Chapter 30:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 30:

Chapter 30

He had expected the result, since he had completed the innovation march and beat Team 1.

“It’s Team 6.”


He shouted in unison with the senior instructor’s announcement.

The next announcement was the individual first place.

He couldn’t deny that it would also be from Team 6.

Their team score was good, and they had done well on their individual assignments.CHeCk for new stories on no/v/el/bin(.)c0m


Jung Da-bin clicked her tongue and looked at Kang Chang-seok.

She didn’t show it, but her face was full of dissatisfaction.

Maybe it was because she still had a distance with Kang Chang-seok.

Yoo-hyun didn’t care.

He used to run for first place like Kang Chang-seok, but not anymore.

Rather, he was more satisfied with gaining people now.

Then the senior instructor said.

“The first place is Yoo-hyun Han from Team 6 of Class 2.”


At that moment, thunderous applause erupted from the class.



From Kwon Se-jung, the leader of Team 1, to the other teams, they all cheered.

Everyone congratulated Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun looked at Kang Chang-seok with a bewildered expression.

Kang Chang-seok nodded slowly and looked very comfortable.

He even heard Jung Da-bin’s chatter.

“Congratulations. I knew you would get it!”

“Good job.”

“You worked hard.”

Oh Min-jae, Seol Ki-tae, and Choi Seul-gi, who sincerely congratulated him, were the same.

He was grateful to have worked with them all.

Yoo-hyun was momentarily confused.

Something was strange.

‘Did he give me his leader points?’

The leader points were up to him to decide.

Most people gave them all to themselves, but Kang Chang-seok must have given them to Yoo-hyun.

Yoo-hyun bowed his head toward Kang Chang-seok, and Kang Chang-seok bowed his head deeper.

There was sincerity in his gesture.

Considerate and caring for others.

He thought it was hypocrisy, but now he knew it was genuine.

He had agonized over giving all his leader points to Yoo-hyun.

And he knew he was right when he saw the reaction of his teammates.

‘If it had been me, would they have been so happy?’

Kang Chang-seok shook his head.


Soon after.

750 new employees gathered in the Innovation Hall.

And 15 first-place winners from each class stood on the stage.

Yoo-hyun felt familiar with this situation where everyone was paying attention to him.

Twenty years ago, Yoo-hyun was also in this position.


“Wow! Yoo-hyun Han is handsome!”


There were no team members who cheered for him like crazy in the audience back then.

Did he put in 10% more effort than before?


He finished his assignments quickly and enjoyed his leisure time.

The team atmosphere was better than ever.

When he actually did the assignments or received evaluations, Yoo-hyun spent more time watching from behind than doing anything else.

He had 20 years of company experience, but he didn’t solve most of them.

He used his original insight not for his own grades, but to bring out the strengths of his teammates.

But both his team and individual grades were first place.

And he gained people too.

He just changed his attitude, but the result was completely different.

Could this really happen?

He felt like he got a hint on how to live his company life through this training course.

Of course, it would be different from living with his peers who were on equal footing, but at least his role was the same.

To use his abilities for the team, not for himself.

Rank doesn’t matter at all.

Kwon Sejung answered Yoo-hyun’s muttering, who had suddenly appeared next to him.

“Oh? You’re here.”

“It’s a shame. It would have been nice if we were in the same team.”

Yoo-hyun chuckled at Kwon Sejung’s regretful expression.

They would be in the same team four years later.

And it didn’t end well.

Of course, he had no intention of repeating the same mistake.

Then Jeong Hyunwoo came between Yoo-hyun and Kwon Sejung.

He was a very easygoing guy who became close enough with Kwon Sejung to call him brother.

“Hyung, I’m in Mobile Technical Resources Planning Team. Is this going to the factory?”


“Ah, damn. I wanted to work with you.”

It wasn’t just that reason.

It wasn’t easy for him to go far away from Seoul, where he had his home base.

But there was always a chance.

Yoo-hyun, who had been snickering, teased him slightly.

“Why? You said you could do anything as long as they gave you work.”

“There’s an old saying that your mind when you enter the bathroom and your mind when you leave are different. Sigh.”

“Kid. Live well. I’ll be there soon.”

“Huh? Why? Are you moving to a staff department?”

“No. I have something to do.”

He would go on secondment if everything went as planned.

The only difference from before was that Jeong Hyunwoo was there.


The atmosphere was noisy because of the aftermath of the department announcement.

Yoo-hyun stepped out of the auditorium for a moment.

‘Why is it Mobile Product Planning Team?’

He suddenly wondered that.

There were no people from the mobile sector among the interviewers.

Choi Kangwon, the head of department, was TV, and the other interviewers were also people who belonged to TV or IT group.

His interview results must have been better than before, so why did he go to the mobile sector where there were no interviewers?

He didn’t have to wait long for his curiosity to be solved.

He ran into Park Dusik, the manager of HR team, who came into the auditorium to give a lecture.

“Oh? You... Han Yoo-hyun, right?”

“Yes. Thank you for remembering me.”

“I remember. I have a good memory.”

Yoo-hyun knew well that Park Dusik had a good memory for people.

Not as much as Yoo-hyun, but he had an amazing eye for people.

“Can I take it as a compliment?”

Yoo-hyun replied lightly and Park Dusik’s eyebrows twitched quickly.

His breathing, eyes, and posture were all positive.

“Of course. You’re someone that Choi head of department wanted so badly. It’s definitely a compliment.”

“Thank you.”

“Oh, Choi Kangwon head of department is the one who sat next to me during the interview.”

Of course he knew.

Yoo-hyun answered almost reflexively.

“I remember.”

“How did you persuade him?”


“He was good at the interview, but I didn’t expect him to contact you separately.”

“I don’t know.”

Yoo-hyun just smiled lightly.

He seemed to know why without looking.

Park Dusik, who didn’t know the reason, tilted his head.

“Well, you wouldn’t know. Anyway, if it wasn’t for the shortage of manpower in the mobile sector, you would have gone to TV. Maybe someday you will.”


Yoo-hyun nodded his head as an answer.

‘Someday, I will work with you in the group, not TV.’

Park Dusik smiled kindly and reached out his hand to Yoo-hyun.

He felt a pleasant energy from the hand he held.

He was always a good person.

And he turned his back on him because of Yoo-hyun’s greed.

“I won’t do that anymore.”

Yoo-hyun clenched his teeth as he watched Park Dusik’s back moving towards the podium.

He met many colleagues during the two weeks here.

The training that would have been stained with competitiveness in the past was now filled with harmonious laughter.

Thanks to that, another miracle happened.

First place in the final grade.

Yoo-hyun, who had only tried to have fun, was speechless at the result.