Chapter 111:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 111:

Chapter 111

Even though Manager Shin Chan-yong said it didn’t matter, Kim Young-gil’s position was shaken because of that incident.

In the end, he lost the Apple Phone 4 panel that he had done everything for to Manager Shin.

And all the benefits went to Yoo-hyun.

What was the problem?

As far as he remembered, this issue was not a problem with the LCD panel, but a mistake on Apple’s side.

But if he couldn’t prove it, it was useless.

“You’ll see.”


“Never mind. Do you want a cup of coffee?”

Yoo-hyun changed the topic and Park Seung-woo, who didn’t seem to care much, brightened up.

“Sure. I’ve been working on the contest report all day and my head is sore.”

“Is it because of the report for the manager?”

“Yeah. He’ll probably say I’m wasting my time again. What can I do? I have to persuade him.”


Yoo-hyun got up with Park Seung-woo and added a word.

“It’ll work out.”

“Wow, look at you talking so nicely. Who’s your mentor?”

“I don’t know. I think I’ll have to drink some coffee shop coffee to find out who’s the mentor.”

“What? You’re asking for it.”

Park Seung-woo tried to put him in a headlock, but Yoo-hyun was too quick for him.

He dodged his attacks and Park Seung-woo gave up and shook his head.

“Let’s go. I’ll feed you first and then show you what a real mentor is.”

“It’s an honor.”

Yoo-hyun bowed his hands and Park Seung-woo laughed incredulously.

His eyes were full of affection for his junior.

It was the same for Yoo-hyun.

Would he ever be able to spend such a pleasant time with Kim Young-gil?

He suddenly thought of that.

The Apple Phone issue was bigger than he thought.

It was because Apple had put pressure on them by bringing up the investment issue.CHeCk for new stories on no/v/el/bin(.)c0m

It wasn’t over yet.

If he remembered correctly, they would have to pay not only reduced investment costs but also cost penalties.

In the process, the development team would be turned upside down, and Kim Young-gil would also suffer a great blow.

It was a problem that he couldn’t leave alone.

“Aren’t you going home? You’re always leaving early, what’s going on?”

“I have something to do for a moment.”

“Apple Phone? Are you still looking at that? Don’t do that and just go home and rest.”

“Yes. I will.”

Yoo-hyun looked at the two Apple Phones on his desk in turn.

One was the model before the problem occurred, and the other was the model with the upgraded panel.

The PCB with Apple’s AP (central processing unit) also changed on the modified model.

The problem must have occurred in the changed part.

The problem was that there were too many change points.


Yoo-hyun turned on both screens at the same time.

They looked fine, but in certain conditions, the screen drag was especially severe on the new model.

There were many possibilities for screen drag to occur.

It could be a problem with pixel driving within the panel, or a problem with the liquid crystal.

It could also be a problem with the panel driving IC itself.

It worked normally on a Japanese LCD panel with the same specifications.

It was a situation where Apple could doubt Hansung Electronics’ panel.

The problem was that even though dozens of people in the development team analyzed it with all kinds of equipment, they couldn’t find the exact cause.

What could it be?

There was no way he could find it easily by sitting in his office and looking at it.

But Yoo-hyun had a lot of experience in the company.

He didn’t need any equipment to verify products. He had learned through his body for a long time that there was a cause for every result.

He had the ability to distinguish cause and effect accurately and infer causes.

He had the basic skills of product verification properly.

And he had vague but indicative memories of the past.

Everyone was focusing on the LCD panel, but the problem was Apple’s upgraded AP.

If his memory was correct, they were all wasting their time.

How can you see it without any measuring equipment?

Of course he couldn’t know exactly.

What Yoo-hyun wanted wasn’t accuracy, but a slight difference that could be used as evidence.

He had confidence that he could distinguish it if there was a difference because he had good eyesight.

He was quite an amazing person in many ways.

Yoo-hyun gave him a thumbs up and Park Seungwoo smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

Anyway, he was glad they had it.

Now they just had to go to the Gimpo factory where the TV analysis room was, borrow a high-speed camera and test the new Apple phone.

The problem was who would do it.

Would they go to Gimpo just because of a new employee’s word?

And with the help of TV, not mobile?

That was absurd.

But Yoo-hyun couldn’t go there himself.

As he was pondering, Park Seungwoo suddenly got up.

He saw Kim Younggil, who had just finished a meeting and looked exhausted, walking towards them from afar.

“Mr. Kim!”


He looked like he had a hard time in the meeting room.

He wouldn’t be happy if someone said something out of the blue to him.

But Park Seungwoo didn’t hesitate.

“I want to take a picture of the Apple phone screen with a high-speed camera.”

“Ha... Why?”

He didn’t care about Kim Younggil’s tired face and kept talking.

“It seems that color inversion occurs when the icon attraction happens.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Yoo-hyun has really good eyes, you see...”


Park Seungwoo told him everything as if he had seen it himself.

He looked more confident than someone who had only heard it from someone else.

Yoo-hyun couldn’t look at Kim Younggil’s face.

Was this what it felt like to be embarrassed?

“Anyway, it’s better than nothing, right? We haven’t found the cause yet, so we might as well try the high-speed camera.”

“That’s true, but even if you’re right. What does color inversion have to do with attraction?”

“It doesn’t matter. It shouldn’t happen anyway. Maybe we’ll find the real cause if we follow that clue.”

“That’s not an easy problem.”

“I’ll make a reservation for you. My colleague works in the TV analysis room.”

Park Seungwoo pushed him hard.

He didn’t hesitate anymore.

It was amazing how he changed so much.

Kim Younggil sighed and answered.

“Fine. It’s my job, so I’ll do it.”

“Okay. Do you want me to make a reservation? When do you want to do it?”

Yoo-hyun intervened and Park Seungwoo looked confused.

“Reservation? There was such a thing?”

“Yes. There is an analysis room reservation system.”

Park Seungwoo was surprised and looked at the monitor screen that Yoo-hyun pointed at.

It was a site where you could reserve the equipment in the TV group analysis room.

It was also a place where mobile group would never use.

“How did you know this?”

“Yes. I learned it when I was a new employee.”

“What kind of training did you guys get that they taught you this kind of thing?”

Park Seungwoo stuck out his tongue.

Kim Younggil watched him and felt more bewildered.

One person insisted on going to Gimpo without any reason.

The other person seemed to know that they were going there and already opened the reservation page.

How could they be so similar?

Kim Younggil was from the development team.

He moved to another team after becoming a deputy manager, so he stayed in the development team for quite a long time.

After that, he led projects in the product planning team and broadened his horizons.

With that experience, his ability to analyze issues was as good as any development team member.

He could go to Gimpo factory alone and check the problem himself.

He edited the videos taken with the high-speed camera and made them into reports on the spot.

Then he sent an email to Kim Hyunmin, the manager, and called him right away.

“Yes, sir. I confirmed color inversion with the high-speed camera. I think there is a problem with Apple’s AP.”

-So? Are you going to Ulsan now?

“Yes. I think the development team should analyze it.”

-Take care of yourself. Don’t rush.

“I understand. I’ll come back when I’m done.”

-Okay. I’ll tell the team leader.

“Thank you.”

His next destination was Ulsan factory.