found the single smooth stone Id kept from the encounter to practice on.

I spoke without sound, a now familiar buzzing tickling my vocal cords as my silent words crossed the distance to Bell.

Make your way here. I need you to charge something, then create a diversion.

Bell was smart enough not turn my way, but the exasperation on her face seemed to scream that she was tiring of doing exactly that

Trust me.

There was a curt nod of acknowledgment. And I began the process of cycling the flame, the very act that wounded my soul at the crossroads, years ago.