Chapter 170:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 170:

Chapter 170

The two people’s expressions, which had been bright for a moment, gradually hardened as time passed.

-I’ve thought about it, and I think we should just stay as good friends. Enjoy the buffet with someone else who’s nice.

It was a particularly cold day.

The cigarette pack that Deputy Park Seung-woo had been full of became empty in one sitting.

Deputy Park Seung-woo and Yoo-hyun just looked up at the sky.

The sky was very clear.

When Yoo-hyun returned to his seat, the surroundings were very noisy.

People were gathered around Deputy Kim Young-gil’s seat, and in the center was Deputy Manager Kim Hyun-min.

“...Really, that’s true.”


“So, you see, Deputy Kim...”

They were engrossed in gossip like a quack doctor, and even the other part members joined in.


Soon, laughter erupted everywhere.

Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan, who couldn’t stand it, came over and yelled.

“Deputy Manager Kim, why are you making such a fuss since earlier?”

“Team Leader, Deputy Kim has a girlfriend. And she’s a foreigner. Isn’t that big news? Hehe.”

Deputy Manager Kim Hyun-min laughed and took Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan’s words, and the team members scattered with a sense of the situation.

They expected trouble to happen soon.

As expected, Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan exploded with anger.

“Are you kidding me? Why are you talking about dating at work? Is this a playground?”

“Hey, how can you date at a playground? Deputy Kim, did you meet Eileen at the playground too?”


Deputy Kim Young-gil, who was watching the situation, answered, and Deputy Manager Kim Hyun-min quickly bowed his head.

“Oh, really? I’m sorry, Team Leader. I didn’t know that.”

“This is really unbelievable.”

This time, Deputy Manager Kim Hyun-min crossed the line a little.

Yoo-hyun tried to step in, but it was an awkward situation to do so.

He knew that too, so he stopped right there.

“I was too excited. I’m sorry.”


“I’ll be careful from now on.”

But Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan was not going to back down.

He whipped up a fire with a rough scolding.

His eyes were even bloodshot.

“Deputy Manager Kim, I really didn’t want to say this, but you...”

This was enough for more than 10 minutes of nagging.

“Are you trying to kill someone?”

A hoarse voice came in.

Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan’s fire died down like a lie.

“...Sir, Director.”

At the same time, the people who were standing up turned their bodies and greeted him.


“Hehe. Yeah.”

Director Jo Chan-young, who had greeted them, stood in front of Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan.

“Team Leader Oh, aren’t you too sensitive?”

“Well, Deputy Manager Kim...”

“Come on, it’s the end of the year. You should know how to loosen up a bit. Deputy Manager Kim is good at managing that aspect, right?”

His attitude changed 180 degrees from when he used to scold Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan and him together.

He suddenly sided with Deputy Manager Kim Hyun-min.

Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan felt dizzy and bowed his head.

“Director, I’m sorry.”

Deputy Manager Kim Hyun-min, who was next to him, rubbed Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan’s wound.

“Hey, Team Leader, you don’t have to be sorry. It’s Deputy Kim Young-gil’s fault for dating.”

“Hehe. Deputy Manager Kim, you’re witty. That’s why the 3rd part has such a good atmosphere.”

Despite that, Director Jo Chan-young seemed to be in a good mood.

He even praised Deputy Manager Kim Hyun-min, who was full of mischief.

That’s when it happened.

Director Jo Chan-young turned his body and spread his arms wide.

Deputy Park Seung-woo, who was walking over, flinched and bowed his head.

“Oh, there’s Deputy Park too. Our hero of victory.”

“Th, thank you, Director.”

“Hahaha. The Product Planning Team is great. You’re doing well.”

He hugged Deputy Park Seung-woo hard, and then laughed heartily and disappeared.

The people who were gathered looked at Team Leader Oh Jae-hwan with rolling eyes.

In a situation where Director Jo Chan-young praised the team, his only choice was to compromise.

“Anyway, let’s do well.”

“Yes. I’ll be careful. I’m sorry, Team Leader.”


Yoo-hyun asked casually, and Deputy Chief Choi Min-hee looked around and whispered.

“You know about the HPDA3 yield problem, right? He had a hard time at the Ulsan factory because of that.”

