Chapter 215: Fracture XX

Name:RE: Monarch Author:
Chapter 215: Fracture XX

It is done, Vogrin said.

Quick. Sera frowned. Maybe a little too quick. I know youre the favorite, but I cant help but wonder how much time it will take him to put it together.

It wont be long. I reached down to rub the shadow panthers face and was rewarded with a deep rumbling purr. A few hours at most before he either thinks through it or decides it doesnt matter. Maybe less than that before one of Thaddeuss countless ears catch word and tell him Im alive and nowhere near Topside. I pointed to the training doll and spoke in Panthanian. Hold and threaten.

Like a doused torch, Kerais demeanor flipped cold, a meanness coming into his visage before hed even turned around. When he did, he was a blur, claws clicking on dappled wood in a rapid staccato as he rushed across the room in a blur and leapt, sinking its teeth into the arm and tackling the dummy off its girder. Loud growls and intermittent shakes alternated, intended to keep the target occupied.


Immediately Kerai stopped, intelligent golden eyes shining with interest. They seemed to say let me do it, let me do it.


Kerai opened his mouth and dropped the arm, releasing it with an audible plop. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)


Again, the obedience was instantaneous, though he seemed less thrilled with the command as he came to rest at my side. I scratched him behind the ears until he purred again. There were enough people packed into surroundings to make the spacious nobles home seem cramped. Beside me, Lord Erebus reached in his pocket and retrieved something, holding his arm out. The abyssal panther snapped the treat from his fingers immediately, watching the creature with fascination.

Appreciate you training him. Ive been rather busy since my return. Across the room, I caught Mayas eye and gestured for her to come over.

Erebus chuckled. If I were at all interested in playing the noble game, Id use this opportunity to subtly communicate how difficult it was to tame a full grown wildcat in an attempt to curry favor. But in truth, he was easy.

And my respect for you grows. Also, it makes little difference to me either way so long as its a language Im capable of speaking, but why Panthanian? I asked. The panther padded over to Maya as she approached and nuzzled her leg.

Its a good second language for any nobleas you know, given that you speak it.

Not particularly well, but yes.

It is my husbands native tongue. Erebus shrugged. One day we were arguingharmless banter, nothing seriousand we noticed we had an observer very interested in every word. He glanced down at the panther, who was clearly enjoying Mayas affections. Leo told him to stop gawking and go put his nose in the corner. Confused the hells out of both of us when he actually did.

Odd. I always thought he was unnaturally attentive to Common. I turned to the panther.

True. Maya agreed. There were times Id rant to him on the way out of the Everwood, and he seemed to genuinely understand me.

Mari and Zin whispered to each other in the corner, frequently glancing at me, faces filled with the gaunt shadows of concerned lieutenants. It was no small thing, going up against a noble house, largely because the consequences of such a conflict could extend far beyond the initial clash. I could only hope Id inspired enough loyalty for them to stay the course.

Only Sera seemed truly unsettled. Shed been quiet ever since wed hammered out the details, and was looking at me strangely, waiting for a moment to talk to me. Maya seemed to pick up on this and took her leave, calling for Kerai to follow her. I watched as she joined Mari and Zin, introducing them to the animal and derailing the conversation.

The thought occurred to me that I needed to do something nice for her, after this. Shed slipped into the role of my right hand so effortlessly and smoothly that sometimes I forgot everything she was doing. Working in the background, evaluating allies, shielding me from countless threats.

Cairn. Sera rubbed her arm. Im not sure that I can do this.

Thats alright. I nodded slowly. Ive said it before but it bears repeating. Youre your own person. You can opt out of whatever youre not comfortable with at any time.

My sister scowled. No, thats notAnnoying little shit that she is, I do want to help Annette. And Im going to try. Im just not sure if I can.


Because something about it feels wrong. I know theyre slavers and criminals, but still. Slaying your enemy in battle is the natural order. This by comparison feels

Evil? I prompted.

Yes. Sera admitted.

If it makes you feel any better, its not exactly a tactic I came up with off the top of my head. I mused. It was someone elses. Used to devastating effect. And she wasnt pulling her punches. It might seem extreme, but Erebus is right. At this moment they feel safe. Naturally, theyre more scared of the king than they are of me. We need to correct that, quickly. Make them feel desperate from the jump. Layering shock after shock makes it difficult to think, stops anyone in leadership from scheming their way out.

There was a long hesitation. Only one, right?

I nodded. Zin will handle the other. You can just stand there and look intimidating. After the opening moves, no one will be thinking too hard about the magic at play.

How do I stand?

I nearly laughed, suppressing it at the last second. This side of Sera was entirely new. I wasnt sure when shed lost her ego or how temporary it was, but if she was willing to learn, I was more than willing to teach.

Stand up straight, now stoop from your shoulders. I studied her. The harrowed expression shed been carrying since her rescue worked for her in the less refined posture, but she needed something more. May I?

Sera nodded, grimacing as I messed up her hair, pulling her blonde bangs that typically framed the sides of her head in front of her face. With the grimace and hair, she looked unhinged, dangerous.
