Chapter 117:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 117:

Chapter 117

Kang Joon-ki opened the huge entrance door and stepped inside, blinking his surprised eyes.

In the center of the spacious marble floor, there was a large TV that looked like it was 80 inches.

On the ceiling, TVs that were about 40 inches long were connected horizontally, displaying a long screen.

On the side, there were a reception desk, a customer service room, a conference room, and all kinds of foreigners occupying the seats.

It was a fresh shock for him, who had only worked in a cramped space like a factory.

‘Even the receptionist lady is pretty!’

Kang Joon-ki, who was checking the visitors, handed over his ID card and stood blankly.

“Joon-ki, what are you doing? Hurry up and write your purpose of visit.”

“Ah, yeah. Okay.”

Then the receptionist said to Yoo-hyun.

“Is he your acquaintance, Yoo-hyun?”

“Yes. He’s my friend. We met at work.”

“Oh, that’s amazing. Hohoho.”

Kang Joon-ki whispered to Yoo-hyun.

“Do you know her?”

“Yeah. I greeted her once before.”

He had come every morning to find the next-generation mobile phone conference, and they had become familiar with each other.

Just enough to say hello?

That alone made Kang Joon-ki’s eyes fill with envy.

He took the visitor card and followed Yoo-hyun.


A group of female employees passed by laughing.

There were so many people who looked good enough to make his eyes sparkle.

Did this guy work in a place like this?


But the female employees suddenly changed direction.

Were they even coming this way?

Did they notice him staring?

But suddenly the female employees stopped.

“Oh, Yoo-hyun. Did you go out for work?”

“Ah, I have a visitor.”

“Oh? Is it Semi Electronics? I saw it on the visitor list.”

“You have a good memory, Ahrin.”

“Hoho, no big deal.”

They were talking very friendly.

Kang Joon-ki felt a great sense of alienation in their conversation.

That was just the beginning.

“Yoo-hyun, hello.”

“Yoo-hyun, how are you?”

“Yoo-hyun, let’s have a coffee later.”

Yoo-hyun, Yoo-hyun, Yoo-hyun.

From taking the elevator to the 12th floor and arriving at the conference room.

In less than 10 minutes, he seemed to have greeted all kinds of female employees.

They all had very kind and bright expressions.

Even the cleaning lady who came out of the bathroom next to the conference room greeted Yoo-hyun warmly.

‘What the hell is he?’

He understood why he didn’t pay any attention to women at the alumni meeting he went to recently.

He didn’t seem to have any reason to do so.


Lim Han-seop, who put his luggage on the conference table, said.

“Wow, Yoo-hyun. You’re amazing.”Updated chapters at

“Senior, just speak comfortably. There’s only us here.”

“Should I? But you’re really popular.”

Lim Han-seop seemed to have the same feeling.

He asked what he couldn’t ask because of his pride.

Kang Joon-ki expected Yoo-hyun’s answer.

“It’s just that I got close to them by greeting them.”

“Really? The company atmosphere must be good.”

“Yes. It’s a nice place.”

That’s it? Just by greeting them?

No way!

Kang Joon-ki bit his lower lip hard and muttered.

“...did you do?”

“What did you say, Joon-ki?”

“How did you do it?”

Executive Director Jo Chan-young’s eyes shook.

Yoo-hyun signaled Assistant ManagerPark Seung-woo with his eyes.

It was a sign to turn the page.

-Assistant Manager, there’s too much content, so don’t spend too much time on one page. I’ll time it and send you a signal.

As if they had coordinated with Yoo-hyun, Assistant ManagerPark Seung-woo continued his presentation well.

“This time...”

When he announced the concept, he briefly pointed out the main points.

When he showed the back data, he emphasized it clearly.

When he talked about the schedule, he followed the overall flow.

When he talked about the backup plan, he provided convincing evidence.

Assistant ManagerPark Seung-woo spoke quickly but did not miss the core points.

At some point.

Assistant ManagerPark Seung-woo’s gaze moved away from Yoo-hyun and toward the whole audience.

It was a sign that he had fully immersed himself in his presentation.

Yoo-hyun saw him as a solo violinist who turned on the strings in a large auditorium.

His rough breathing and rhythm made the serious movement of the strings attract people’s attention.

He completely dominated the large space alone.

He suited the protagonist well, although he always stood behind and hid himself.

Should I say he had a stage constitution?

He just didn’t have a proper stage for him until now.

‘You’ve grown a lot.’

Yoo-hyun watched his presentation, which was like his performance, with pride, knowing his hidden efforts better than anyone else.

The 30 minutes passed like a lie.

The expressions of the part members who saw Assistant ManagerPark Seung-woo’s presentation for the first time were tinged with curiosity.

‘Was he that good?’

‘He’s good?’

It wasn’t just surprise.

They were good colleagues, but also competitors with good intentions.

Who wouldn’t want to do better?

Yoo-hyun smiled inwardly at the slight tension that entered the conference room.

They were getting ready to create harmony together after being stimulated by Assistant ManagerPark Seung-woo.

Executive Director Jo Chan-young’s question was a signal.

“The price is half of the existing HPDA3 panel?”

“Yes, sir. That’s the current situation.”

Assistant ManagerPark Seung-woo handed over the note.

“We are currently considering domesticating the touch panel. If we apply it, we can save an additional 10% of the cost. And.”

“Is there more?”

Manager Choi Min-hee added a harmony with the details.

If she had to express her with an instrument, wouldn’t it be a piano?

She was specialized in solo, but when she collaborated like this, she enhanced the brilliance of the solo performer with her rich experience and skill.

“Yes. If we integrate the chip and the touch panel, we can save up to 30% more. We think that’s possible.”

“Hmm, that’s big.”

“The production speed improvement will have a bigger effect than the cost reduction.”

When she was backed up, her weakness of being nervous and burdened was hidden.

She maximized her fast and meticulous advantages in the gap where the spotlight missed.

“Is it really possible to increase the production speed by two times?”

“By changing the liquid crystal deposition method and integrating the circuit parts, it is possible to increase it by four times.”

“Has it been verified?”

Kim Young-gil, the Assistant Manager, supplemented the sharp question.

“Yes. We contacted the HPDA3 process line and the circuit and panel side, and they replied that it was theoretically possible.”

“Where’s the data?”

“I’ll show you. It’s included in the appendix data.”

“No, never mind. Just tell me.”

“Yes. Here, if the touch panel domestication that the preceding development team is doing succeeds, we can embed it in the circuit parts and increase the production speed even more.”

Kim Young-gil was a cello.

He made a dull but serious and slow but solid sound with a low pitch range.

He didn’t seem to stand out, but his deep performance added depth to the sound.

Lee Chan-ho was a viola that showed his presence between the violin and cello.

“The preparation for the mockup is...”

Kim Hyun-min, the section chief, was a contrabass that held the center of the whole orchestra with the lowest sound.

“The personnel allocation is according to the schedule...”

Their performances, which seemed to go in different directions, began to create harmony in one direction.

Thump thump.

His heart raced at their first rehearsal, which was clumsy and dull.

He felt a thrill from his fingertips that had been moving constantly to tune them.

Yoo-hyun looked at his hand for a long time.