Chapter 92:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 92:

Chapter 92

It was Manager Choi Min-hee.


“Manager Choi, you said it went well. But is this what you call well? How can Hyunil say they can’t do it because of us? That’s nonsense!”


Executive Director Jo Chan-young sighed as Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan yelled at him.

Manager Choi Min-hee did not make any excuses.

She had already explained several times, but they wouldn’t listen. There was nothing she could do.

She silently looked ahead and just listened.

That seemed to provoke Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan, who pointed his finger at her with a red face.

“Did you act like this at the meeting too? No, did you take a newbie to such an important meeting?”

“Team Leader, I told you before. Yoo-hyun has nothing to do with this.”

Manager Choi Min-hee immediately defended Yoo-hyun when he was mentioned.

Their bosses were trying to avoid responsibility and blame their subordinates, even though Hyunil was being unreasonable.


She could understand that to some extent.

She was the one in charge, after all.

But suddenly they said it was wrong to take a newbie to the meeting!

Was that something a team leader should say?

“Hey! Don’t glare at me!”

“Hey, Team Leader, why are you doing this? Manager Choi is trying to figure it out right now. Yoo-hyun has nothing to do with this.”

Assistant Manager Kim Hyun-min intervened and stopped the angry Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan.

Director Lee Kyung-hoon and Assistant Manager Song Ho-chan were just watching with sneers.

Maybe that’s why?

Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan got even more heated.

“No, Assistant Manager Kim! Is this your place to butt in? Why can’t you tell when to step in and when not to?”

“No, I’m the part leader here. Where else should I step in if not here?”

“Stop it. Just stop.”

The noisy scene was settled by a word from Executive Director Jo Chan-young.

He put his hand on his forehead, as if he had a headache.

Yoo-hyun, who was watching from afar, clicked his tongue.

They were really playing around.

He expected it, but it looked more childish in reality.

From the person in charge to the sales team, they all gathered around and harassed Manager Choi Min-hee.

The team leader who joined in was even more ridiculous.

“Yoo-hyun, no.”

Deputy Park Seung-woo, who noticed Yoo-hyun, smiled and crossed his arms to make an X sign.

He meant not to go there.

But Yoo-hyun answered with a smile.

Are you scared?

No way.

Yoo-hyun smiled faintly.

He heard Executive Director Jo Chan-young’s voice.

“Manager Choi, tell me the truth. Did Yoo-hyun really act rudely at the Hyunil meeting?”

“No. He never did.”

“Then why did they say that?”

There was a lot of anger in his low voice.

He was too flustered to make a proper judgment.

It didn’t make sense for a company to change a contract because of bad attitude at a meeting between companies.

But he was so impatient that he was swayed by what he heard from the customer.

It was a typical example of what a leader shouldn’t show.

Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan also chimed in.

“Manager Choi, that’s why I told you not to take a newbie with you.”

“Team Leader.”

“Hey! Don’t interrupt me when I’m talking.”

Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan added.

He was the one who confirmed that he should go on a business trip.

He was trying to score points in front of his boss by crushing his team member.

He could never be a good leader like that.

It was the worst choice as a team leader.

Manager Choi Min-hee and Assistant Manager Kim Hyun-min were about to open their mouths at the same time.

“It’s such an important matter. Don’t you think so?”

Assistant Manager Song Ho-chan’s eyes glared at Yoo-hyun, demanding him to admit his mistake.

Assistant Manager Song Ho-chan was more confident with Director Lee Kyung-hoon and Executive Director Jo Chan-young behind him.

He had gone this far, so there was no turning back.

Yoo-hyun nodded his head obediently with a pinch of MSG added.

“It is an important matter.”

“Yes. You should take responsibility for it.”

“Of course. Since it’s an important matter, we should clearly assign responsibility for right and wrong.”

“You talk well. So, what are you going to do?”

It was obvious that they should sort out right and wrong.

When Yoo-hyun agreed with his rare right words, Assistant Manager Song Ho-chan’s eyebrows narrowed.

He felt uneasy at his too relaxed expression for such a serious situation.

That’s when Yoo-hyun slowly opened his mouth.

“This might help us sort out right and wrong.”

“What is that?”

Yoo-hyun opened his phone folder and answered Executive Director Jo Chan-young’s question.

“It’s the conversation with Assistant Manager Jo Chi-hoon of Hyunil’s sales team.”


“Let’s listen to it.”

Then he pressed the button without hesitation.

-Yes. I’m really sorry about what happened to Yoo-hyun. Our part leader suddenly changed his mind...

-So it’s true that our Hansung side made the proposal first.

-That’s what I heard. So I think it would be better for both sides to reach an agreement amicably this time.


As soon as the playback of the recorded conversation ended, silence fell.

The first one to break it was Manager Choi Min-hee.

She raised her voice by two tones and cornered Executive Director Jo Chan-young.

“Director, look at this! Someone is bribing them behind our backs.”

“Huh, who are you saying that about?”

“Who was the one who said he talked to their part leader on the phone?”

“What? Are you blaming me?”

Assistant Manager Song Ho-chan sneered as Manager Choi Min-hee rolled her eyes.

Director Lee Kyung-hoon, who had been serious, intervened and suggested to Executive Director Jo Chan-young.

“Director, this doesn’t seem like something we should do here. If there’s a mistake, we should make it clear.”

“That’s right.”

“But, not an internal audit. You know our situation right now.”


“I’ll check with their team again, since it seems like Assistant Manager Song Ho-chan is responsible for this part.”

It would be a hundred times better to entrust a fish to a cat.

But Executive Director Jo Chan-young accepted that again.

“Okay. Let’s handle it that way. You work hard on this.”


“That’s not right!”

Assistant Manager Kim Hyun-min and Manager Choi Min-hee shouted at the same time, but Executive Director Jo Chan-young shook his head.

“Enough. That’s it.”

“Yes. I’ll handle it without any trouble. I’m sorry.”

“Finish it well.”

Director Lee Kyung-hoon bowed his head politely and then comforted Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan, who was next to him.

“I’ll keep that in mind. And Team Leader Oh, good job.”

“No, thank you, Director.”

Then he turned his head sharply.

Yoo-hyun saw the vile smile on his lips.

He didn’t care about anyone else.

He was either clueless about the internal politics that surrounded the position of the director, or he had some weakness that was obvious.

Director Lee Kyung-hoon thought hard with his eyebrows furrowed.

He could almost hear the two people thinking.

Childish people.

Yoo-hyun hid his amused expression and calmly said.

“I’ll share the recording file with you right away. The whole content is longer. It also has Assistant Manager Song Ho-chan’s name in it...”

“What are you trying to do now!”


When he added a little MSG, Assistant Manager Song Ho-chan bit the bait himself.