Chapter 50:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 50:

Translator: MarcTempest

Chapter 50

The meeting of a selfish trash and a psycho with a personality disorder.

Why did these two people, who didn’t get along well, meet?

Yoo-hyun already had a guess.

Shin Chan-yong was the type who had to break anything that wasn’t his to feel satisfied.

He must have been displeased with Part 3’s report, and he was also bothered by Yoo-hyun’s existence.

Others might think why he cared about such things, but he was that narrow-minded.

And he was also someone who didn’t want to get blood on his hands.

There was one scenario that came to his mind along with his characteristics.

It was using Go Jae-yoon, the Assistant Manager who had a grudge against Yoo-hyun.

-It seems like the newbie is ignoring you, Assistant Manager.

He would do such childish tricks that only middle schoolers would do.

It was funny, but Go Jae-yoon was someone who fell for it.

“That’s interesting.”

Whatever it was, it was amusing from Yoo-hyun’s point of view.

Someone approached Yoo-hyun’s seat as he returned.

“Yoo-hyun, do you have something good going on?”

“No. Just.”

“I see. Um... Do you know who I am?”

“Of course. You’re Kim Eun-young senior.”

She was Kim Eun-young, an employee of Part 1 and Yoo-hyun’s senior by two years.

She was fluent in English as an overseas student and had a lot of knowledge.

In the past, Yoo-hyun asked her questions that were burdensome to ask his fellow seniors.

He received a lot of help from her, but it took a long time to get close to her.

As far as Yoo-hyun remembered, she was the type who kept a distance from people.

Kim Eun-young opened her mouth with a bright expression.

“I’m glad you remember me. I thought you forgot me.”

“How can I forget you, senior?”

“Hahaha, thank you for saying that. Do you know where the office supplies are?”


“That’s the first thing you should know when you join the company. Come here. I’ll show you.”

“Thank you.”

Yoo-hyun tilted his head as he looked at Kim Eun-young, who smiled warmly.

She had never been so kind to him before.

Come to think of it, Lee Ae-rin was like that too.

He didn’t directly help either of them.

He had no time to think more as Kim Eun-young’s kindness continued.

“Here, just tell me if you need the key. You can use whatever you need anytime.”


Kim Eun-young opened the cabinet in the corner of the team’s seat.

Various office supplies such as pens, rulers, knives, staplers, etc. were revealed inside.

Seeing that, Yoo-hyun replied casually.

“It’s a treasure trove.”

“Hahaha, it’s not mine. Let me know if you need anything else. I can order it.”

“Thank you.”

She was in charge of office supplies as a secretary.

Even so, it was very rare for her to guide a new employee personally.

That’s why Park Seung-woo peeked out his head from behind and was surprised.

“Eun-young, why are you so nice?”

“I’m always nice.”

“Hey, you’re not like that to me. Give me some pens too.”

“Do it yourself.”

She said coldly but smiled at the corners of her eyes.

To Yoo-hyun’s eyes, Kim Eun-young was one of the people who looked okay.

He had asked her annoying questions in the past and had friction with her because of work.

She always gave in at those times.

She was good at her job, diligent and considerate.

But she couldn’t last long and quit.

It was because of Go Jae-yoon Assistant Manager.

‘That bastard.’

Kim Young-gil Assistant Manager arrived first and moved busily.

He didn’t have to do that much, but he felt a strong sense of responsibility.

He even set up the meat before people came with thorough preparation.

He had checked everything beforehand and proceeded with it.

He didn’t look so bad.

He might seem a bit inflexible, but his meticulousness shone when he worked.

People filled their seats one by one and the long table in the room was full.

As they waited for the sizzling meat, Oh Jae-hwan team leader said,

“Let’s just have a light drink for the first round. Drink as much as you can. You know that, right?”


They only gave formal answers.

They all knew how Oh Jae-hwan team leader changed when he drank.

“And no talking about work during the dinner.”


He might want to get along with the young people, but he shouldn’t make promises he couldn’t keep.

As if proving that, Oh Jae-hwan team leader started nagging soon after.

“Kim Assistant Manager should get promoted too. Take care of Part 3 well.”

“Team leader, you’re doing it again. You said no talking about work.”

“Oh, come on. I’m disappointed by your light attitude.”

“Just leave me out of this. I’m going to have some fun.”

Kim Hyun-min Assistant Manager didn’t care much and drank with Park Seung-woo Assistant Manager next to him.

Oh Jae-hwan team leader caught another person and started nagging again.

The noisy atmosphere continued naturally here and there.

The dinner wasn’t just about drinking.

It was conducted under the supervision of Kim Young-gil Assistant Manager, who was in charge of general affairs.

The talkative team leader gave a long speech and the toast speeches of the part leaders followed.

Yoo-hyun’s introduction as a new employee was inevitable too.


Yoo-hyun introduced himself briefly and offered a toast modestly.

He had no reason to stand out here.

He had prepared an exotic introduction and a strong toast speech with ambition in the past, hoping to get more recognition.

But it was completely different now.

Kim Eun-young offered him a drink as soon as he finished his introduction.

“Congratulations on joining the company again.”

“Thank you.”

She didn’t enjoy the dinner much, but she looked happy.

It was thanks to Lee Chan-ho, her colleague, and Hwang Dong-sik Assistant Manager who had good manners sitting at the same table.

She became more enthusiastic and snatched the tongs from Yoo-hyun’s hand and grilled the meat herself.

“Here, it’s done.”

“Wow. Eun-young is a master of grilling pork belly.”

“My family runs a butcher shop.”

“What? Hahaha. Really?”


She looked so cheerful that it was hard to believe that she was depressed in the office and thought of the dinner as a hardship.

Yoo-hyun knew the reason well.

Go Jae-yoon Assistant Manager.

Many problems in the team stemmed from him.

He not only made a fuss in the office, gave unreasonable tasks and held on to trivial things, but also forced them to drink.

Especially the employees with lower seniority suffered a lot from him.

Many team members complained to the part leader and the team leader because they were too hard.

But he was still fine because Oh Jae-hwan team leader avoided responsibility.

He was afraid that he would get hurt if there was a problem in the team.

This problem needed to be dealt with at the company level fundamentally.

Unfortunately, there was no proper channel yet.

If they waited any longer, Kim Eun-young and Lee Chan-ho would quit the company.

Yoo-hyun couldn’t just watch this problem that could explode anytime.

That’s when it happened.

“Dong-sik, move a bit.”

“Yes, Assistant Manager.”

Go Jae-yoon Assistant Manager pushed Hwang Dong-sik Assistant Manager and sat down.

Then Lee Chan-ho also moved to another table quietly.

But Kim Eun-young couldn’t do that.