Chapter 146:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 146:

Chapter 146

The mobile group leader was in a dire situation.

He had given a strong order to meet the product deadline no matter what.

The product development staff had no choice but to follow his vague instructions.

In other words, the meeting was supposed to be easy.

Yoo-hyun nodded and said.

“Thank you. I think I get the gist of it.”

-As expected, you are the best.

“What do you mean by best? Okay. Let’s start soon. And let’s talk separately after it’s over.”

-Yes. Good luck.

Yoo-hyun smiled at the energetic Jeonghyunwoo.

As he prepared for the meeting, he found some small joys.

The fun of meeting familiar people in unexpected places.

It was amazing.

He used to find his colleagues annoying, but now he felt very glad to see them.

Just as he had that thought, some people came in through the door.

They were Min Jeonghyuk from the sales team and Kwon Sejung from the marketing team.

“I knew you would be here first.”

“Isn’t this the first time we all gathered for an official meeting? Yoo-hyun, here.”

The two spoke at the same time, but Yoo-hyun was calm.

“Thank you. How did you manage to attend?”

Yoo-hyun asked as he took the coffee they handed him. Kwon Sejung answered as if he had been waiting.

“It’s a hot issue these days. So I got invited too, you know.”

“Our team was turned upside down and we all got involved.”

Min Jeonghyuk’s voice followed.

The truth was, the full-touch panel was not in the sales team’s plan at all.

Without going into details, the mobile business division had rushed like crazy and made the decision.

As a result, the sales team’s situation was ignored and the product was confirmed to be made.

The sales team, who always led the work, was not happy, but they had no choice.

The best they could hope for was that the product planning team would do a good job.

Was that why?

Min Jeonghyuk was especially worried about Yoo-hyun.

“Yoo-hyun, don’t be too disappointed even if the meeting atmosphere is not good. Our team seniors are very stubborn. It’s not going to be easy.”

“I’m prepared for that.”

But for some reason, Yoo-hyun was only smiling. That made Min Jeonghyuk more worried and he added.

“It’s no joke...”

“This too shall pass.”

Yoo-hyun brushed it off with a cliché.

Still, Min Jeonghyuk, who had been around the sales team, showed his concern.

No matter how capable Yoo-hyun was, he would not be in his right mind after being grilled by the sales team seniors.

And it was a meeting where the scary development team staff were also attending.

No one would welcome this panel that messed up the schedule.

The presenter, Park Seungwoo, would have been fine if he had some skills, but he didn’t.

He didn’t even have any experience with a proper product.

Min Jeonghyuk thought he already saw the end of this meeting.

He thought so until the meeting room was filled with people.

Finally, the meeting began.

At that moment, Min Jeonghyuk realized that his thought was wrong.

The atmosphere went in a completely unexpected direction.

Everyone went along positively as if they had made a promise.

-Park, don’t worry about the development schedule. We’ll put all our staff in by the weekend. The third team has given us an urgent line. Right, Lee senior?

-Yeah, that’s right. Park, you know you have to take out the HP stuff and do this first, right?

“Yes. Thank you very much.”

Park Seungwoo’s mouth reached his ears.

The product first and third team people, who should have been angry at this situation, were smiling.

Anyone could see that they were being considerate of Park Seungwoo, who was in charge of the meeting.

Was that why?

There was a warm atmosphere in the meeting room.

“Haha, Park is doing a great job. He should have been in charge of the mobile business division project instead of Shin manager.”

“What ability do I have?”

The senior who cursed Park Seungwoo in the morning meeting praised him instead.

“Hey, don’t be modest. I thought your idea for the contest was good.”

“Thank you.”

“Ah... The video system microphone was on beforehand?”

-Wow, Cheon manager speaks so bluntly. He’s going to kill someone.

Cheon Jonghyun, the sales team manager, was furious as soon as he entered the meeting room.

He didn’t expect the video system microphone to be on and he scolded Park Seungwoo.

The price was harsh.

He got scolded by the product development team leader who attended the meeting.

After that, there was hardly any chatter in the meeting room.

“Yes. Of course, the atmosphere would be heavy since the product staff were all connected.”

“That’s true. But why were they so polite?”

“Maybe it was because of the apology Park made at the beginning of the meeting?”

Kwon Sejung answered Min Jeonghyuk’s question.

He had a good eye for things, as he felt last time.

“Park? What was it... Ah. He mentioned the vice president. Yoo-hyun, is that why?”

“Yes. Probably.”

-I’m sorry, but I had no choice because of the vice president’s urgent order. I know you’re busy, but I’ll repay you if you help me.

Park Seungwoo bowed 90 degrees in front of everyone and apologized politely before starting the meeting.

It was his own way of easing the tense atmosphere.

The product staff, who had already received special training from the group leader, had more authority added to them by the word ‘vice president’.

It was just one word, but it was a word that made their hearts sink.

Yoo-hyun would have chosen a different way, but this was Park Seungwoo’s style.

He put his strength into a simple apology.

That was enough.

He had grown enough to take the center of this meeting.

Min Jeonghyuk tilted his head and asked cautiously.

“Yeah, that makes sense. But why didn’t they tackle you when you wrote the minutes? Usually, they don’t do that.”

“Right, brother. They even used honorifics to Yoo-hyun.”

Hearing their conversation, Yoo-hyun smiled and answered.

“Do you remember what I said when I showed the minutes?”

“Ah... Did you say that the minutes would go up to the mobile business division?”

“Yes. That’s right. The mobile business division actually requested it too.”

The fact that the minutes went up to the mobile business division meant that the group leader and the business director checked the content.

In other words, this one sheet of content became the official document of the business division.

It was a sensitive place to divide the official work.

That was why they used honorifics.

Min Jeonghyuk still looked unconvinced.

“Then shouldn’t they argue more? It’s not good if the wrong name goes up.”

“That’s why I paid attention. Like...”

The minutes that Yoo-hyun showed already had some conclusions.

The work was distributed appropriately by the development departments, and their achievements were summarized at once.

He was considerate of them so that they could get rewarded for their work.

It was a content written to match the level of the group leader, so they couldn’t tackle it even if they wanted to.

Min Jeonghyuk and Kwon Sejung stuck out their tongues at Yoo-hyun’s words.

“How do you pay attention to that? My head was blank when I wrote the minutes...”

“I wrote some of it before I came in.”

“How did you do that?”

“I knew all the departments that were coming in, so I prepared the action item items for each team.”

It was like studying beforehand.

Of course, it was possible to do this level because Yoo-hyun had the whole situation in his head.

Min Jeonghyuk opened his mouth in astonishment.

“Wow, do you have to do that much?”

“Yes. It helps a lot if you think ahead and come in.”

“I’m sick of it.”

“If you set the direction beforehand, you can also control the meeting atmosphere.”

“That makes sense. You’re amazing.”

The advantage was that he could lead the meeting as he wanted.

Depending on the situation, he could change the order of the meeting organically, and he could also distribute the priorities according to his direction.

Yoo-hyun smiled and finished.

“They say that if you do this, you can cover the whole meeting later.”


“My senior.”


Yoo-hyun wanted to help his colleague who was always struggling alone without any advice from his mentor.

But Min Jeonghyuk looked too complicated.