Chapter 10:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 10:

Chapter 10

He felt a sense of relief after greeting them.

Maybe it was because of the cloudless blue sky that made him feel more refreshed.

“It’s so cool!”

Yoo-hyun shouted loudly with his chest open.

It was something that he would never have done before.

Maybe that was why his face looked much brighter than before.

He looked like he had put down a heavy burden.


At that moment, Kang Jun Ki and Ha Jun Seok, who were next to him, wrapped their arms around his neck from both sides.

“Hey, we’re going to the police station now. How about one more drink?”

Yoo-hyun had to swallow the incredulous laugh that he spat out.

These guys were serious.

When he got home, he was scolded first.

“Oh my, you smell like alcohol. Good job, good job. You’re a grown-up, what are you doing until the sun rises?”

“I just hung out with them.”

“That’s right. Good job. You should have some fun with your friends.”

He thought his mother would be harsh on him, but she smiled and handed him a cup of honey tea.

She probably wouldn’t have let it go so easily if she knew he had gone to the police station.

Ignorance is bliss.

He cleared his mind as he drank the warm honey tea and suddenly remembered what Kim Hyun Soo had said yesterday.

“Mom, do you have any pain?”

“No, I don’t. How healthy do you think I am?”


His mother looked fine as she lifted her arms like a bodybuilder.

He covered his mouth and laughed at her amusing appearance and his mother got up from her seat.

“Hey, don’t say weird things and come out and eat.”

A little later.

A small table was set in the living room with food.

The warm bean sprout soup and the salty soy sauce braised meat went well together.

Yoo-hyun gave his mother a thumbs up throughout the meal.

His mother smiled constantly at the sight of her son who had become more lively.

When he finished eating, he took out a white envelope from his back pocket and handed it to his mother.

“And this... please take it.”

“Huh? What is this?”

“It’s money for you, mom. I saved up quite a lot from the scholarship money and the part-time job.”

“Hey, I don’t need it. I make a lot of money too. Don’t worry and buy something for your friends.”

Yoo-hyun turned the conversation around as if he knew she would say that.

“Then use it to get a check-up and buy a suit with the rest.”

“A suit? Why? Is it because...”

“Yes. I have to interview for Hanseong Electronics. There’s not much time left.”

“Really? For real?”

Was it what she had been waiting for?

His mother barely covered her bursting laughter with her hand when he nodded his head.

She then slapped his thigh with her other hand.

“Oh my, my Hyun is amazing. Hoho. That’s right, this is not the time for this. Let’s go quickly.”

“Right now? What about the side dish shop?”

“It’s okay. The boss is taking care of it today. You know you’re lucky, right? This mom will make you look amazing in one outfit.”

His mother looked excited about shopping with her son.

The preparation was quick.

Yoo-hyun walked down the alley with his mother and took a bus with her.

He couldn’t remember when was the last time he took a bus with his mother.

It must have been a long time ago when he was very young.

He sat on the seat next to the back door of the bus, where two seats were connected, and had a lot of conversations with his mother.

“Mom, how’s the side dish shop...”

“Kid, how about your job...”

They talked about everything from his mother’s side dish shop to Yoo-hyun’s job prospects.

The conversation between the two lasted until the bus stopped.

There was an outlet building that had opened recently in front of Yoo-hyun when he got off the bus.

He carefully looked at the signboard in front of the entrance on the first floor.

Then his mother pulled him with a bright expression.

“Why are you looking at that? Men’s clothes are on the second floor.”

“Just curious. Mom, let’s go this way.”

He deliberately went around to the other side and moved to the elevator.

The elevator door opened and there were women’s clothing stores under bright lights.

He had to pass through many women’s clothing stores to get to the men’s clothing store.

He walked slowly and watched his mother’s expression.

She pretended not to care, but her eyes were moving fast.

‘Something that she can wear comfortably at work and still look stylish.’

She even had wrinkles around her eyes.

He still felt sorry, though, and couldn’t move his feet.

He smiled at the sight of his mother.

He realized why people say that giving gifts is a joy.

“Think of it as an early gift for getting a job.”

“Huh? Is this it?”

His mother, who had a smile on her face by now, retorted.

As expected, his mother.

She had a sense of humor until the end.

“Hey, this is just the first one. Let’s go eat something delicious.”

It was a very pleasant day for him too.


That evening.

He was lingering at the corner of the alley on his way home.

There was something he had to do now.

It was to reconcile with his father.

‘What should I say when I see my father?’

He thought of various things, but nothing came to mind.

His father was still a difficult person for him.

But he didn’t want to waste this time together.

He wanted to improve their relationship somehow.

What he needed at this time was alcohol.

He remembered the power of alcohol that made him let go of his mind and enjoy the moment with his friends, and waited for his father.

How much time had passed?

His father was walking home with his tired body.


“Huh? What’s up?”

“Just... I was waiting for you.”

Was his words unexpected?

His father frowned and looked at him closely.

He was checking if he was drunk or not.

He noticed it and opened his mouth as softly as possible.

“Let’s have a drink for the first time in a long time.”

“No thanks.”

As expected, it was the response he anticipated.

He couldn’t back down at this point.

He tried to change the mood and spoke earnestly.

“I passed the Hanseong Group’s document screening. I want to hear some advice from you.”

“Advice? What advice?”

He turned his head away and mumbled, but he could guess how he felt.

He could tell that he wasn’t feeling too bad by the slight trembling of his facial muscles.

He had to go a little further from here.

He awkwardly hooked his arm around him.

“Hey, don’t be like that and have a drink. I forgot how to drink because you taught me so well. I don’t think I can do well in society.”

“You rascal.”

Did he like this?

It was surprising that a smile appeared on his father’s stern face.

He felt happy too.

“Let’s go, dad. I told mom already.”


His father finally gave in and followed him.

It was a good start, but he didn’t know what to say when it came down to it.

He tried to come up with words in his head, but hesitated.

He saw his father’s face stiffen and closed his mouth.

Thud thud.

Their steps were very awkward.

It felt like being with a difficult boss.

It was the highest level of difficulty.

As he walked and organized his thoughts, he saw the lined-up food carts.

His father’s eyes lingered on them, so it seemed that he liked this place.

“How about here? It’s cool outside, so it would be nice to sit at an outdoor table.”

“Let’s do that.”

He read his father’s eyes as he looked at the menu and spoke first.

His father would probably ask him back if he asked him, so he did that.

“How about chicken feet?”

“That’s fine.”

That’s how they got a plate of chicken feet and two bottles of soju on their table.

Glug glug.

They poured each other drinks and remained silent.