Chapter 132:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 132:

Chapter 132

‘That’s one part done.’

That was the preparation for the second presentation. Now, all that was left was to make it a success.

Yoo-hyun checked the time and got up from his seat.

“I’ll be back soon.”

“Are you really going there?”

The ‘there’ that Park Seung-woo, the assistant manager, mentioned was the art club.

There were over a hundred internal clubs in Hansung Electronics.

They were meant to support the hobbies of the employees.

Among them, the place that Yoo-hyun was heading to was the art club in the Sindorim campus.

“Yes, I wanted to check it out.”

“If you want to join a club, why don’t you go to one inside the Hansung Tower? Why bother going all the way there?”

“Maybe Yoo-hyun is interested in art. The art club is only in the Sindorim campus, you know.”

It was as Lee Chan-ho said.

The art club was only in the Sindorim campus, where engineers and designers from Hansung Electronics’ mobile phone division gathered.

But that wasn’t why Yoo-hyun wanted to go there.

“What’s with the art? Ah! You’re going there to learn how to change your phone wallpaper and icons, right?”

“That’s right! Yoo-hyun is really passionate, huh?”

“Right? That’s why he’s taking his mockup with him, right? Right? Eek, you’re so clever. Hehe.”

Of course, it wasn’t to learn design either, as Park Seung-woo and Lee Chan-ho were jokingly implying.

“There’s that too.”

“Then you should go and see for yourself.”

“Learn a lot and draw something for me too. Fighting.”

His real purpose was slightly different, but what did that matter?

Yoo-hyun nodded and Park Seung-woo waved his hand as if to hurry him up.

Lee Chan-ho clenched his fist and cheered him on.

Such nice people, really.

Yoo-hyun smiled with his eyes and turned around.

Thud thud.

The wrinkles at the corners of his eyes that had folded with his smile gradually smoothed out as he walked along the corridor.

His eyes became sharper and his mouth corners dropped.

“I guess I’ve got the second presentation evaluators on my side too.”

If it was Lee Kyung-hoon, the director that Yoo-hyun knew, he would have definitely prepared something for the second presentation as well.

He was someone who never repeated the same mistake twice.

If something got in his way, he would get rid of it by any means necessary. That was his style.

Then why not just defend against it again?

No way!

He couldn’t be dragged along by someone whose intentions were clear.

Yoo-hyun planned to change the game altogether.

That was why he was moving his feet right now.

Sindorim campus 10th floor, design center idea room.

The wall painted with various colors and the striking calligraphy that caught his eye were impressive.

Various geometric shapes of sculptures were placed on the ceiling and walls.

Yoo-hyun entered a room with a very unusual structure at a glance.

It was quite a spacious place, but there weren’t many tables and chairs.

And they were all design furniture, not office furniture.

‘How unique.’

It was a place made for the designers’ idea activities, so the interior design was very experimental.

People might not know, but it was designed by an employee of the company.

Yoo-hyun came here to meet that person.

Thud thud.

As he walked a few steps in, he saw some people gathered around a table.

There were four men and one woman.

“Hello. Is this the art club by any chance?”

“What brings you here?”

A man looked Yoo-hyun up and down.

He had shaggy hair, frayed jeans hem, and mismatched colored top.

From Yoo-hyun’s experience, most designers tended to care a lot about their appearance.

But this guy wasn’t one of them.

“I came here because I like art.”

“You look like a new employee?”

“That’s rare. Not many people volunteer to come here.”

“Hehe, you must think this is a place where we just draw pictures and chat.”

The others were the same.

“Oh, president!”

The female employee from the mobile phone circuit design team, who had always been distant, smiled brightly and waved her hand.

What was going on?

“Yes, Eun-ae.”

“Come here. This guy’s face reading is amazing.”

Face reading?


Jang Hye-min put the printouts on the table and looked at the new guy with a puzzled expression.

The man in neat clothes greeted her politely.

“Hello. I’m Han Yoo-hyun.”

“Oh, you’re the one who emailed me? You said you work at Hansung Tower? You really came.”

“Yes. I really wanted to come.”

He sounded sincere in his tone.

Just as she was about to say something more, Kim Jae-joong, the chief researcher (equivalent to assistant manager), who usually didn’t talk much, cut in.

“Yoo-hyun, no, Yoo-hyun-nim, please look at me too.”

He even used the respectful suffix ‘nim’, which he usually refused to use.

And his expression?

There was no trace of his usual grumpy and cynical look.

She was so surprised by this situation that Jang Hye-min stared blankly at Yoo-hyun.

That was when it happened.

Yoo-hyun and Jang Hye-min locked eyes for a moment.

‘Long time no see, Jang Hye-min executive. No, Jang Hye-min senior researcher.’

She looked much more innocent and young than his past memories of her.

He saw her young face overlapped with the fearless face of Jang Hye-min executive.

He had many memories with her.

He felt happy for a moment too.

But he smiled with his eyes and moved his gaze to the man sitting across from him.

“Jae-joong-nim’s eyes are...”

Yoo-hyun didn’t study face reading in particular.

He just knew some terms because he had used it a few times before.

He was just making it sound good, but what he was doing now was more like observation than face reading.

“Ah...I do send money to my parents every month.”

“Yes, you have a kind nature...”

“Wow, amazing.”

He just smiled at their enthusiastic reactions.

He wasn’t happy because he got attention in this awkward atmosphere.

He was happy because he confirmed that Jang Hye-min senior researcher joined in the positive mood.

He wanted to win her over and make her move eventually.

He believed that was the fastest way to solve the tangled problem.

“President, please let him look at you too.”

“Me? Ah...”

And he knew what she wanted.

When Jang Hye-min senior researcher hesitated, he made a troubled expression.

“Actually, I came here today to learn design. I want to improve my aesthetic sense too.”


She felt her heartbeat quicken.

“I heard that the art club in Sindorim campus has great support and is good for learning art even for beginners.”


Her eyes became crescents and wrinkles formed at the corners of her eyes.

“I’m in the product planning team, so I don’t know much about art, but I feel like I need to know design for my work. I can’t learn everything today, but I want to hang out with good people and learn from them.”

“Hmm. Our club does have great support.”

Her mouth corners rose and her face turned red.

“You came to the right place. It’s hard, but you’ll definitely learn something.”

“That’s right. The support is awesome.”

“And they give us some time off during work, so we have some leisure too.”

As the people continued to talk, Jang Hye-min senior researcher’s eyes started to get bloodshot.

She seemed moved by just a few words.

‘She’s still the same.’

When Yoo-hyun slipped his hand away, Jang Hye-min senior researcher was startled and lifted her hand.

“Oh, I must have gone crazy for a moment.”

“No, it’s fine.”

Then she awkwardly picked up the printouts she had put on the table.

She tried to hold it in, but a smile leaked out of her mouth.

Her emotions were clearly shown on her face, just like before.