Chapter 583 When The Tides Are Over, Life Still Goes On

Chapter 583 When The Tides Are Over, Life Still Goes On

Two years later....

A number of elevators connected to the ground below as a massive floating island hovered over a large pool of water. "Blake, I am surprised you decided to anchor here."

Lillia looked at the man next to her, who was by the lake's edge. After everything that had happened, the man before her never changed. He kept striving to bring people together. At first, he was a person who could not care less about other people's lives. But slowly and surely, he began taking more people in. At the start, it was just a small number. But this number quickly grew, and more people joined him. Whether they were human or not, this man always drew people to him. He was a natural born leader.

Now, he stood over everyone on the planet. Whether it be mortal or god, he was the strongest here. He not only had Earth under his control but also the Astral Domain. He was a ruler yet did not act like one. Even now, he was playing with the children from the city. He did not treat others differently. He did not look down on anyone.

Even the dragonic, the ones who were supposed to be his mortal enemies, were now under his rule, and they did not mind. When the war was over, and everyone was allowed to go back to their daily lives, no one wished to leave. Whether it be the orcs, the elves, dwarves, or any of the races, they all wished to build up the city and make it advance.

The only difference was now the city was expanding past the floating island and was back down on the ground below. Even more, races who were in hiding all this time had made their way here. The diversity of the people who lived here was so mixed that the buildings in many sections looked so much different than the ones a few streets away. But the harmony could be seen as races of all types mingled together in these same streets.

"You said the same thing two years ago." Blake chuckled as he stood up and dusted the sand off his clothes. He had been building sandcastles with the children just now.

"I know, but still. After everything, I figure you would want to float around the world for a while." Lillia slipped her hands around Blake's waist.

"The population of the city is growing too fast. And this place has a lot of meaning for me. It was where we began building our home. It is where the city itself started." Blake replied as he gave Lillia a kiss.

"No....." Lillia shook her head and looked up at Blake with pleading eyes as she was being dragged away. Blake quickly looked away, turning traitor instantly.

"Blake, you bastard!" Lillia cried out as she was dragged away by Tina.

Blake looked on with a smile as he stared out over the water. The waves slowly and gently crashing onto the shore. "When the tides are over, life still goes on...."

"Blake, you say something?" Erica asked.

"Nope just talking to myself," Blake replied and rubbed Erica's head. "What did you girls want to do? I heard there was a new theme park open."

"Let's go!" Mina yelled out. She wanted to go play!

"Then I guess we will go."

Blake hooked his arms around Noa and Erica as he walked forward. His other wives chatting happily at the side. He did not know what tomorrow would bring, but for the current moment, he felt life was very peaceful.

--AN) I want to thank everyone who continued to the end. I know there were many things people did not like. But, well, I can not keep everyone happy. So, for those who made it this far. Thank you all for reading. Your continued support has allowed me to keep this novel going. Now that this novel is over, I will be starting a new novel called: 3 Reasons To Survive In The Apocalypse With A System. Check it out, and let me know what you think!

Once again, thank you for reading!
