Chapter 135:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 135:

Chapter 135

Knock knock knock.

A knock on the door interrupted him.

“Come in.”


Speaking of the devil, the one who entered the room was Park Seung-woo, an assistant manager.

“Hehe, what’s up?”

“Sir, actually...”

He sounded like he wanted to offer him a rice cake, but all he asked was whether he could reply to an email from the design center.

“Why are you asking me that? Of course you should send it.”

“Are you sure it’s okay?”

“Yeah, yeah. We’re in the same company, aren’t we?”

After Park Seung-woo left, Jo Chan-young, Executive Director, burst into laughter.

“Haha, what a coincidence.”

The development team 4 came to him and the design center contacted him.

What if they passed the contest and made a product?

What if that product became a hit?

Becoming a group leader, which he dreamed of, might not be impossible.

Jo Chan-young indulged in his pleasant imagination.

Park Seung-woo returned to his seat with a serious expression. He hesitated for a moment and then asked Yoo-hyun.

“Don’t you think it’s too much to send everything?”

“Yes. I think you should leave out some data like the LCD panel production process.”

“Yeah, it’s not even over yet. It’s a bit weird to send internal data.”

He said that, but Park Seung-woo was honestly worried.

He judged that the contact from the design center was not because of the contest.

He concluded that it was close to simple curiosity.

It was just a coincidence that Yoo-hyun met a design team member at an art club.

Sharing data itself was burdensome.

But what the hell?

He cautiously reported it, but Jo Chan-young agreed too easily.

He didn’t understand this situation at all.

Yoo-hyun said to Park Seung-woo, who was still nervous.

“Sir, don’t worry too much. The manager gave us permission, right?”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m just wondering how to do it.”

“I heard something.”

“What is it?”

Yoo-hyun approached him and whispered. Park Seung-woo perked up his ears.

“It’s nothing. I just heard that designers don’t like complicated reports.”


Park Seung-woo showed curiosity and Yoo-hyun calmly suggested.CHeCk for new stories on no/v/el/bin(.)c0m

“Yes. Since we already sent the mockup, I think you can just show them a simple summary of one page.”

“What about the cause and effect relationship?”

“They won’t know anything about LCD panels anyway. If necessary, you can explain it yourself.”


Park Seung-woo nodded at Yoo-hyun’s words and started editing the contest report.

He was planning to organize it anyway because of the second presentation.

He thought it would be okay to simplify it this time.

Yoo-hyun smiled as he watched him.

Jo Chan-young, Park Seung-woo, and anyone else in the LCD business division.

None of them understood the meaning of Jang Hye-min’s quick move.

She didn’t just contact them for data requests.

That is, she was planning to blow it up.

She wanted to use someone in a high position and push it all at once.

Yoo-hyun knew Jang Hye-min well enough to predict that time.

It wasn’t hard to guess when she would do it.

All this was in Yoo-hyun’s plan.

-The third quarter performance report meeting of the mobile phone business division.

Yoo-hyun checked the date marked with a circle on the desk calendar and the schedule written below it.

It was now a week before the second presentation of the contest.

“Stubborn guy. Sigh.”

Yoo-hyun gave up reading the book and sat on the single sofa. He went to the fridge and took out some ice.

A few minutes later.

He put two cups of iced coffee on the table and approached Kang Jun-ki.

“Still not working?”

“I did what you said and uploaded the platform, but it doesn’t work well.”

“Cool your head and try again. Let’s have some coffee.”

Yoo-hyun finally dragged him along.

He was a friend who shared childhood memories, but they lived different lives after becoming adults.

They went to different schools, met different people, and did different things.

He thought he knew his friend’s life pretty well by having a drink with him once in a while, but he didn’t.

They just laughed and shared their past memories.

He didn’t know much about his current life.

Yoo-hyun realized that fact as he spent a few days with Kang Jun-ki.

Kang Jun-ki cautiously opened up his feelings with a slightly frustrated face.

“I saw some of my college seniors and I’m doing pretty well compared to them.”

“Yeah. You’re doing well.”

“Actually, my boss was very happy when we were selected as your company’s partner.”

“Did you ever fail?”

“No. I haven’t failed yet. I’m the youngest. But it was worth it. It’s fun in its own way.”

He was also proactive in dealing with his current life.

Yoo-hyun praised him proudly.

“Oh, Kang Jun-ki is pretty cool.”

“This outfit is not bad either, right? Better than what you picked for me.”

“You’re still out of it.”

Yoo-hyun shook his head in disbelief.

But Kang Jun-ki was persistent.

“Oh, did I tell you about So-hyun? She keeps contacting me lately. Well, I do have charm.”

“She has a unique taste too.”

Yoo-hyun drew a line appropriately.

He was worried that he didn’t know anything about dating and would get excited by just one text message and act silly.

He had already cheered up and Kang Jun-ki kept talking to himself.

“Hyun-soo seems happy these days. What’s going on? He’s usually grumpy but he laughs whenever he calls me.”

“His mother got better and his car center is doing well too.”

“No. He must be struggling inside. I have to get settled quickly and help him out.”

Kang Jun-ki showed loyalty enough to jump in for his friend’s sake.

Yoo-hyun found out that he was more positive, deeper, more naive but more affectionate than he knew.

Kang Jun-ki was such a friend.

Of course, there was no problem with that.

The trouble started again.

“Wow, but this is really amazing. Did Jae-hee really make this screen design? I thought she was just a pretty face but she had this talent.”

“That’s what I’m saying.”

Yoo-hyun smiled faintly as he looked at the coffee cup that still had some left.

Who else could talk so long over a cup of coffee that could be finished in one gulp?

He had been listening to his endless chatter for two nights and three days, and now he felt like he knew everything about his head structure.

Kang Jun-ki still seemed to have a lot to say.

“By the way, do you know that? Jun-seok likes Jae-hee.”

“Really? What does Jun-seok lack?”

“Just a thought. He gets angry whenever I call Jae-hee a pretty face. I’m just saying, just in case, what would you do if he likes Jae-hee?”

“I don’t know.”

Friend and sister?

He had never thought about it.

But it would be better than the jerk ex-husband, right?

‘By the way, did that girl meet him? She hasn’t contacted me.’

He warned her, but she was a stubborn sister who didn’t listen.

He thought he should check on her again.

“Just a word. Anyway, Jae-hee is lucky. The Hanseong Electronics design team is interested in her too. Is she going to work there?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think that’s something to be happy about.”

Yoo-hyun smiled meaningfully and emptied his coffee cup.