Chapter 82:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 82:

Chapter 82

He knew the style of Song Ho-chan, the leader of the mobile group, better than anyone else.

He could be kicked out mercilessly if he made even a slight mistake here.

“Who interfered with it?”

“It’s... a new employee from the product planning team. His name is Han Yoo-hyun.”

“Isn’t he the one who transferred the Hyunil Automobile project to the product planning team? How did he do that?”

“I heard he answered the phone by mistake...”

“He answered the phone by mistake? Damn it, this is the third time I hear about that damn new employee. Do you think this is a coincidence?”

The Hyunil Automobile project, the PDA meeting, and now this exhibition.

Every time, something unexpected happened.

He didn’t think that the product planning team, which was nothing special, had changed because of a new employee.

But Song Ho-chan couldn’t shake off his uncomfortable feeling.

“Keep an eye on him. I have a feeling he’ll cause more trouble in the future.”

“Yes. I understand.”

At the same time, in the same place.

Two women sitting at a table across from an empty table were listening to their conversation with their ears perked up.

They were Jo Mi-ran, an employee from the marketing team, and Lee Ae-rin, her assistant.

“Unni, are they talking about Yoo-hyun? What are they saying?”


She couldn’t tell exactly what they were saying, but it was clear that Yoo-hyun was being mentioned in a negative way.

And the speaker was none other than Song Ho-chan, one of the three devils of the mobile group.

Lee Ae-rin relaxed her tense expression and called Jo Mi-ran.


“Yes. What is it?”

“Do you want to have dinner with Hyemi from the sales team tonight? I know a nice place.”

“Hoho, anywhere is fine if you recommend it.”

Jo Mi-ran smiled brightly, and Lee Ae-rin followed suit.

Her fist under the table was clenched tightly.

‘How can I tell him?’


Yoo-hyun was wondering how to introduce Semi Electronics to Lee Chan-ho.

He could have narrowed down Lee Chan-ho’s choices by introducing someone he knew.

But what Yoo-hyun wanted was not for Semi Electronics to succeed.

He wanted Lee Chan-ho to make the right choice and ultimately prepare well for the competition.

As he was thinking about it, a phone call came in.

It was from his hometown friend and Semi Electronics new employee Kang Jun-ki.

Yoo-hyun smiled and answered the phone.

“Hey, Jun-ki.”

-Kid. You answered right away. You must not be busy.

“Of course I have to answer when you call.”

-Thanks. You said you’d see me once, but you don’t have time.

A light conversation went back and forth pleasantly.

But Kang Jun-ki’s voice wasn’t very cheerful.

“What’s wrong?”

-It’s nothing... Actually...

Kang Jun-ki calmly told him what was on his mind.

It wasn’t about the difficulties of being a new employee or living in a strange city like Seoul.

It was about his best friend Kim Hyun-soo.

-Hyun-soo asked me about investing. He seems to have a lot of money to invest.

“Really? Did you ask him why?”

-Well. He said he was curious because everyone around him was investing in stocks or something. But what do I know? You’d know better than me.

“Tell him to call me.”

Yoo-hyun heard Kang Jun-ki’s awkward voice.

-I don’t think he’d be comfortable with that.


-Just... From his perspective, it might be like that. You’re obviously very busy and he might feel like he’s bothering you. I’m easygoing as you know. Haha.

“Okay. I’ll try to talk to him.”

Yoo-hyun’s expression was filled with anxiety as he hung up the phone.

He couldn’t get rid of the thought that something might be wrong.

Kim Hyun-soo had been mature and reliable since he was young.

He always acted like a leader among his friends.

He was investing?

Yoo-hyun immediately searched for Kim Hyun-soo in his phone contacts.

Then he moved to the corridor next to his office and pressed the call button.

After several rings, Kim Hyun-soo’s voice came through.

His voice was hoarse, as if he was very tired.

-Hey, Yoo-hyun. What’s up?

“I just heard you were looking into investing.”

After thinking for a moment, Yoo-hyun made up his mind.

“Assistant Manager Park, I’ll take a vacation today.”

“Now? Did you tell the team leader?”

“No. Not yet.”

“He’s a bit picky. Do you want me to tell him?”

Yoo-hyun politely declined.

“No. It’s my business.”

Yoo-hyun reported to Kim Hyun-min, the leader of the mobile group.

He agreed without asking any questions.

He was very flexible in this regard.

That’s when Oh Jae-hwan, the team leader, came back to his seat.


He pulled his chair roughly and sighed deeply.


He looked dark, as if he had been scolded by Jo Chan-young, the director.

The team members knew better than to bother him at this time.

It wasn’t the right timing.

But he couldn’t postpone it either.

Yoo-hyun approached the team leader’s seat and said,

“Team leader.”

“Oh, can you wait a bit if it’s not urgent? Let me smoke one cigarette.”

“I’m sorry. It’s urgent.”

Yoo-hyun’s words made the team leader frown.

He snapped back with a sharp voice.

“What is it?”

“I’d like to take a vacation today.”



“Haha, is this a joke? You know you have to tell me a week in advance if you want to take a vacation, right? Let me ask you why. What’s going on?”

If he said he had to meet a friend, he would have to explain more.

He could lie, but he didn’t want to do that.

“I’m sorry. It’s personal. I got confirmation from Assistant Manager Park Seung-woo, my mentor, and I also told the leader of the mobile group.”

“That doesn’t matter. You don’t seem to know this since you’re new here, but there’s a procedure in this company. A procedure.”


There was no such procedure.

He expected it, but Oh Jae-hwan was too stubborn.

There was no choice but to use the method he didn’t want to use.

As Yoo-hyun was about to open his mouth,

“Hey, team leader. There’s no procedure for taking a vacation. You just take it when you need it.”

“Hey, LeaderKim! You keep doing this and the team members will lose their sense of discipline.”

“What are you talking about? Discipline over something like this? Hahaha.”

“This is not funny.”

Kim Hyun-min gestured to Yoo-hyun with his hand.

‘Go, go quickly.’

He also winked at him.

Even though he thought he wouldn’t look good to the team leader, he couldn’t help feeling pressured.

But he couldn’t refuse when he had set up the situation for him.

‘Thank you.’

Yoo-hyun bowed his head.

“Then I’ll be back.”

The people looked at Yoo-hyun with wide eyes as he left.

He felt the stares of misunderstanding from everywhere.

They must think he had no manners.

They might even curse him for bringing up the past incident.

He didn’t care.

He wouldn’t have done this in the past.

But now it was different.

He wasn’t afraid of the team leader’s low evaluation, nor did he fear the others’ eyes.

He was just looking for his rightful right in a rightful matter.

Yoo-hyun walked out more confidently than anyone else.


Meanwhile, Kim Hyun-soo bit his lower lip after hanging up the phone.

He ended up agreeing to meet Yoo-hyun.

“Mom, I’ll go wash up.”

“Okay. Wash up and eat well. I’m fine.”

His mother, who was lying on the bed, waved her hand for him to go.

Kim Hyun-soo asked his younger brother to take care of their mother and went outside.

He washed and shaved in the makeshift shower room, but he was still exhausted.