Chapter 95:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 95:

Translation: MarcTempest

Chapter 95

Yoo-hyun tried to express his refusal once again.

That’s when it happened.

“Hey, are you blind? I really wonder how they teach the kids here in this gym...”

-How annoying. He can’t even read the mood. How did he get trained in his team...

He remembered Song Ho-chan, the Assistant Manager who insulted his team while growling at Kang Dongshik.

He couldn’t forget the expression on Choi Minhee’s face, who was blushing with anger.


His irritation rose again.

“Are you talking back to me, rookie? Come up here.”


Everyone blinked in surprise when Yoo-hyun smirked.

The manager seemed to have not expected Yoo-hyun to act so rudely.

His eyebrows went up to his forehead and then came down again.

Kang Dongshik snorted in disbelief.

“Are you trying to pick a fight with me? You must be crazy.”

“You talk too much.”

“Ha! This place is a total mess.”

“Come up here.”

Yoo-hyun snapped his fingers.

He wouldn’t have cared if he had just messed with him.

But why did he have to mess with Choi Minhee, who was trying hard to work?

Then he got up abruptly.


He ignored Park Young-hoon’s shout and put on a headgear and gloves.

He wanted to do it properly if he was going to do it.

Kang Dongshik, who was angry at his attitude, climbed up to the ring with a smirk.

Kim Taesoo, who followed him, handed him a headgear and gloves.

“I don’t need these.”

“Put them on. You can’t play without them.”

“Huh, fine. Then I can go all out, right?”

As if to prove that he wasn’t bluffing, Kang Dongshik put on the protective gear and glared at him.

“I’ll crush you with my fists.”

It was enough to make Park Young-hoon flinch in the corner of the ring.

Kim Taesoo, who had a long experience in fighting, could tell right away.

The Kang Dongshik he saw was not just a noisy troublemaker.

He had much more fighting experience than Yoo-hyun.

And he was a real fighter.

He glanced down at the ring and saw the manager nodding.

He knew it too, so he wanted him to come down.

‘Will he be okay?’

No matter what, Yoo-hyun was still a beginner.

Kim Taesoo worriedly patted Yoo-hyun’s shoulder and brought the two men to the center of the ring.

And the match began.


The bell rang to signal the start of the match.

Thump thump.

His heart pounded in a strange tension.

The sound of his beating heart filled his ears in the hot body that had cooled down.

Yoo-hyun focused on his opponent as he stepped sideways.

The opponent was no longer acting cocky.

He was approaching Yoo-hyun with the eyes of a lion hunting its prey.

The air suddenly wavered for a moment.

‘Right straight.’

It was so fast that he wouldn’t have been able to avoid it if he hadn’t seen the movement of his opponent’s neck muscles.

It was incomparable to his practice partner Park Young-hoon.

“You’re pretty quick for a newbie.”

He was as skilled as he was provocative.

Yoo-hyun quickly dodged and kept his distance.

Park Young-hoon, who was watching from below, broke out in a cold sweat.

“Manager, does that guy know boxing?”


Yoo-hyun’s guts churned from the powerful punch.

A bitter taste rose to his nose.


Park Young-hoon’s scream was heard, and the manager who was watching widened his eyes.

He was about to end the test if he took a few more punches.

That’s when it happened.

Yoo-hyun’s eyes flashed and he moved closer to his opponent instead of avoiding his punch.

And at the same time, he threw a straight punch.

Thwack! Thwack!

Yoo-hyun had taken a hit to his abdomen, but in return, his opponent’s face also swayed greatly.

“Get away! Keep your distance!”

Yoo-hyun, who came out of the corner, ignored Park Young-hoon’s words and stopped.

“Back off, I said!”

Then he advanced again, as if to corner his opponent.

The people watching were all surprised by the unexpected sight.

‘Huff huff.’

His breath rose to his throat.

His toes were numb.

Yoo-hyun bit his lower lip as he felt the pain in his abdomen.


Yoo-hyun endured the pain and looked at his opponent in front of him.

He was cornered, but he had the eyes of a beast.

He had never fought face-to-face with such an opponent in the past.

He thought it was stupid to take risks for no reason.

He would rather choose a way to win for sure in a favorable battlefield.

Sometimes dishonestly, sometimes sneakily.

He had always won by any means, so Yoo-hyun was able to achieve his goals faster than anyone else.

That’s how he lived.


Yoo-hyun avoided the incoming punch and walked forward.

Song Ho-chan’s face overlapped with his opponent’s face in front of him.

‘But you know what. I can’t avoid it anymore.’

He realized it clearly as he helped Park Seung-woo and Choi Minhee.

If he ran away for a favorable fight, the damage would go to his allies.

To help them, he had to endure some unfavorable fights sometimes.


Kang Dongshik, who had become more fierce, rushed at him.

Yoo-hyun stared at him head-on.

Yeah. It’s fine if he attacks me.

‘I’ll take it.’


It was the moment when Kang Dongshik’s fist hit Yoo-hyun’s side.

Yoo-hyun’s right straight hit his jawbone.

‘And I’ll pay you back!’


And the following punches hit his face left and right as he fell down.


‘And double that!’

Kang Dongshik went crazy and threw punches at him as Yoo-hyun kept attacking him.

A fierce battle broke out in the corner of the ring.

Yoo-hyun also took a lot of hits, but he didn’t have much damage on his face.

The place where you can see the most when you get hit by a punch is your face.

Yoo-hyun didn’t get hit once on his face.

In this situation alone, Yoo-hyun looked like the winner of the game.

“Come here. I’ll show you what I can do!”

Kang Dongshik took off his headgear and gloves and threw them away.

When he took off his shirt, a huge tattoo of a dragon showed its majesty, but it was less threatening because of his swollen face.

He snarled at Yoo-hyun, but Kim Taesoo held him back and stopped him from going any further.

“Stop. That’s enough.”

“Damn it!”

Kang Dongshik couldn’t get close to Yoo-hyun because of Kim Taesoo.