“He’s not an engineer, is he?”

Yoo-hyun pretended not to know, and Deputy Park Seung-woo answered.

Deputy Chief Choi Min-hee agreed with him.

“I used to go down there every day to speed up the schedule, but what. Deputy Shin must have done the same.”

“Deputy Park is right. Deputy Shin must have been frustrated. He had to produce results, but no one was moving.”

“Is it still not fixed?”

“Come here.”

Deputy Chief Choi Min-hee gestured as she answered Yoo-hyun’s question.

She leaned her upper body, and Yoo-hyun and Deputy Park Seung-woo, who pulled their chairs closer, perked up their ears.

“They have to do a product event, but everyone is going crazy for color phones. The line is full and totally delayed.”

“Then what?”

Deputy Chief Choi Min-hee turned her answer to Deputy Park Seung-woo.

“What do you think Deputy Park would have done?”

“I would have tried my best.”

“Right. Deputy Park is very passionate. Deputy Shin wasn’t like that, you know? But this time, he ran around even at dawn. Did he get some late passion?”

Deputy Chief Choi Min-hee said, tilting her head slightly as if she didn’t understand.

Yoo-hyun knew the reason.

‘The MBA who made a deal with the director must have been on his mind.’

But this was also a thing of the past.

He was sure that he had lost it.

Not only the water, but also the MBA was likely to be taken away by Deputy Park Seung-woo.

Yoo-hyun looked at Deputy Park Seung-woo, who was focused, without knowing anything.

Deputy Chief Choi Min-hee continued.

“Well, the funny thing is, HP reduced the volume a lot while he was barely making it. They also postponed the schedule.”

“I don’t remember hearing that before.”

Deputy Park Seung-woo looked puzzled, and Deputy Chief Choi Min-hee asked in surprise.

“You didn’t hear it even though you’re the person in charge?”


“Well. Deputy Park was busy. Everyone was whispering, so I barely heard it. They said there was a problem with their product. What was it...”

Yoo-hyun finished the sentence.

“It must be because of the ODD (1.5-inch optical disk drive).”

“Oh? That sounds right. How did you know, Yoo-hyun?”

“I saw it on the news. They also said there was a problem with the OS.”

“Oh, of course. Who’s your mentor?”

Deputy Park Seung-woo pointed to Yoo-hyun with his hand, and then pointed to himself.

It was a sign that Yoo-hyun was his mentee.

Deputy Chief Choi Min-hee ignored him lightly and said.

“Anyway, he worked so hard, but the schedule fell behind. What can he do? He has nothing to do. And it was the performance evaluation season then.”

“When we went to Germany, right?”

Deputy Chief Choi Min-hee answered Yoo-hyun’s question and looked at Deputy Park Seung-woo.

“Yeah. His evaluation might be low. Well, Deputy Park’s will be good.”

“No, it won’t.”

Deputy Park Seung-woo quickly humbled himself, and Deputy Chief Choi Min-hee shook her head.

“No. Deputy Park did well. Besides the contest prize, he might get another prize from the group.”

“We did it together.”

“But the main one was Deputy Park. You did well.”

“Geez... I didn’t do anything...”

Deputy Park Seung-woo looked at Yoo-hyun and scratched the back of his head.

He felt embarrassed no matter how he thought about it.

The color phones were so interesting to the vice president that the development departments took care of everything.

The group leader led the project himself, so there was nothing to worry about.

Still, he got all the praise and rewards.

Things went too well.

‘That’s right.’

Yoo-hyun looked at Deputy Park Seung-woo with a faint smile.

That’s why Deputy Shin Chan-yong and Deputy Park Seung-woo’s positions had completely changed.

Deputy Chief Choi Min-hee tapped Deputy Park Seung-woo’s shoulder.

“You did well, Deputy Park.”

“Thank you.”

“But don’t get too drunk.”

“Drunk? I haven’t touched a drink lately.”

Deputy Park Seung-woo waved his hand with round eyes. Deputy Chief Choi Min-hee said with a very serious look.

“Then you were sober when you saw the blind date like that?”

“...Deputy Chief.”

While the two were bickering, Yoo-hyun got up from his seat.

He saw Deputy Shin Chan-yong’s desk, which was messed up.