Chapter 68:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 68:

Chapter 68

The circuit team leader immediately showed a displeased expression.

“Park, how can you summarize it like this? Didn’t we agree on everything in the middle?”


Did we agree?

If he went back like this, wouldn’t he have to reorganize it by himself?

Park Seung-woo looked at Yoo-hyun.

He had a lot of thoughts when he saw the embarrassed expression of his junior.

If he backed down now, he would be nothing but a senior who couldn’t take responsibility for his junior’s mistake.

In fact, it was amazing that the newbie organized it so diligently.


It was only a moment, but Yoo-hyun nodded his head.

‘He’s not dead yet. That’s a relief.’

Right. He had to act as a senior and handle this situation.

Park Seung-woo clenched his weakened heart and brightened his eyes.

“I’m sorry, sir. As I said, I will correct the wrong parts by item here.”


“First, the first item is the heat issue. The heat spec will be none for all circuit panels.”

There was silence at Park Seung-woo’s words.


“Should I summarize it as the product planning team being in charge and I will renegotiate the spec with HP?”

“Do you really want to report this to the group leader? Are you kidding me right now?”

“No. But...”

Park Seung-woo bit his lower lip.

In fact, the group leader’s report was scheduled.

It wasn’t this material right now, but if he wanted to, he could do it.

‘Let’s do it.’

Park Seung-woo was also a man with a temper.

He felt too humiliated to be treated like this.

He put his feelings into his words.

“If we have to fix the spec, I will report it to the group leader and negotiate with the customer formally.”

“Are you a newbie? Have you done this once or twice? Why are you making it so hard!”

The circuit team leader shouted harshly, but Park Seung-woo, who had made up his mind, did not back down.

“I’m sorry. It’s because it’s such an important project.”


“Please understand.”

He didn’t back down, but rather resisted.

Yoo-hyun was surprised by the unexpected sight.

In fact, Park Seung-woo could have backed down here and it wouldn’t have mattered.

The fact that he provoked him was enough to achieve the first goal.

He could just drag on time and move on to the next one.

But thanks to Park Seung-woo’s active intervention, the plan changed.

There was no need to go back anymore and the work was easily resolved.

You’re doing well.

Yoo-hyun clapped inwardly.


He regained his composure and looked at the circuit team leader with a fierce expression.

His eyes were moving non-stop even though he was angry.

That meant he had a lot of thoughts.

The poor person had no choice but to move first.

‘5, 4, 3, 2, 1.’

When Yoo-hyun counted down in his mind, the circuit team leader opened his mouth to his subordinate.

“manager lee, how long does it take to revise IC?”

“Three months.”

At manager lee words, the circuit team leader asked again.

“Not the whole revision, but can’t you do anything about the heat part?”

“I’ll check.”

“manager go, can you skip the high temperature part and do other events first? Calculate when we need to get IC in.”

“Yes. I got it.”

The circuit team leader tapped his finger on the desk and organized his thoughts.

“Sigh... Park, we’ll come up with a solution from our side for now. Let’s do another meeting later.”

“Yes, sir.”

It was a simple answer from Park Seung-woo.

That was it.

Yoo-hyun reflected the circuit team leader’s opinion and added the circuit team to the response department.

Why did he talk nonsense for two hours when he could do this?

And Shin Chan-yong manager took all the blame for it later.

-You don’t need to eat something that’s not ripe. If you eat something that’s well cooked, you won’t get sick. This is know-how. Remember that.

Remember my ass.

He did dirty things and attached all kinds of flattery.

This time was the same.

If PDA seemed to succeed, he would come and grab a spoon then.

Yeah. I’ll cook it well for you, so go ahead and take it and eat it.

You’ll find out later if it’s poison or medicine.

Yoo-hyun gritted his teeth inwardly.

It was after finishing the meeting.

Yoo-hyun had dinner with Park Seung-woo at the tripe restaurant they had talked about before.

The days were short enough that it was dark when they finished eating.

“Good job today. Have fun with your friend.”

“Yes. Thank you for the meal. Don’t drink too much.”

“Puhaha, are you worried about me, kid?”

Park Seung-woo shrugged his shoulders and paused for a moment.

-A newbie? Not an experienced one?

He remembered the surprised face of Lee Jung-hoe, the project leader, a while ago.

He had many questions in his head.

He gave him a pen right when he got a phone call.

He gave him a fatigue recovery drink when he got scolded by the team leader.

There were more than one or two things that helped him among the words he threw in between.

And this time, organizing the meeting was amazing too.

‘If it were me, I would have stuttered even connecting the laptop.’

He might have made a mistake in reserving the meeting room or sending notifications to the participants.

Park Seung-woo looked at Yoo-hyun with a complicated expression as he recalled his rookie days.

There seemed to be something about this guy, but he didn’t know what it was.

He couldn’t hold back his curiosity and was about to open his mouth when

Yoo-hyun called Park Seung-woo first.

“Oh, sir.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Thank you so much earlier. I was so nervous that I couldn’t turn off the mic and I think I didn’t summarize the meeting content well.”

Yoo-hyun scratched his head and Park Seung-woo waved his hands vigorously.

“What? No, no. That’s not a mistake.”

“And you were amazing. I was shaking with nervousness even after preparing all night for the meeting, but you said everything properly in front of the team leaders.”

“That, that’s...”

Park Seung-woo was flustered for a moment.

Yoo-hyun seemed to have waited and said the next words.

“You were so cool. I really want to learn a lot from you.”

“Hey! Why are you flattering me all of a sudden?”

His face turned red with embarrassment and Park Seung-woo raised his voice.

Then Yoo-hyun smiled and said.

“Is this enough to repay you for buying me a meal?”


“Hahaha, I’ll go now. Have a good time.”


Yoo-hyun bent his waist and moved quickly.

Park Seung-woo looked at Yoo-hyun’s back and muttered.

“Prepared all night...”

It was an effort he would never have done in the past.

Park Seung-woo felt like he knew why Yoo-hyun was more sensible than others.

His passion and thorough preparation for the work were the foundation.

“That guy.”

Yoo-hyun’s figure had already disappeared.

But Park Seung-woo’s head didn’t turn for a long time.

Yoo-hyun arrived at a housing complex in Ulsan and quickly took out his phone.

“I’m here.”

-Wait a minute!

Thump thump thump.

As soon as he called, he heard a thumping sound.

Soon, the front door opened and Ha Jun-seok’s face appeared in pajama pants and slippers.

He looked quite free-spirited, seeing his hometown friend after a long time.

Ha Jun-seok sounded really happy.

“You worked hard coming from far away.”

“Yeah. Did Ulsan have a place like this?”

“Hahaha, I had a hard time finding it.”

The six Hamsung factories around were either inside the factory complex or next to the new city.