Chapter 126:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 126:

Chapter 126

This time, I wanted to open her heart sincerely.

“Ah, did Schubert like the candy? I heard that Burmese cats like hard things that they can touch with their paws, and they like salmon, so I chose salmon-flavored candy.”

“Mr. Han, you seem to know more about my cat than I do.”

“You said so in the interview. That you really cherish your cat. So I studied.”

“Was that because you thought I was cool?”

“Yes. I was curious about what kind of cat grows under a cool owner. Isn’t that natural?”

I wanted to see what kind of power it had when a relationship was formed like that.

It was not just a childish prank.

It was a conviction that I gained while living a different company life.

When I had a human connection, the relationship became so rich that I couldn’t recognize it.

Like the relationship with Assistant Manager Park Seung-woo.

I was also becoming that kind of relationship with her.Visitt novelbin(.)co/m for the latest updates

“Ho ho ho, that’s an interesting thing to say.”

“Your smile is beautiful.”

“That compliment is not bad either.”

She smiled for the first time.

We had a personal conversation without any purpose for the first time.

Laura Parker, who slowly got up from her seat, took off her trademark white gloves for the first time.

She reached out her hand and said,

“It seems like I’ve made a good friend. I’d love to have more conversations if I get a chance.”

“I had such a good time too. Please contact me anytime.”

Yoo-hyun smiled and held her bare hand.

This was also the first time.

-Tell Laura Parker about Channel Phone 2 well.

That was what Kim Sung-deuk said before I talked to Laura Parker.

I didn’t keep that promise.

No, I didn’t.

I knew she would end up doing Channel Phone 2 even if I didn’t say anything.

How did I know?

If she had thought of giving up on Laura Parker’s style, she wouldn’t have dragged me like this.

It was a conclusion that I could make because I knew her better than anyone else.

Two days later.

As Yoo-hyun expected, Laura Parker confirmed the concept of Channel Phone 2.

She listened to Han Sung Electronics’ opinion.

Thanks to that, there were some benefits for Yoo-hyun.

The biggest one was the relationship with Kim Sung-deuk.

“The last contest you entered. I looked at it. The content was good.”

“Thank you.”

“The documents passed internally and were delivered to the judges.”

He brought up the contest story without me having to say anything first.

He saved me one step of the process that I had to go through.

“Really? I worked hard. I hope the judging goes well.”

“That’s not something I can do anything about.”

“Of course. It’s not even a contest. There won’t be any omissions or anything like that, right?”

The first internal document check is done by the product planning team itself.

After that, the first document review is done by multiple team leaders and experts in parallel.

There is less room for someone’s intervention once the judging begins.

Besides, the idea writer and team name are anonymized, so it has some discrimination power.

Yoo-hyun believed that he had enough chances to win if he just played fair without taking off the LCD business unit sticker.

He was proud that he had put in several times more effort than others in the contest.

“Of course. Don’t worry about that. Anyway, thank you. You talked well to Laura Parker.”

“Don’t mention it. Thank you for caring.”

“Me too. Please take care of me.”

“Please take care of me too.”

Yoo-hyun held out his hand that Kim Sung-deuk offered him.

This kind of moderate misunderstanding was not bad.

Thanks to that, things went smoothly.

On the other hand, there were also some disadvantages for Yoo-hyun.

Laura Parker’s sensational connection might seem useful on the surface.

But that was only when someone wanted to give something to Laura Parker somehow.

Yoo-hyun didn’t have any such ambition to make a fake line with her.

In this case, he was more likely to get jealous and envious from other people.

The protruding stone gets hit by justice.

His laughter came from behind me.

“Heh heh heh heh.”

At his mocking sound, I recalled the memories of when I was with him.

-Just follow me like this. Don’t mind the losers’ eyes. They’re useless lowlifes.

In order to line up behind him who became my boss, I abandoned the people in my team.

-I’ve devoted myself to the company, so they should give me this much. Did you think of living on your salary for your whole life? If so, I’m disappointed.

In order to get the crumbs that fell from him who had the next group leader position in front of him, I turned a blind eye to his corruption.

Lee Kyung-hoon was one of the people who stood out in my memory.

Of course, in a very bad way.

He always looked down and sneered at people like he did now.

He didn’t care about the company’s or organization’s benefits.

He only thought from his own center.

He was an extremely selfish being who held everything in his hands and ran rampant.

So there was no way he could make a proper decision.

In the end, the damage went all over to the employees.

I still think about it.

If Lee Kyung-hoon wasn’t there?

At least there wouldn’t have been any problems like falling behind the competitors due to ridiculous decisions, or projects failing because of corrupt companies, or being fired for raising a flag.

Even if my company life was messed up by Kwon Se-jung, I wouldn’t have died.

Trudge trudge.

When his laughter died down, I clenched my fist.

I’ll pay you back soon.

I won’t let it go easily.

I’m going to carve it out for sure.

Yoo-hyun’s eyes flashed.

A few days later.

Cell phone business unit product planning team office.

Kim Sung-deuk smiled as he looked at the text message on his phone.

“What are you thanking me for?”

It was a message from a new employee in LCD business unit who Laura Parker had visited before.

He thanked me for taking care of him for the contest matter.

‘Well, it’s good to buy some favor.’

He said he had no connection with Laura Parker, but he did.

There was definitely a strong connection between them.

Even though he was an employee, he was worth getting close to.


He also remembered his name clearly.

“Shall we check it out?”

Kim Sung-deuk checked the email shared by the team.

-2007 Second Half Next Generation Contest Judging List

The email contained 150 selected ideas.

It was the remaining ideas after filtering out of a total of 587 ideas.

As he checked the content, Kim Sung-deuk tilted his head.

He then asked Jung Eun-hee, who was in charge of the contest.

“Jung, is this all?”

“Yes. I’m going to report this to the team leader.”

“That’s weird. There was one from LCD business unit last time. A budget full-touch phone or something? Anyway, I don’t see it.”

“If you don’t see it, it must have been dropped.”

Kim Sung-deuk frowned at Jung Eun-hee’s words.

“Really? I remember it had a high internal score.”

“Just a moment.”

Jung Eun-hee checked the entire list and answered after seeing the check mark written in the remarks column.

“Oh, this one. Assistant Manager Nam told me to drop it.”

“Why? Look at this. The basic score is good. This should go to the judging, right?”

“Well, yes. But he said it had no business value? And the schedule didn’t match, so he said it was unrealistic and told me to take it out.”

“Why did Assistant Manager Nam...”

-It’s not even a contest. There won’t be any omissions or anything like that, right?

Kim Sung-deuk’s head flashed with Yoo-hyun’s words from LCD business unit.

Could he have predicted this and said it?

No. That can’t be.

He was the one who asked to meet first, and he was the one who brought up the contest.

There was nothing else to say.

‘Please check again.’

His eyes that seemed to plead remained like an afterimage.