Chapter 12:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 12:

Chapter 12

Two days later.

The day of the interview finally arrived, and Yoo-hyun stood in front of Hansung Tower with an excited heart.

It had been two weeks since he had visited this place.

But his status had changed from president to interviewee, and the luxury car that had brought him here was replaced by a subway.

When he entered Hansung Tower, he saw that the interior was still the same as 20 years ago.

‘Oh, this was marble inside.’

There was no big difference from the outside, but the inside was clearly different.

The tall wall that had a display on the front was changed to marble.

The space that had capsule-shaped reception rooms was filled with closed rooms.

There was no hologram guide in the center of the lobby.

He was curious about the inside, but he couldn’t pass through the gate with his current status.

“I have one more reason to want to pass.”

He smiled lightly and followed the interview sign to the auditorium.

He saw the view of the auditorium through the doors that opened on both sides.

The auditorium where he had given his inauguration speech looked very different from what he remembered.

The seat arrangement and shape had changed, but what caught his eye most was the beam projector that lit up the front.

He couldn’t remember seeing a beam projector for a long time.

The front was all replaced with high-resolution LED screens.

Looking at it this way, he could see that the display had improved a lot.

He felt the same at the entrance and in the auditorium.

The change due to the display difference was most noticeable.

It was something that he could see right away, so he thought that might be why.

-Hansung Electronics LCD Division Interview Waiting Room

Yoo-hyun looked at the sign on the door and reminisced about his past.

The LCD division was where he started his career at Hansung.

It was also the place that laid the foundation for Hansung Display, which became the mainstay of Hansung Group in the future.

“Here, take this.”

“Thank you.”

While Yoo-hyun was recalling his past, the guide who was standing in front of the door handed him a number tag.

He put the number tag around his neck and moved to the front left row of seats.

He arrived 30 minutes early, but the interview room was already full of people.

Among them, there could be Kwon Se-jung somewhere.

He kept seeing him in his mind because he had seen his portrait at the funeral hall.

He looked around for him when someone looked at him with a surprised face.


White skin, slightly droopy eyes, and black horn-rimmed glasses on top of them.

The man who looked like a good model student was Jung Hyun-woo, his junior from college and someone who used to come to study at the library because of Yoo-hyun.

He stuttered as soon as he saw Yoo-hyun.

“Yoo, Yoo-hyun senior.”


“Nice to meet you.”

“Yeah. Nice to meet you too.”

Yoo-hyun lightly accepted Jung Hyun-woo’s greeting and looked around again.

But he couldn’t see Kwon Se-jung anywhere.

He might have an afternoon interview or an interview tomorrow.

Or he might have entered as an intern and had a different interview course.

‘I’ll see him at the new employee training.’

Yoo-hyun let go of his mind and suddenly realized something.

He was so distracted by Kwon Se-jung that he was too cold to Jung Hyun-woo.

He had greeted him warmly as a junior from college, but he had received it too casually.

He turned his head and saw him sitting down and preparing for the interview.

He wondered what he was trying to memorize so hard. He was shaking a paper on his lap and looking at it.

He looked very nervous.


Yoo-hyun sighed and approached Jung Hyun-woo.

When he got closer, he saw that Jung Hyun-woo was looking at something related to LCD technology.

There was no way he would look at this again after studying so hard at the library.

He must be trying to memorize some difficult technology to do better.

But this kind of memorization would not help him at all right now.

He couldn’t just leave him alone.

Yoo-hyun called out to Jung Hyun-woo.



“Do you want to have a cup of coffee?”

Jung Hyun-woo himself felt the change was surprising.


“You’re still far away. The interview is about dressing yourself up.”


“You have to remember that the interviewers only judge you by this short time, even if you worked hard.”

Yoo-hyun didn’t stop there and paid attention to his hand gestures and eye contact when he spoke.

The posture shows the person.

The interviewers who had seen hundreds or thousands of people could tell how prepared they were by their entrance posture, sitting posture, and speaking posture.



He didn’t have much time left, but Yoo-hyun pushed Jung Hyun-woo until the end.

It was natural that he got better as he repeated.

Jung Hyun-woo also tried desperately, as if he was in a hurry.

Effort never betrayed him.

Soon, his appearance improved a lot.

Then Yoo-hyun smiled brightly.

“Oh, you’re much better now.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t forget what you learned. Then you’ll hit the jackpot.”

He didn’t forget to give him a little boost of confidence at the end.

‘That’s it.’

It was impossible to fill all the gaps in such a short time.

He could only hope to increase his chances a little bit.

But at this point?

He was ready to gamble.

A small smile appeared on Yoo-hyun’s lips.

It was time for him to enter the room.

The first group went out, and soon after, Jung Hyun-woo followed them.

“Do well, Hyun-woo.”

He might not have heard Yoo-hyun’s words, but he turned around and bowed deeply before entering the interview room.

That was sincere.

He felt a pang in his chest.

If he had known this, he would have taken care of him sooner.

He suddenly thought of that.

Jung Hyun-woo kept him in his sight until he disappeared.

Yoo-hyun was a mysterious figure who appeared like a comet in his college days.

He looked tall and handsome, and seemed to be popular with people, but he always went alone.

He never attended any department events, which made him more of a topic of conversation.

But his performance in the presentation class was shocking.

He captivated the audience by picking out what the professor wanted and delivering it clearly.

It wasn’t just the presentation.

He took more courses than others because he changed his major, but he still got top grades in all of them.

He was curious and wanted to be like him.

He followed him to the library and studied for the same reason.

That Yoo-hyun came close to him today.

He threw away his time to help him with the interview, even though he must have been busy preparing himself.

He didn’t just teach him, but he helped him amazingly.

His head felt clear enough to feel refreshed.

‘Thank you so much, hyung.’

As soon as he confirmed that he was gone from his sight, Jung Hyun-woo turned his head and looked ahead again.

There was strength in his eyes, and confidence in his clenched fist.

His will to repay him by passing was conveyed.

Yoo-hyun sat down and quietly waited for his turn.

His eyes were on the large screen on the front of the auditorium.

There were the interview locations and divisions written on it.

The interview location for the LCD division was on the ninth floor, and they divided the interview into four divisions: process/equipment, research and development, sales/marketing, and staff.

Jung Hyun-woo applied for the staff division, and Yoo-hyun applied for the sales/marketing division.

If he passed, there was a high possibility that he would enter the mobile product planning team, which was his first team.

Yoo-hyun recalled his days as a new employee when it was his turn.

Five applicants lined up and followed the guide to the elevator.


When the elevator door opened on the ninth floor, another guide waiting there led them to the right corridor.

“Please follow me.”

The group ahead of them had just entered.

It was their turn right after.